66 Replies to “July 9, 2024: Reader Tips”

    1. from the link:

      dangled a toddler by one leg and the DROPPED them head first from the 2nd floor.
      this GARBAGE needs to be put away for TWENTY GODAM YEARS
      jeezuz jeezuz jeezuz WHAT prompts someone to DO something like this?
      ‘ah he wuz drunk dont no neber mynd he be sober tomorrow yada yada’
      l hope some time during his incarceration he gets that prison ‘shiv’ right in the chest bullseye right in the heart dead dead dead dead

  1. “Panicking French elite bombard their wealth managers with enquiries about relocating to Italy and Switzerland amid growing outrage over victorious hard-left’s plans for 90% tax on rich and huge spending increases.”


    “Gregory Soudjoukdjian, a Parisian wealth adviser, told the FT following Macron’s election call: ‘I’m not sure I’ve had this many calls since the start of my career… our high-end clientele are asking themselves a lot of questions.”

    Go France!

  2. Safe drug site had to close down to install a ventilation system to keep volunteers from inhaling noxious drugs.


    “Investigations never pinpointed exactly what substance was responsible for the wave of sickness that hit staff, according to Stewart. But she has some ideas. One is the steep rise in the volume of patients over the past five years. In 2019, when the centre opened, it saw about 1,600 visits. In the 10 months before it closed in February, there were more than 10 times that number, close to 18,000 visits.”

    They think they are helping. I think they are promoting drug use.

    1. “One is the steep rise in the volume of patients ”

      “Patients”? Please…drug addiction is not a ‘disease’ and you are not a ‘treatment center’ or hospital.

      Ask all the people living in the area how much they enjoy your presence.

    2. “Investigations never pinpointed exactly what substance”

      yo schientisht imbestigators: its called a SPECTROMETER.
      shine a type of light on a sample and match the absorption lines with know substances (lots of THEM) and voila.
      lve known a bout the machine for 50 years. wtf the problemo????

      1. I thought “spectrometer” meant “speculative trope meter”, ie, identifies the proportion of cliche bullshit?

        1. @Reader – “…all doctors and entrepreneurs!”

          They are. They just need some extra pocket money until their DEI medical applications get approved.

      1. That and intimidating us “old stock Canadians”.

        I don’t know why Nadine Yousif of BBC News, Toronto, wrote that whole column.

        She could have answered her headline question, in one word: “immigration”.

  3. The CEO and director of DRI Healthcare has been abruptly fired; the CFO suspended with pay:

    Seems like the company’s CEO — one Behzad Khosrowshahi — got his hand caught in the cookie jar. It seemed that he redirected some $7-million from the company’s coffers for personal use. DRI’s share price was down 30 percent yesterday. Authorities will not press charges, out of fear of hurting Khosrowshahi’s sensitive feelings.

  4. The parliamentary budget officer this morning states that Canada’s military spending has been overstated:

    Spending as a share of GDP will peak at 1.49% next fiscal year and will decline to 1.42% by 2030. Minister Bill Blair, our man on top of the situation, disagrees with these estimates.

    Justhin standing on guard for us.

  5. Revolver.news had this great article on how black people are destroying Carnival Cruise Lines.

    It’s a great cruise line to go on if you want to watch random fights just break out. Someone on zerohedge on a Chicago thread points out the Second Amendment was written with the assumption that people actually would always have impulse control. That made me laugh.


    1. “Revolver.news had this great article on how black people are destroying Carnival Cruise Lines. ”

      I watched that a couple of days ago, I think. The one I saw started with that incident then branched off to other similar mass brawls in airports, restaurants, shopping malls and Disneyland. One common denominator: all Blacks (and mostly women, oddly). No one can say that this isn’t a legitimate problem….it is.

      1. And teen blacks pretty much can destroy a mall just by making the white women feel uncomfortable and unsafe. Liberal as those women may be.

        I was in Columbus and there was a mall around the hilltop that was dying. I was there a few times. Didn’t feel safe. Didn’t like leaving my car there.

        Compare that to South Korea. Teens everywhere. Not a problem. Welcome customers. I was at a small eatery very late after teaching school. Bunch of girls there. Very friendly. I bought them a small treat before I left. Great kids.

        Culture matters.

        My god-daughter and her sisters are black. Carribean black. Great adults. But still. It only takes a few million to ruin things for the good hundreds to paraphrase Dennis Miller.

        1. In the late 1970’s, my brother lent me a book by Thomas Sowell (it might have even been from his master’s thesis) called “Ethnic America”. He devoted a chapter to the major groups which populated the 13 colonies and then dominated the major immigration surge after the American Civil War. One of the chapters was about American Blacks and how slavery had sapped their entrepreneurial spirits (not all mind you). He compared this to Caribbean Blacks who were able to buy themselves out of slavery and who benefited from most of the islands being British (slavery was stopped in 1820). The Caribbean blacks, on average, were much more capitalistic and into small business ownership. I have always believed (and as I age, even more so) that culture DOES matter.

          1. Thanks Big Momma,

            That was very interesting.

            I do know that the girls and their family would kind of look down on African blacks.

          2. So Britain stopped slavery 40 years earlier than America … and for that delay … we owe reparations for having WRECKED the black man’s culture. I find ALL the endless guilt pangs over slavery to be counterproductive nonsense. It’s 2024.

      2. When I say … “not my people”. THIS is exactly, and factually, what I mean.

  6. Maxime Bernier says new female head of Canadian Armed Farces is ‘woke’ choice obsessed with ‘gender identity nonsense’

    (Please change the “@” in the url to an “o” for the URL to work.)

    Perhaps, Lieut.-Gen. Jenny Carignan just wants servicepeoplekinds to know what gender they are for the day so they can then better choose the footware they will wear to complement their uniforms before they go into battle?

    1. I am sure the community has been demanding that cis-gendered white males be arrested and the police have been trying to comply, but haven’t chosen the guilty parties yet.

      1. or the investigation, er, ‘investigation’ (just covering the bases) led them back to smilyland
