26 Replies to “July 11, 2024: Reader Tips”

      1. I once avoided Hitchcock films because I thought they were pornographic. I was young and naive then.

  1. @A week or so ago SDA posted an article about KFC Canada going halal. Readers volunteered that they thought the product terrible, and others thought that even so that they would be boycotting KFC. Here’s a recent article from the Western Standard on this:

    But to undertake a boycott of KFC requires a little bit of leadership and organization. The successful Bud Light boycott worked because the U.S. has a vibrant social media and conservative counter-culture using that media. Moreover the ubiquitous bars and tavern provide a useful base where word-of-mouth can spread. In Canada, the conservative media is much smaller, and with boycotting KFC there are no bars-and-tavern base to help with word of mouth. Thus is is up to Canada’s conservative counter-culture media to keep any possible KFC boycott going.

    A perceptive SDAer mentioned that the CEO in charge of running KFC is one Sabir Sami. He received is MBA from the University of Karachi in Pakistan. So he brings to Canada and the U.S. Pakistani values. KFC has been Islamized. One thing I liked is the creativity on social media against Bud Light. People shooting Bud Light cans; cameras shooting videos of Bud Light cases piling ip. We need that sort of thing with KFC.

    1. Just another one of your heroes in blue that you never miss an opportunity to fellate. Chauvin got what he deserved.

      1. [sigh]… Not going to happen. Local governments will not defend the people, and there aren’t enough people to generate a viable movement.

        1. I don’t believe that AB and SK are any more conservative than QC or ON.
          Its not a provincial thing. Its a rural/urban thing.

  2. Gonna miss those polar bears:

    A long-anticipated effect of climate change is that the loss of summer sea ice in the Arctic will make it easier for vessels to use the Northwest Passage as a shortcut between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.

    Now, a new study has demonstrated the reverse. The annual window for safe shipping across the top of North America appears to be shrinking, with ramifications for safety and the Arctic marine environment as more commercial and cruise ships seek to make their way through the region each year.

    “We were surprised,” said Alison Cook, a postdoctoral researcher with the Scottish Association for Marine Science in Oban and the lead author on the study. “We expected the data to clearly show that there’s less ice, therefore that’s why there’s more ships going through. But it wasn’t that simple.”


    Wasn’t under the paywall when I read it.

  3. Justhin right now is holding a presser in Washington at the end of the NATO meeting. He actually said “We actually take our defense commitments seriously”. I am not making this up.
