7 Replies to “The Radical Elites Panic Over EU Election Results”

  1. Is Europe turning Far Right? No.

    Europeans are shifting to the Right because they’ve been dragged to the brink of cultural suicide by the Globalist Left. They’re shifting to the right, but probably center-right.

    1. Anyone two steps to the right of Stalin or Mao is considered “far right” nowadays.

      1. I’m surprised that this “academic” so clumsily defined why the left use the term “far right”. He gave a long dissertation about “associations” with Neo-Natzi groups and so the populist … nay, Nationalist voters are termed “far right”.

        That’s utter nonsense. The mainstream conservative Nationalists are called “far right” because it is a smear. A frightening label affixed to denigrate this bloc of candidates and voters. Nothing more. “Far Right” is simply an invective thrown at conservatives to make them sound scary and unacceptable. Period.

  2. The Greens don’t seem to have done very well across Europe. What gives?

  3. It is a good discussion. Goodwin did offer a nuanced dissection of the “far right”, another label our betters have made meaningless. I also watched Rory Stewart on Triggernometry.
    He made one or two good points about how government can’t get out of its own way and accomplish anything worthwhile because the primary mission is burdened by all kinds of tangential missions and ideologies (some good some useless).
    In addition Rory Stewart, falls back on passe tropes, and is not at all discerning in his description of the “far right”.
