“Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime”

It’s not hypocrisy, it’s hierarchy;

On Monday, Boeing agreed to plead guilty to a criminal fraud conspiracy charge. If a judge approves of the agreement, the Boeing company will somehow become a “convicted felon,” according to Reuters. Boeing will also pay a fine of $243.6 million.

Two Boeing planes crashed in a five-month period between 2018 and 2019. One was in Ethiopia, and the other was in Indonesia. The combined disasters killed 346 people.

Here is the fun part. A commie judge in New York City fined Trump $354 million — more than $450 million with interest — for allegedly overvaluing his Mar a-Lago home to secure a loan, which he paid back on time. There were no actual victims of Trump’s supposed “crime.” Flames did not engulf and burn 346 people to death. But this is the Soviet Union in 1935 United States of America in 2024, and those things don’t matter. The pinkos in charge decided Trump’s “crime” was worth roughly $111 million more in fines than Boeing’s for killing of hundreds of people.

28 Replies to ““Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime””

  1. and don’t forget there was no threat of “corporate death” hanging over Boeing, unlike the NRA or the Trump organizations.

    1. Hey! Fat black women couldn’t be bothered to bathe daily … so they simply covered their cootch in talcum powder! The CDC should have done a study. At least as rigorous as they did for the COVID vaccine.

      What did those black families all do with their piece of the settlement? They all took Carnival cruises …

      1. Living in the humid midwest, a little gold bond powder is essential this time of year. I think the original case was in Missouri- even worse there. I can’t blame them for salting the tuna.

      2. America, like Canada, is broken. I think George Carlin’s assessment of stupid was quite accurate.

      3. I still don’t see how talcum powder can yield ovarian cancer, as the vagina always self cleans, moving everything outwards.. You would have to pack your cooter with powder and most women know, you dont want anything in there to upset the Ph balance that it NATURALLY maintains, but hey, i’m just a guy..

        On that note I still use talcum powder from the big old bottle, esp when cycling or when its hot, to prevent the ol’ peel and stick action. No issues to report so far.

        One thing to consider, if you are using the corn starch powder, do NOT use it on athletes foot or other fungal or bacterial infection, the starches can feed them, making the situation worse. Instead, something like Gold Bond Slick Stick works well as does an antiperspirant, choose carefully to stay away from aluminum ingredients, if thats a concern..

        1. You could powder yourself from head to toe with pure asbestos and any ovarian cancer would be purely coincidence.

          Lung cancer, sure. Skin cancer, maybe.

  2. Moral of the story? Trump should have taken the plea deal … withdrawn from the race as a convicted felon … and disavowed conservatism. Oh! And endorsed Biden’s operators.

    1. Moral of the story? The concept of justice is dead in the USA and there is no longer any moral foundation for government.

      1. These are monetary judgements meant to silence opposition. The O.J. trial verdict, not justice, Menendez trial, not justice (juror interviewed said she could not convict, because they were now orphans.) Conrad Black verdict was not justice; he was convicted on a charge that was based on a host of charges that were thrown out.
        These verdicts are old and demonstrate that justice has maybe always been on life support.

      2. I fear that has some legs. The tensions are very high.

        But at the same time, much is regarded as hot air and bs.

        Trump 2024 signs are abundant.

        I have seen no Biden signs. People seem to be aware that it’s impossible for Biden to serve.

        I drove around 800 miles in Oklahoma and Arkansas.

  3. “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime”
    related …

    “Former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro benefited from an illegal scheme to sell $1.2m (£937,000) in jewellery and other luxury gifts given to his government, police investigators say.
    It comes after Brazil’s Federal Police last week recommended charging him with crimes including money-laundering over undeclared jewellery gifted between 2019 and 2022.”


  4. Good find Kate. Thanks for posting it. I tend to agree with it’s direction. Rules for thee but not for me is the way dems roll sort of like Turdeau here at home.


