16 Replies to “Friday On Turtle Island”

    1. Since Congress, the Presidency, and the Supreme Court are co-equal one cannot change the role of another. The only answer is amending the Constitution. Schumer is such an ass.

    1. I would guess they would say, great, one less expense. Do as I have done and many millions do, bring your own.

  1. RE: Indians trash Poilievre at AFN meeting.

    Once again, proving anecdotally, that appeasing one segment of the overall population at the expense of everyone else, is never a good idea.
    He tried to cater to the indigenous crowd in order to get their support, but all he did was alienate his base.
    As I’ve said many times already, PP may be a better alternative to the wacko currently in charge, but HE IS NOT TO BE TRUSTED, and he just showed WHY he should not be trusted with this little escapade into the AFN.
    Yes, I listened to his entire speech, and I was not at all impressed with his ass-kissing. It was rather disgusting, to say the least, and I hope PP learned from this episode before he makes another foray, cow-towing to the native population.

  2. Indians For Gravy Trains can FOAD.
    They’re the biggest enemies of We Were Here First Peoples.

  3. Re: chinese agents on CND universities. Anyone in Stoon/SK notice how many non-Canadian Chinese (i.e. FOB) there are in Stoon and surrounding area. Sure, we’ve got boat loads of Pakistani/Indian/Sri Lankan/Bangladeshi/Afghani/Syrian/etc “migrants” here, but there’s a yellow invasion going on here. I’m hoping the real OG Indians are seeing this too and waking up to the fact that the gravy train is coming to an end real quick. Same with the LGeebieQ’s, there time is up pretty soon too – chinamen and boolah boolah people don’t give two rips about qweers.
