15 Replies to “Thursday On Turtle Island”

  1. $23 billion spread over 300K “victims “ is a tad more than $77K each. Just about enough for an average pickup these days. I guess no wide screen TVs this time around.

      1. You can get new pickups for $55k to $85k.

        Of course, full deluxe models could cost more.

        1. You can if they were on the lot. Most pickups on the lots are not at the lower end they are pushing $70K plus taxes. My jaw dropped when I saw $110 K stickers on F150’s. So not much room left for a big screen TV.

          1. Gym

            You can pay $139k +++ for a pick up, or you can shop around and get a pick up for $55k to 80k. The choice is yours.

    1. War crimes…
      Now thats a laugh,

      Hey matt, are you going to arrest Putin?

      Someone get the pop-corn.

    2. yo MMBB, does the question arise when stuff blows up in Ukraine, say, like in Kyiv, “was it the Ukraines did it or the Rooshins? and “did the Ukraines START the f’ing fight be killing 1200 Russians just across the border previous october 7?”

      to get the truth one must forward questions related to FINDING the truth

  2. Inside the Biden Admin …

    [The author of this op-ed will publish a book in November 2024 titled Resist We Much.]

    LOL … gotta love the creative writing

  3. To Greta detractors (me included).
    What is her net worth?
    What is your net worth (me included)?
    Asking for a friend.

    1. But, but, but … she has a “well-paying” green job. She’s working in the “new economy”
