Fellow Travelers

In the pantheon of fellow travelers who visited the Soviet Union over the years, few stand out more in their abject appeasement of that totalitarian nightmare than American socialist John Dewey. In 1928, he wrote a series of articles concerning Russia for the “progressive” magazine The New Republic, which are still accessible in their archives. His ability to produce pages and pages of such tripe without a hint of critical thought is nothing less than stunning.

For there was a time when the whole industrial structure of Russia was so disorganized from the World War, the blockade and civil war, that the government practically took over the management of the cooperatives. (even of this period it is important to know that the latter jealously safeguarded in legal form their autonomy by formally voting, as if they were their own independent decisions, the measures forced upon them by the government.) This state of affairs not longer exists: on the contrary, the free and democratically conducted cooperative movement has assumed a new vitality –subject, of course to control of prices by the State.

It seems that “misinformation” was even a term back then, and, like today, was used as a device for diverting attention away from the excesses of the state.

For there is reason to believe that the misinformation I received about the status of cooperative undertakings in Russia was not only honestly given, but was based on recollection of conditions that obtained several years ago.

10 Replies to “Fellow Travelers”

  1. The hardest thing to say is, “I was wrong”. It’s rarely heard. It’s likely this guy would have maintained to his death the truth, honesty and good faith of what he wrote.

    And yes, I do realize that along with criticizing others, I must criticize myself.

  2. Mis-information is when you make a mistake, and distribute information that is not true. Accidental.

    DIS-information is when you not only spread lies, you do it deliberately. You make a campaign out of it, and use it as a weapon against your enemies.

    Mr. John Dewy -might- slip in under the wire for mis-information if shutting your eyes, blocking your ears and shouting ”lalala I can”t hear you!!!1!!!” makes it “accidental.” For myself, I view willful, militant ignorance of the facts to be enemy action.

    Everything we were told about WuFlu was a DIS-information campaign. Our government considers -us- their enemy. Never forget 2020, kids.

    The advanced exercise is to realize that -everything- positive you’ve ever heard about socialism is disinformation. They’re lying to you in the hopes of crushing your spirit, so you won’t struggle while they suck your blood.

  3. Meanwhile today, the “Fellow Travelers’ visiting totalitarian Canada, the U.S., the EU….

  4. About the same time, eecummings visited the Soviet Union and wrote a book about it, EIMI: A Journey Through Soviet Russia. He may have been a poet but he was no fool and realized that he was followed everywhere and that he was being lied to constantly. On his train trip from Moscow to Odessa, there was a visit by a NKVD cop and it became apparent that the locals on the train were terrified by his presence. And this was all before the purges got started in the mid-30s. Dewey and others were wilfully blind. Their heirs at the NYT and the MSM are following the US election.

    1. Dewey was not blind. He knew exactly what he was doing.

      “In 1932, the National Education Association (NEA) makes Dewey honorary president of its organization.[6]

      The Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations stimulated two-thirds of the total endowment funding of all institutions of higher learning in America during the first third of this 20th century. The NEA was largely financed by the Rockefeller/Carnegie foundations. [7]”


  5. If more people today were educated as to the absolute horrors that 100’s and 100’s and 100’s of millions of human beings and animals had to live under communism in Russia,China Cambodia,Laos,Venezuela,Cuba,Eastern Europe,and many parts of Africa,at the very least ,COMMUNISTS TODAY would be treated like we treat NAZIS and at the very best would be tossed off the tops of the highest buildings,lol.

  6. There are Degrees of Disinformation.

    The commies put Lenin’s and Stalin’s bodies on display, but unlike the US, they didn’t pretend the corpses were alive and well and still running the country.

    1. What’s the phrase?
      Harsh, but accurate.

      Also, probably the funniest thing I’ll see this week.

    2. google what is happening to lenin’s severely moldy corpse these days.
      oh how the mighty have fallen.
