Seizing Bank Accounts 2.0

Blacklocks- $42M In 14 Days Or Else: Feds

The Agency on June 25 then issued a Requirement To Pay notice to the Province’s account holders, the Royal Bank of Canada. The Agency claims Saskatchewan now owes a total $55,592,632 in carbon taxes plus $237,140 interest.

“They started with the threats,” Attorney General Eyre said in a statement. The federal cabinet was “threatening us again with their favourite move when someone disagrees with them,” she said.

“They are sending the Canada Revenue Agency after the Province’s bank accounts,” said Eyre. “That is what they are doing.”

Update, by Kate:

The Saskatchewan Party says its application for a court injunction to stop the Canada Revenue Agency from collecting the federal carbon tax from the province has succeeded.

“The court ruled in our favour, blocking the federal government from unconstitutionally garnishing money, pending the full hearing and determination of the continuation of the injunction by the Federal Court,” Bronwyn Eyre, the provincial justice minister and attorney general said Monday.

Eyre said garnishing a provincial bank account violates Section 126 of Canada’s constitution. The issue will now go a full hearing.

That’s the Saskatchewan Government, you tools.

86 Replies to “Seizing Bank Accounts 2.0”

  1. $55.5+ million “owed” to the federal government. Money taken directly out of the people of Saskatchewan’s wallets. But this doesn’t make life harder, according to the federal government.

    1. The real travesty is that this is the same Trudeau Liberal-NDP government that allowed Chinese government scientists to infiltrate the Winnipeg biosecurity lab, allowed Chinese police stations to operate in Canada, welcomed election interference by foreign governments, is protecting Liberal MPs who Canadian Intel knows are working with foreign governments and ignores foreign money laundering through Canadian banks…

      …but that same Trudeau Liberal-NDP government will go nuclear on a Canadian province and citizens who simply want equal carbon tax relief that was given to Atlantic Canada. The federal government’s hatred of the prairie provinces while simultaneously embracing foreign governments really shows who they’re working for and it is not Canadians.

      1. Because control and rationing of hydrocarbons is the foundational brick in their plans to subjugate humanity.

        Without this, the plan won’t work.

        That’s why it needs to be made illegal at the provincial level to track individual “carbon” usage.

        1. It’s probably easier to take the province out of Canada than to get the Canadian government out of the province’s jurisdiction. Canada simply doesn’t work very well. Terrible in many ways : the 1982 Trudeau constitution, the charter of rights which doesn’t really protect rights, a supreme court that bizarrely interprets laws based on their own political biases, the power of the prime minister who unilaterally appoints judges, senators, the governor general, the Bank of Canada president, the head of the rcmp commissioners, pays off the media to get compliance, signs nomination papers for political candidates, etc.

          Canada is set up to easily descend into a banana republic because the prime minister controls everything that matters. The “Benign Dictatorship” of prime minister power is quite malignant under the Trudeau Liberal-NDP government. Canada’s political structure and foundation was built to allow rot and corruption.

          1. Thanks. It’s a sad situation for a country and provinces that have such potential for economic greatness. I’ve given up on the demented dominion of Canada. Our escape from Canada will be in the next 24 months.

          2. We feel the same way and are looking at all options but are planning to leave. I just see no hope for Canada, Trudo has rigged the game. Even if PP gets in and tries to change all that is wrong, the deep state and liberal judiciary will fight him all the way.

  2. What if the fine people of Saskatchewan failed to file their Federal income taxes, or they filed but the provincial government took their money in trust while they work this out with the Feds?

  3. Time to stop all and any money going from Sask. to the corrupt left coalition! Trudeau do you see how badly broken Canada is? Time to use the Clarity act and leave this shit show!

    1. The Clarity Act gives the rest of Canada (and Ontario/Quebec’s “Supreme Court of Canada”) the right to vote on SK’s future, while a simple referendum, and declaration is all that’s truly required, sure it’s in defiance of old Canada’s decisions but isn’t that the point?
      When any other countries start to recognise SK’s right to self determination, it’s over.

      Especially if the USA recognises SK independence while the idiot is the PM, someone ought to remind the USA’s next President how much uranium, potash, and oil/gas/coal Sask has just sitting there waiting to be scooped up.

