16 Replies to “Canadian Tired”

  1. Joe Biden would blame Canadian Tire for being a greedy corporation that has posted RECORD profits !!!! post-COVID. I can only assume your Socialist PM would agree.

  2. Lies, damn lies and statistics.

    It might be something or it might not. Post the same numbers for MC and Visa.

    Or better yet, the third party “white label” versions of the cards, which is what the Crappy Tire MC is.

    I bet ya the Costco or Walmart card numbers are similar…

    1. Yup. And I bet you they’re all still handing out credit cards with the same laughable checks and balances they’ve been using for years.

      I had to get a new series 31 battery for my tractor yesterday and I got a pleasant surprise. Benson autoparts was $44 cheaper than CTC for equivalent batteries. I was expecting the opposite. So maybe CTC is already resorting to the tried and true method of debt collection as practiced by banks, insurance companies, and various branches of government: don’t deal with the arseholes, just screw the honest guy standing in line at the checkout.

      1. Yup, gotta shop around.
        Got two moto batteries, delivered for at least 30% less than CTC.


    Scramble the bailout blimps.
    Interest rates to 1%

    Keynesians rejoice.

  4. This would explain why the Triangle Rewards program offers have totally sucked lately.

  5. ha ha ha so that explains it.
    lm swamped by credit cards and chqing acct overdraft limits in the process of ramping up the final necessary repairs before l let the place go.

    l made a joke buddy the were ‘on to me’.

    c tire acceptance only one turned me down l fully intended to max it out, let it tread water a while play games with them then walk away AGAIN this time no meaning ful consequences when everything pd cash right folks?

  6. on the bus last week, chap claimed that because the bottom of Cdn real estate has never fallen out it therefore never will.
    a, not my point and
    b. its never happened anywhere before? not even Canaduh?
    c. l already did this once already, go back in a depressed mkt lowball the hell out of them

    1. Agreed; had church friends who were able to do the “dollar deal” (Alberta only) and moved east where husban could get a job. Out loss.

    1. My dead son, who owed $thousands on his credit accounts when he died receives multiple cc offers each month … mailed to our address. Along with demand letters from collection agencies. Yes, it’s quite INSANE … and evidently HIGHLY profitable to issue cc’s … even with the number of deadbeats they have to carry. That … alone … should tell you all you need to know.

  7. What do they charge, 28%? So on $100 outstanding balance they charge $28 at a cost of $8 so they only make 20% return. Things are bad. Yes, I know there are costs.

  8. If they will stop having someone pester me to get one of their stupid credit cards every second time I go into the store, that’s a good thing. I tell them my wallet is already thick enough with cards I hardly ever use, I don’t need or want another one.
    It’s hard to say whether CT’s troubles are because existing customers are having a harder time making their payments, or CT has been marketing their cards too aggressively. Based on how many times they have tried to get me to sign up, I suspect it’s more the latter than the former.