  5. “Show me the woman and I’ll show you the crime”
    related 2 …

    “An investigation has been opened into the financing of French far right National Rally (RN) leader Marine Le Pen’s 2022 presidential campaign.
    Prosecutors in Paris said they will look into allegations of embezzlement, forgery and fraud, and that a candidate on an electoral campaign accepted a loan.”


    Note: I believe if Marine Le Pen is found guilty of this, she’ll be ineligible to run again…
    Some news sources on X/Twitter are saying the new French Gov’t is looking at 90% tax on the wealthiest citizens, price controls… and more! Well they voted for this, and scarcity is what they’ll get.

    1. l cant help over decades, with a cpl years of university economics and history and politics, conclude that an elite wealthy class is an earmark of a very successful FREE ENTERPRISE economy. and despite Ronnie Raygun’s infamous dismissive comment about ‘economic benefit trickling down’ (piss trickles down too), all that cash sloshing about in a thriving economy has to as a net result benefit HUGE numbers of the populace, (some of which are resentful leftists itching for powah).
      soooo be vewwy vewwy caweful leftoidals about cranking up that highest income tax rate.

      did you hear that nude demon craps? LIEberals?

        1. ??
          skill testing question:
          how many world’s billionaires are from the richest nation in all civilization (you have to guess which one) and it isnt lichtenstein despite them having ‘highest per capita’ wealth.

    2. It’s time for another French Revolution. An old fashioned style revolution. With Invaders, Globalists, and Leftists driven from their homes and thrown out of the country. If not, France is done.

      The Leftists and Globalists will do anything and everything to maintain and expand their power. There is no law, no system they will not abuse to this end. They do not act in good faith, and so they will need to be dealt with In the old ways.

  6. I am not sure how guilty Boeing was. The turd world airlines and their pilots likely never spent 5 minutes familiarizing themselves with the new aircraft. The pilots were fighting autopilot corrections and crashed the planes. None crashed in civilized countries.

    1. Bingo …. that is the first thing I noticed and thought …. Southwest told Boeing to take out that feature of the MCAS (?) system after the first time it happened. But of course Boeing didn’t address the issue with all the other airlines in a foolproof manor.

      1. Essential – Boeing is guilty as hell – and my main SCREAMING pi$$off is, none of its executives were jailed: (Yet:)

        1) The problem with the Max was, its competitors got better fuel mileage; a BIG deal with airlines facing cutthroat competition and margins of less than 1%. The only easy way to increase fuel mileage is to mount larger engines – the bigger the fan in front, the less fuel the engine uses.

        2) Larger engines won’t fit under the 737’s wing, and there’s no cheap way to fix that. Longer landing gear, to raise the wing higher? – they won’t fit in the wheelwells. Move the mounting points outboard so the longer gear will fit in the wheelwells? You’ll need new mounting points that support the ‘plane’s entire weight, plus a big comfort factor for pilots who thump-down on the runway. Essentially, a complete redesign of the wing – HUGE expense, not only because the wing is the most expensive part of a passenger jet already, but the whole aircraft will require full recertification, which involves 6 months of test flights and strapping a couple to the stress rack and breaking a 737 or two so the new wing is proven to survive its stress limit.

        ( 3) – Yeah – cheaper to build a whole new aircraft, which Boeing has wanted to do to the 737 for a long time. Carbon fibre is the ANSWER – a lot stronger so it’s lighter, does NOT fatigue, does NOT corrode, and cheaper to build too! But the 737 is Boeing’s most profitable aircraft, and the most-sold passenger jet in history. Talk about slaying the golden goose…)

        4) So Boeing decided to mount its bigger engines AHEAD of the wing, instead of under it. Yeah, there’s room for them there – but you’re changing the aircraft’s centre of gravity, and that’s a HUGE deal. Aircraft must pivot about the wing, so they can nose-up, nose-down as required – this is accomplished via the elevators, the two small wings back at the tail. If you change the centre of gravity, you risk needing more control than those elevators can give you, in which case the aircraft becomes unmanoeuvrable at slow speeds, and guess when the aircraft MUST be manoeuvrable? – that would be near the ground at slow speeds; most airliner crashes occur during takeoff and landing when the aircraft is flying slowly, much closer to things they can hit.