      Danielle Smith in AB could be convinced, and time the referendum for late January 2025…
      You’ll know tier 2 Canada’s feds are taking it seriously when they fly the 50 year old FA/18’s out of Cold Lake to Winnipeg for “maintenance” all at once.

      1. Anything that allows Sask to be on our own ! UDI are not possible I was told by some Lawyer friends where the clarity act does not need other provinces input! Apparently you need a vote by the said province and to change the constitution you need that vote to be 50% plus 1! But no one apparently knows the meaning of the 1!!

    2. The budget has risen from $250 billion under PM Harper to $500 billion under Trudeau so additional revenue is required. Liberals don’t become millionaires by themselves you know.

  4. Two things that you can count on:
    1 – Governments constantly raise, and continue to introduce new taxes.
    2 – Taxes cause revolutions.

  5. I’d up the stakes on this game – Saskatchewan should remove the carbon tax from saskpower bills, too. The Trudeau Liberal-NDP government will be gone in just over a year and so will the carbon tax…why not push the issue to the max? The Trudeau government is weak and the carbon tax is hated by the majority of Canadians.

    The Trudeau paid media are keeping this newest affront to national unity quiet so the Saskatchewan government needs to do something that the Trudeau compliant media can’t ignore. Remember when Premier Danny Williams took down all Canadian flags from provincial government buildings to protest Liberal Prime Minister Paul Martin. Sometimes small population provinces have to make big symbolic moves against federal government over-reach.

    “Premier Danny Williams ordered the flags taken down on Thursday, in retaliation for an offer from the federal government on offshore royalties that he called a “slap in the face.”

    1. Or Sask and Alberta could also quit playing footsie with the issue – 2030 targets are unreasonable but 2050 ok! – and simply call out ‘climate change” for the fraud it is, was and always will be.

      And that would be a remarkably easy argument to win.

      1. I agree. Playing along with the charade makes little sense to me. There’s something about the Canadian character (politicians and citizens), a fear of confrontation that holds Canadians back from being completely honest. Even when honesty is the only path to truth.

    2. I believe carbon tax on electric home heating is already exempted by SaskPower.

      1. I think you’re right. The carbon tax was eliminated from Saskenergy entirely and then from Saskpower on electricity heated homes a bit later. But, the carbon tax is still being charged the rest of the Saskpower bill.

        1. If Moe is trying to put a spotlight on the double standard of Trudeau and Guilbeault regarding easterners, carbon tax and home heating he’ll have to closely match what’s happening down east. I don’t agree with Moe on several matters but the execution on this so far is excellent in my opinion.

  6. Don’t worry. I’m sure RBC will tell turdo to eff off. Just like it did when turdo told it to seize our accounts.

    Remember? No, eh….

    1. RBC CEO Dave McKay said of truckers and freedom supporters “if we listed them as terrorists we could move fast”

      Maybe that’s what Freeland will do, list SK as a terrorist organization.

      1. An RBC investment advisor reached out a few months ago in an effort to have us move assets to them. I recounted RBC’s misdeeds in 2022, our subsequent abandonment of RBC and encouraged RBC to repent. Never heard back.

        1. Yup. Same thing happened with our family. And we pulled investments out of Caisse too.

  7. Or else what? Soldiers in the streets? With guns? The feds gonna send the Mounties after democratically elected representatives? Trample them with horses, freeze their bank accounts?

    I can’t help but fantasize about what other taxes could become “optional” if enough people realize how badly we are being fleeced by these grifters in Ottawa. (And Edmonton and Regina for that matter)

  8. Is it time to shut down all of the federal government offices in the province, maybe?
    This move by the feds could spread!
    Could get real interesting…

  9. It is time for the ROC to be treated like the spoiled child Quebec. The west should send a message to Trudeau to pound salt. Doug Ford has yet to find his backbone to confront Trudeau

  10. Hey Canadian Cousins in Saskatchewan, Alberta, and BC:

    The U.S. would love to have you. Just so long as you don’t vote for woke or progressive nonsense. We’ll even take Yukon.

    1. Trust me GREY….even as a Cdn Vet, I’d Vote for that in a Flippin Instant.
      Amendments 1, 2A among others.??….oh yea..!

