23 Replies to “Ben Shapiro Testifies Before Congress on Conservative Ad Suppression”

  1. Ben Shapiru is controlled opposition, a cuckservstove inc. gatekeeper, and anti-Christian. Whatever drivel this wormtongue speaks is likely laced with lies. He’s literally only famous for debating retarded college kids. Whatever he’s bitching about has never been followed with a practical solution.

    1. Yup Shapiro lost my complete ear when he screwed over Candice Owen. Prior to that I only vaguely paid attention to some of his more intelligent arguments when I was in the mood to withstand his rapid-fire chicken speak.

  2. BS is not exactly Rush Limbaugh, but he is immensely influential in getting a lot of young people to see things from our perspective. Is he perfect? No. Allot of people sit home on Election Day because they don’t see a candidate that reflects every single policy position they subscribe to. This is moronic and it’s why we’re in the position we’re in today.

    1. It’s not moronic at all. Disengagement is just as valid as engagement. If voter turnout drops to 2%, what kind of confidence do you think Satans servants will have in imposing rule?

      I’ll vote again as soon as Jesus Christ or none of the above is on the ballot.

      I’ll throw my CPC MP a fiver if polylever literally tosses every liberals head into the Rideau.

      I can’t imagine a world where we don’t have a famine before things get better. CPC tapping the breaks and loading up on pensions before libtards take control again is t what I call making things better. It’s just using more lube for the effing.

      1. Voting in the US couldn’t be simpler. The war (all losses) party or the tax cut party.
        Everything else is irrelevant.

  3. Shapiro is a big conservative voice. So is Owens.
    They both say stupid stuff sometimes. Who cares?
    Matt Christiansen probably holds the record for not saying stupid stuff, IMHO, but for some reason he is shamefully underrated.

    1. Christiansen uses logic, big words, and big thoughts. That will never be popular. Yes, that says all you need to know about the average media consumer and average voter. They’re slack jawed, and dull witted. We’re doomed. The LEAST of us are RULING over the BEST of us.

  4. Ben is happy with the status quo, not a peep on the faked rigged elections, pushed the Covid Vaccine, makes a million a week putting out trans material, he is definitely part of the Uniparty system and Con Inc. in the US, not a Maga supporter and Magna doesn’t support him, Otherwise he’s fantastic.

    1. A very succinct summary.

      And let me add that this “observant Christian” has NO problem with an observant Jew. In fact, I quite admire that about Ben … right up until he doesn’t afford me the same respect. At that point, I cannot distinguish between Ben and your average Muslim Terrorist.

  5. Swalwell was banging a spy, iirc

    He should be arrested as a likely traitor and moron. Crook for sure.

  6. Someone once noted that you don’t pick figs from a thorn bush and in likewise you don’t pick wisdom from Ben Shapiro.

  7. Ben Shapiro and Glenn Beck are both controlled opposition. They both do better when the Left is in power. That allows them to whine and complain without having to actually do anything important.

    1. Kinda like in Canada, where Ezra Levant, Rebel and TNC are controlled opposition.

  8. I noticed Shapiro took the “Chamber of Commerce” position on immigration. Specifically, he stopped short of applying deportation to ALL illegal immigrants and landed on only deporting those whose benefit to society exceeds their illegality and entitlements. That is sophistry.

    There is an immigration process in place (that isn’t adhered to) that guarantees such a benefit to overall society and doesn’t include those who enter the country in violation of the law. It includes a criminal vetting process and a controlled release into the country.

    This issue and Shapiro’s position shows me that he is, indeed, an establishment republican.

      1. “Securing the border” is a vague term. It’s not nitpicking when Shapiro (in this video) states unequivocally that he doesn’t support deporting all immigrants that entered the US illegally. Allowing any of them to stay bastardizes the law….and essentially weakens its application.

        This is the position of the republican establishment. It is the position of the Chamber of Commerce (part of the republican establishment…a rather huge part). It, also, happens to be the position of the investors of Shapiro’s business ventures.
