20 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. I wonder how much we could get if we sued them for saying that J6 was a terrorist attack, RussiaRussiaRussia was real, the Jab was ‘safe and effective’, and #LetsGoBrandon is sharp as a tack.

  2. By the way, who had “TV in 2024 is the For-Real Hunger Games” on their bingo card?

  3. But women were clutching pearls during Trump’s reign of terror. That we know for sure.

    1. “But women were clutching pearls during Trump’s reign of terror. ”

      Yes, the one where he suspended the Constitution and declared himself Dictator for Life after banning abortion, jailing all the gays and f0rcing all the Blacks back into slavery.

  4. Maddow “initially questioned” the NBC reports, skeptical that the authors were “jumping to conclusions.” However, she still covered the story during her weekly news segment.


    Minimal exposure. She questioned the report….and she is not a journalist. She has an OpEd show. NBC, on the other hand will see their professional liability premiums go up a bit, and have to pay out on their self-insured retention plan.

    1. She’s cut from the same cloth as Dan Blather.
      And you can bet he’s proud as hell of her.

    1. Yeah, ain’t that somethin’? I would piss on her if she was on fire. A worthless pile of crap.

  5. Must. Smear. Trump.
    Must. Smear. Trump.
    Must. Smear. Trump.
    Must. Smear. Trump.
    Must. Smear. Trump.
    Must. Smear. Trump.
    Must. Smear. Trump.
    Must. Smear. Trump.

    And all those MAGgAtt Republicans! They’re all REAL LIFE Handmaiden’s crazies!!

    Let the TDS’ers all crawl out onto the flimsiest of limbs … and saw them off. Seeeeeeee yaaaaaaaa!!!!!!

  6. Maddow was once the queen of cable news and the crown jewel of MSNBC, helped along by her professorial demeanor that reeked of clinical detachment.

    But then she spent more than three years pumping Russiagate. It was undoubtedly good for ratings, but in the end the story held together like wet newspaper, and Maddow’s reputation and trustworthiness were in tatters.

    This will not help matters.

  7. My boomer mom is convinced when Ronald blumpf is elected agenda 2025 will literally bring about the handmaid’s tale. Somehow this will also spill over into Canada. Is this madcow propaganda or is there a more extreme wamyn opinion spewer out there?

    1. “My boomer mom’
      Count your blessings you were born then, especially if you had two older siblings.

  8. Meh.. Insurance scam, campaign contributions.. Kind of like the CBC.. Exactly like the CBC..

  9. You should ask her why she is worried about the election of a US president causing the implementation of her fictional scenario in Canada, when at the same time she isn’t worried about her moron leader importing INTO Canada the people who run a real life Handmaid’s Tale society in the Middle East?
