Steak and Eggs

Financial Times- ‘Wake up!’ – Eddie Abbew is no ordinary food guru

He’s either banned or liable to get turfed out for filming the kinds of videos that have made him a sensation. These see him pulling products off shelves (usually sugary snacks or ultra-processed foods) and warning viewers against them in the most belligerent terms. “Wake the fuck up” and “This is not food” are his most famous catchphrases.

The Eddie Abbew Show

13 Replies to “Steak and Eggs”

    1. Frank Zappa narrowed it to 3 groups: Pepper, Tobacco, and Meat.
      As for me, I prefer: Meat, Tobacco, Whiskey, and Meat.

  1. Read the article. Mostly bullshit.

    The guy is not perfect but the message is simple and clear. Eat real food. Eat the natual ingredients, not processed sh*t made of chemicals.

    The rest of the article is just filler and writer inadequacies masquerading as “urinalism”

  2. Yeah, then you can live to be 100 and either your kids or the fat two faced lady that will steal all the jewelery can attach a dribble cup and scrape shit out of your pants for 20 years of your padded aluminum shuffling stone faced FJB life.

    Coffee, cigarettes, KD.

  3. When I was in Uni, the four food groups were salt, sugar, grease and caffeine.

    For some people, that never changes.

  4. I was gonna say I’d punch the guy in the face if he did that to me….

    Then I saw the picture. Eating fritos is bad but pumping veins full of steroids is cool? Even if he’s not juicing.. that much muscle leads to early death same as being fat.

      1. I hate to be argumentative, but a quick review of the relevant science suggests that the dink can, in fact, piss off if he so wishes. And Sporty would appear to be the authority on his own intentions. It looks to me as if he does know what he’s talking about, but sadly, isn’t talking to my liking.

  5. What changed between the 70’s and 80’s that made people so fat since then?

    Hydrogenated vegetable oil? Snacking culture? Advertising? Medicine? Frozen food packages?

    1. What changed between the 70’s and 80’s that made people so fat since then?
      Potato chips and soda pop…

      With me its, 2 meals a day skip dessert and fast at least 1 day out of 8.

      Also: I read somewhere long ago, there are 3 ingredients in every grocery store, that amount to ..60%…
      of everything they sell.

      Sugar, Salt and Water.

      The other 40% is chemicals, Meat, Fruit, Veggies, man made compounds and packaging.

    2. Complete lack of excersise. Video games. Computers. Internet. Phones. Instead of sports and bicycles. Drive through and delivery everything.
      People no longer have to move their body to feed or entertain themselves.

      There has always been junk food.
