BREAKING: Trump Assassination Attempt

Updates as they come in (remember this is still early, information is likely to change):

21:24 update:

A source familiar with Trump’s security detail tells @FDRLST that the former and future president’s detail has been asking for beefed up protection and resources for weeks, but has been rebuffed time and again by Biden’s DHS.

Maybe they’ve been doing this all along.

It defies every security protocol ever written that this rooftop was not secured, and law enforcement personnel were not standing up there.

Biden has suspended “Trump=Hitler” TV ads…

Comports with the shooter on the rooftop:

In the case of the assassination attempt on #Trump, audio analysis reveals 0.22 seconds between the impact and the rifle report (I just checked this myself). Doing the math (algebra), this comes out to about 450 feet of distance for the shooter, at which distance: 1) The bullets would take 0.18 seconds to arrive, and 2) The sound would take 0.4 seconds to arrive. The difference is 0.22 seconds, which is what we find in the audio file. CONCLUSION: Shooter was roughly 450 feet away, give or take, which is about 1.5 football fields away.

WaPo reports an audience member and the shooter dead, another in serious condition.

Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung – “President Trump thanks law enforcement and first responders for their quick action during this heinous act. He is fine and is being checked out at a local medical facility. More details will follow,” Cheung said in a statement.

@TPostMillennial – Video footage of an individual being dragged out from Trump’s rally in PA. Eyewitness says an audience member.

Another video showing an apparent body on a nearby roof. Which aligns with a BBC eyewitness report.

The multiple shots were probably (include) response gunfire from the SS.

I’ve been following with Scott Adams livestream: No Democrat will run against him now. Biden stays.

There sounds like shots at the Trump speech. The president is down.

…It is not clear if the President was hit or whether these were shots. Trump noticed somethng and touched his neck…

…He just singled that he is okay but he is bleeding from his ear. He is pumping his fist in the air.

…He went down as people screamed but it may have been the secret service that took him down. It happened quickly. There seemed to be multiple shots as people were diving down…

8:15pm (Saskatchewan time) update from Robert: MJTruth on Rumble has lots of videos about what happened.

142 Replies to “BREAKING: Trump Assassination Attempt”

  1. I am NOT surprised. The American Presidential campaign has officially entered the “Dirty Tricks” part and more of this will be seen.
    I do not think the Democrat party is going to give up its power.

    1. So … we had a debate … which triggered (sorry) mass Democrat hysteria to remove the brain-dead Biden from the race. Democrats are in disarray. Internal polling reveals that Biden is toast. Replacing him is troublesome. The VP is a dead woman walking.

      So … ONE week later, the Biden cabal launch Plan B. The Supervisor of the Secret Service told his troops … don’t worry about those rooftops with a clear line of sight of Trump’s podium. Move along, nothing to see here. It is OUTRAGEOUS that the SS let a would-be assassin take up a position where he could get off at least 3 shots at Trump … one of which was an inch away from splattering Trump’s brains all over the stage.

      Sorry. The Secret Service aren’t this incompetent. This was planned event. The White House is aghast this evening that their SURE THING assassination attempt failed by an inch. They had Trump in their sights … but they missed. That’s what I think of America and our Deep State … and the Obama Admin. operating their puppet Biden. This was a planned event. It is RIDICULOUS that the SS were “accidentally” THIS incompetent. The Director of the SS planned this event.

      What do I think? I believe this current Admin. needs to be removed from office. Immediately. They are behaving like a 3rd world Banana Republic dictatorship. ALL of Biden’s Deep State actors were in on this. This was a political assassination … fully designed and developed by the Biden Admin. … and people like Peter Strozk who spoke of their “insurance” plans.

    2. comparing and contrasting the reaction entire world nov 22 1963.
      no one over the whole globe was *reported* as celebrating. sure there were some, evil thrives on hate and violence. now theyre crying in their beer shooter was unsuccessful.

    3. They sure as hell will if they continue to persecute President Trump and American conservatives.

  2. Have the shooter(s) been caught?

    I believe that shooting is beyond a dirty trick.

      1. I read he had an AR-15. So this was NOT a 0.22 as I initially heard … more likely a .303 NATO round. It would have splattered Trump’s brains. The Biden Admin. missed. The SS accommodated the sniper … but he missed.

