22 Replies to “Such A Nice Boy”

  1. They understand pain, not shame or court cases. The pain needs to be administered by the men around. Men have to step it up. He should have some broken fingers to curb his gropiness.

  2. ”He was later released from custody”

    But don’t worry! He learned his lesson. He won’t grope women at water parks any more. Because that’s how your leftist pension collectors, err police and prosecutors think …

  3. 12 victims, but the RCMP let him go with a notice to appear in October?
    No immediate appearance before a judge? no bail conditions?

    Good thing the liberals are in charge of being soft on crime.

  4. typo there.
    s. b. Farce See ‘Em Pee m’kay?
    put yer hand up NO RESPECT for these WORSE THAN USELESS shytbrains.
    oh my. looks like a field of wheat out there, all that waving back and forth

    1. “He was later released from custody, and is scheduled to appear in Moncton Provincial Court on October 24.”

      There, is that better? Bro is free to wander and molest until he doesn’t show up in provincial court Oct. 24th, because why would he bother to show up? He’ll be in the USA or back home in Molesterstan by then anyway.

  5. I wonder if he was Hindu or muslim?
    Whatever, he should be deported but that will not happen.
    Probably will get probation and a polite lecture from a judge.

    1. The Liberal justin system will let him off.

      That’s why they’re giving out free birth control.

  6. The Royal Canadian Stomping Police won’t divulge the Gropingwalla’s name but pretend they’re interested in finding anyone that may be his victim or have a tip.

    Defund the police.

  7. Has anyone in N.B. been arrested for posting the perp.’s name and photo and perhaps even the home address yet?

    Who could possibly argue against this? Canada’s internet censorship law? pffff… as if.
    Is there a reason to point out that the perp is from India while that doesn’t actually point to a reason like say, “the perp is from Lebanon, or the Pakistan” … for example.

    *172 million, that seems high but what do I know… also, I have nothing to connect the said events above with this link.