      I’m not alone…

    2. You don’t want the lower mainland of BC. That’s like Oregon or Washington. The Interior would be good. You can then round up those draft dodgers. /s

      1. Hey, I get it. We’re not wild about the Left Coast here, either.

        I’d be willing to take southern BC just so we can rescue the rest of you decent folks.

        Maybe we can just portion off some of the Left Coast into a new country… They can have a big CHAZ.

  11. That chubby, ugly, unwanted, troll, Chrystia Freeland needs to have her bank account seized. Immediately. And all her credit cards cancelled, and she should be arrested for crimes against humanity.

    1. “Short, fat and stupid is the Liberal way to go through life.” — Dean Wormer

      1. … nothing will.
        And it won’t.
        We don’t have the people to pull off a Wexit.

        This is the basis for my friendly exchanges with Jamie.
        We don’t have the people, or the desperate condition of Argentina to make such a radical change palatable. Some day we may if PP does not carefully and incrementally turn the ship of state around. Let’s never forget that Trudeau acted brilliantly, politically speaking. And he masterfully used incrementalism to make Canada no longer recognizable to real Canadians.

        1. “We don’t have the people, or the desperate condition of Argentina to make such a radical change palatable. Some day we may if PP does not carefully and incrementally turn the ship of state around”

          Yes. Wexit is a pipe dream because Calgary and Edmonton are no different than Trawna or Ottawa; they are chock full of helpless and useless socialists who want their arses wiped…something all Parties have been tripping over each other to do.

          1. {sigh} Why did I ever come out here? Policies by local and provincial governments are just as nutty as they are back east.

  12. BTW, I will NEVER forget nor forgive Freeland’s glee when she announced that she will block people’s bank accounts during Freedom Convoy. All the top-Libranos from that time + Jagmeet + Doug Ford should be in jail right now for what they did.

    1. Dan – I think you’re referring to the same video clip I saw wherein Trudeau junior announced his draconian measures against the financial supporters of the truckers’ convoy. In it Freeland was seated in the background, clearly writhing in near orgasmic ecstasy as JT read his speech. Indelibly etched in my memory, now wishing I’d recorded it .

  13. Canada’s banks cannot be trusted because they allow the Feds can swoop in at any time and empty your account. That was the lesson of the Freedom Convoy.

    1. Yeah, I wonder if Alberta and Saskatchewan governments can use US banks instead of Canadian banks -Or- perhaps use credit unions since they are regulated by the province.

      1. Credit unions are provincial but as we saw with the illegal invocation of the War Measures, feds have control over money laundering, terror, etc. but it will be fed courts that order the credit unions to comply and they will comply.

        1. The Credit Unions will do worse than grudgingly comply. Credit Unions are mostly run by leftists supporting leftist causes. The Assiniboine Credit Union pulled staff off regular duties and set them to tracking and monitoring the behaviour of their clients on social media and giving any suspicious information to the RCMP. Credit Unions are not our friends.

  14. Saskatchewan has to pay up! The Liberals have to pay all those thousands of civil servants they hired for GNP figure manipulation and voting purposes.

  15. Come and get it Justin. Spend some of that carbon cash and hop on a plane to Regina. Oh, you’re too busy whoring after a UN job? Send Christia. Oh, she’s too busy jacking up taxes? Maybe Guilbeault could come and collect the dough. What’s that? He’s too busy not building roads. There’s always climate czar Catherine Stewart. But I guess she’s in some $623 a night hotel room as she jets around the world telling us not to drive or heat our homes with oil. Her travel budget of $254,000 would at least chip away at Saskatchewan’s “climate debt”.

  16. Blackie will get his new feminist military chief of staff to send in the new transgender army.

  17. Separation is the way forward.

    Note: banks in tier 2 Canada are under federal jurisdiction… think about that next time the argument is brought up for provincial income tax collection, provincial policing, provincial pension plans, provincial E.I., provincial this or that.. one step at at time is the way forward, then, a referendum on the entire buffet…

    1. Probably more farmers with guns retrieved from ponds than the feds could muster troops with purses.

    2. Perfect, let the world see how the tier 2 gov’t of Canada sends in the troops to extract their tax funds.

      It’ll be like tier 2 Canada’s version of sending America’s President Donald J. Trump to prison for making an accounting error while ignoring the entirety of the Democrats grotesque criminal acts.

