Now Is The Time At SDA When We Juxtapose!

June 28, 2010: Justice Breyer, with whom Justice Ginsburg and Justice Sotomayor join, dissenting.

In my view, Justice Stevens has demonstrated that the Fourteenth Amendment’s guarantee of “substantive due process” does not include a general right to keep and bear firearms for purposes of private self-defense.

July 5, 2024…

Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor’s bodyguards shoot would-be carjacker outside her home

9 Replies to “Now Is The Time At SDA When We Juxtapose!”

  1. Justice for me, but not for thee…

    Our PM said you don’t have a right to self defense, while projected by his body guards.

  2. it truly and always delights me when cops in particular get shot to death.
    for a
    that being september 2005 lm coming home from a church meeting, detour to the VIA train station get a ticket to my kid’s book release in a cpl weeks.
    and get harassed, assaulted by a drunk and BLAMED by a cop the moment they show up. aka lm NOT permitted to defend myself.
    for some 15 plus years ive called dozens of jurisdictions across this shythole country trying to get a simple question answered,
    someone gets assaulted what are they to do? stay or leave?
    they absolutely will NOT say.
    if you stay and the fight resumes, you risk being charged also.
    if you leave to protect ones safety and deescalate, as l actually did, you get accused of trying to (exact quote) “get away”.

    it truly truly delights me that toronto cop whatshisname northrup got RUN OVER AND KILLED BECAUSE THEY WERE ACTING AND LOOKED LIKE CARJACKERS

  3. I protect myself at all times. The government can kill me but I will not let them.

  4. The Marshalls in question need additional practice as the perp survived the hail of bullets.

    1. Cops can’t shoot. And by “can’t shoot” I mean that they can’t hit a barn from the inside. Qualifying is once a year at most. Cops never take range time they don’t get paid for.

      Institutionally, cops who shoot in their time off are considered cowboys and viewed with suspicion by management. This is because of lawyers and their “shoot to k1ll” accusations. Officer Plod takes down goblin with headshot, if the lawyers find out that good ol’ boy Plod can bullseye a saltine cracker at 50 yards with his service pistol, they are going to make a Big Deal out of it. They’re going to be asking questions like “if you’re such a good shot, Officer Plod, why didn’t you just wing him?”

  5. I wonder if it will change her thinking.


    Reality has no effect on how these people think.

    1. Money and very possibly continued good health depends on not learning from experience.

      Reality doesn’t even get in the ballpark.

  6. Proves “Irony” ISN’T always a Woodpecker smoking a cigar on a jean jacket.