        5) and for those of you who’ve read thus far (and Kate, who’ll be mulling-over just deleting another one of my long posts), here’s the payoff – and THIS is why Boeing is GUILTY AS HELL. To make the Max more competitive, Boeing DID NOT REQUIRE pilot training on the riskier Max – any 737 pilot could just walk on and take ‘er off, so the airlines didn’t have to pay for extra training (That was bad). TO DO THIS, Boeing programmed extra abilities into the elevator controls – the MCAS, in case you’re wondering what that was (so the pilots may not even have heard of it, due to ‘no extra training’ – that was worse). AND, Boeing did this after getting rid of all its many-year-experienced aircraft software gurus to save money with a buncha’ H1B-visa’d outsiders whose only experience with aircraft was the flight over (that was WORST).

        So, executive summary? – Boeing is guilty as Hell. And jailing an executive or two has a wonderful effect on all of the too-big-to-fail corporations, because after the exec’s get out of the Hotel Greybar, their highroller-country clubs won’t give memberships to jailbirds so they’re cut off from their shmoozing territory.

        1. You missed the fact that having the engines in different positions not only affects the Centre of Gravity, but also the flight characteristics of said engines in that position, from low to high power settings, can produce nose up or nose down pitching moments different from the old 737 series. It is that factor that they designed the MCAS system for, to make it fly like the old 737’s, without having to retrain the pilots completely, they could just use a differences course. Also, it’s the Horizontal Stabilizer that holds the nose UP, by pushing DOWN, (it is an upside down wing) not the elevators, you are using the aircraft incorrectly if you are trimming the elevators instead of the stabilizer.

          Some designs like the Piaggio Avanti, ALL surfaces LIFT, even the fuselage, makes for a very efficient aircraft. As for the MCAS, it was relying on ONE sensor input for the angle of attack, not 2 or three which are typically used for redundancy. That system can also have up to THREE sensors integrated and watching each other for faults and the erroneous sensor can be ignored, if showing errors. They went with the cheap, one sensor option. There are also Angle of Attack Sensors dedicated to the other systems, independent of the MCAS.

          A seasoned pilot would have noticed a run away trim condition and set the aircraft at best flying position and pulled the circuit breakers for the trim system. Of course it is best to follow the emergency procedures manual, but in this case, they were deficient, but a good pilot could have recognized the issue and dealt with it.

          One of the best things you can see when you walk onto an aircraft before the flight, is to look in the cockpit and see grey hair! Chances are they have seen a lot and have considerable skills. Whom would you rather fly with, the pilot who’s ACTUALLY experienced emergencies and survived, or ones that have only seen simulated emergencies. Old pilots can fly the PLANE not just fly the automation. What happens when it quits?

          1. “A seasoned pilot would have noticed a run away trim condition…”

            Indeed, I believe it was on the Lion Air flight BEFORE that aircraft crashed, one of their instructor pilots was in the jump seat and he noticed the situation developing and called the pilots’ attention to it; the aircraft completed the flight and landed normally. He wasn’t on the next flight, the one that crashed. A serious contributor to both of those crashes happening overseas was that Boeing only put one AOA (angle-of-attack) indicator on the standard Max: you could get a kit with two AOA indicators and a cockpit warning light when they weren’t reading the same, but it was “optional at extra cost”; all North American Max’s had this kit and none of them have crashed.

            Sorry; my initial post was going to be long already, and those have a habit of ‘vanishing’ on SDA. So I left out a lot of extra detail, such as the difference between ‘elevator’ and ‘horizontal stabilizer’ that non-aviators wouldn’t know, in the interest of brevity. My conclusions remain the same: due to their deliberate “bad”, “worse” and “worst” actions, Boeing is guilty as hell and “a fine” is insufficient punishment – their executive should be jailed.