      #bringiton and Premier Moe / Premier Smith can schedule separation referendums for 2 weeks after that event.

      The crappy manner in which tier 2 Canada’s gov’t treats their military will be coming home to roost!

  18. The real show could be between Saskatchewan and RBC. “If you let them touch our money without a fight, watch and see what happens to your accounts in this Province.”

    1. RBC used to be the largest land holder in SK. There are means via foreclosure laws, property taxes, etc. that provinces can impact banks. RBC will follow whatever a court orders.

      1. I’m betting they’ll follow what turdo asks for… again. But my point was this: with RBC in the middle, Saskatchewan has considerable potential leverage against turdo here. Whether it would want to use it is another matter entirely.

  19. It’s a fine day for a constitutional crisis. We trust the fine SK govt will up the ante and suggest the Feds shove off.

  20. If SK were serious, they would:
    1. Make a provincial bank, and
    2. Raise a provincial militia and arm her citizens.

    As we all know this ain’t gonna happen, I can safely say that this is Kabuki, and when the feds seize the money, SK will just shrug and say “we tried.”

    1. Depressingly true … for many.
      But not for me. I avoid depression by not living in hope — the remotest forms of hope like Wexit.

  21. Since the Liberal government claims that carbon tax refunds are more than the carbon tax itself, what is their problem? Saskatchewan is saving the feds money.

  22. The west has bern treated as a Laurentian colony since at least the 1830s. The time to have seceded was in the 1870s when it became clear what The Manitoba Act actually meant; government from Ottawa and perpetual servitude.

  23. If Alberta and Saskatchewan and part of Manitoba and a part of British Columbia (to the coast),were to join together and seperate from Canada and become its own,new nation ,it would be the richest country in the world.
    They could create their own Constitution which would strictly prohibit left-wing people and left wing ideology from its country.
    It would make Norway look like Haiti in comparison. They would have to build a 30 ft wall all the way around the country to keep the rest of Canadians that vote liberal, NDP, and watermelon out.

    1. If we had some ham, we could have a ham sandwich, if we had some bread.

  24. This brings all Gang Green’s lies,about “Revenue Neutral Taxation into the spotlight.
    If Dear Leader and his circus of sycophants had been telling us the truth,then why for do they demand $55 million?
    Which is chump change when compared to what they have been wasting and borrowing.
    Revenue Neutral means the tax payers must cough up 55 million more?
    As noted ,that is only 5 Omar Kadre’s.
    Contrary to some others here,I believe Separation and a new Western Country are unavoidable.
    We simply cannot pay the bill that eastern Canada is handing us.
    Having received no goods or services from that borrowing,why are we being held responsible for the debt?

    This is why Cann Ahh Duh is doomed.
    The Free Stuff Army Debt is no different than going to your local pub,putting up with a large noisy party at the next table all night and then being handed their bill and being told that you owe it.

    As long as we take this abuse.
    It will continue.
    After all no parasite voluntarily lets go.

    1. LOL.
      As AB can’t even secure a water supply for Calgary, what makes you think WEXIT is even remotely possible?

        1. The City council is composed of…Albertans, as are the people who voted them in.

  25. ” $55,592,632 in carbon taxes plus $237,140 interest.”

    Adding injury to insult.

  26. There was a push a few years ago by Quebec to collect all federal taxes in the province and the province would remit them to the feds. It is time for all provinces to do that. The federal government must be starved as its overtaxation of Canadians leads to all kinds of federal government interference in provincial jurisdiction.

    1. 1,000% agree I’d go even further, 10% tax on all income, 10% consumption tax on purchases, all to be submitted to the community where said person or business is located. They in turn pass 10% to the province who in turn passes 10% to the feds.

      No need for CRA largess because it’s simple.

      Keeps money where services are rendered and starves the feds.

      Could go on, E.I should be an incorporated mutual insurance company, where the mandate is to make zero profit and charge accordingly for their benefits rendered based an years employment etc

      1. But if EI was no longer a ledger entry in the General Revenue fund, how would liberals be able to raid it every time they screwed up?

      2. Only way to go.
        Stand the existing tax scheme on its head.
        And move accountability back where we can reach them.
        The current system is kleptocracy.
        And we cannot reach the bandits.
        No graft to government should ever exceed 10%.
        And even that is far too generous.