        1. AR-15 is not known to have been made in .303 which would be .303British, not .303NATO. Perhaps you are thinking of .308Winchester, which is functionally interchangeable with 7.62NATO, but most AR-15 variants are made for 5.56mmNATO and/or its equivalent .233Remington. The latter is easier to shoot and lethal enough against a human at 150 yards.

        2. Ar-15 0.223 almost same diameter as .22 long rifle but a lot more powder behind it and way more punch.

      1. CBS finally calls it a “shooting at a Trump rally” 2 hrs after.

        Just run of the mill gun violence, not an assassination.

  3. 24hour rule folks, hang on for a bit, till we get more info, hopefully he is okay.

    1. Looks like the bullet grazed the top of his ear. An inch closer and he would have been dead. There were people behind him so hopefully we will see the shooter. And hopefully nobody was hit as it sounded like 4-5 shots.

      1. That’s what I keep seeing in the replays. The stills I see on Fox show blood on the top of his ear, which I think is what you see on his face.

      2. Someone in the audience WAS hit and is purportedly dead. And the shooter was killed almost immediately by Secret Service.

      3. I guess the Clintons did not use their A-Team this time. The shooter is dead, one has to ask how much will the democrat party pay to the shooters family

  4. Sooner or later, the loons were going to take their shot at DJT. Was concerned that this could happen at these large open rallies.
    How long will it take Bidinh and Co to denounce an assasination attempt? Years???

    1. How long ’til TDS-afflicted media start reporting anonymous sources suggesting it was staged by the Trump campaign?

      1. How long before Biden comes out with a “gun violence” speech … without ever mentioning Trump’s name?

      2. Apparently there have already been posts on X claiming that. Just goes to show you how incredibly ignorant leftists are.

      1. That’s exactly what I thought reading your post before checking the video link. Lol

  5. Wow. Is that a bullet hole through the top of his ear? Half inch from disaster.

    And the lead story on Google is Richard Simmons

  6. It’s beyond outrageous. Biden didn’t win in 2020, and the pigs controlling the USA will kill anyone that tries to topple their regime.

    Trump is the enemy of the demonic.

    All the people that I encounter in my work/social life that HATE Trump are possessed.

    1. Look at any Antifa mug shot. Take a good look at their commie eyes. They’re all demonically possessed. With a significant number being “trans”.

  7. We all knew this was coming, first character assassination, then financial assassination and when they didn’t work that only left total asassination!!!!! The lone nutjob gunman theory will be rolled out by the Democrats but make no mistake this was no nutjob. This was planned and premeditated whether Trump survives or not the Democrats have played their hand and American democracy was assassinated today just as they planned. Trump was in their way and should he survive and be elected I want to see the retribution that is justly deserved to be meted out to all of those involved in the lies and crimes that have been committed over the last several years. Without retribution the American dream dies!

    1. All “lone nutjob gunmen” over the last 15+ years have oddly been known or in contact with the FBI.

  8. Boy oh boy! We’re sure lucky to live in Canada where no one would ever take a shot at our Prime Minister, eh?

      1. We could be pelting him with potatoes I suppose. That’s the Chinese nickname for him. Rotten ones would be good. He wouldn’t actually be hurt then. I would never want any political leader actually injured or killed.

    1. I hope that never happens. A well-placed gunshot would produce a humanely quick death and much undeserved sympathy. He deserves a proper thrashing at the polls and at least a couple decades of living as, hopefully, the PM who lead the Liberals to the biggest defeat in their history.

  9. Once more the shots fired in American politics come from the left. Every time!

  10. The full photo of a bleeding but defiant Trump pumping his fist in the air, being whisked away by police, with the American flag in the backdrop, is Iwo Jima level shit. That’s a caption for the history books and may be a wrap on his election win.

    1. It’s an iconic photo – first pump , blood on his defiant face and American flag in the background. I don’t follow American politics closely but this is a historic moment in American history and for Trump. That man is literally and figuratively bulletproof now.

      Note : sounds like a person in the audience was tragically killed or serious wounded and the shooter is also “down”.

      I’m sticking to the 24 hour rule now because news will be chaotic and likely wrong until after that time span.

      1. They keep saying the gunman is dead. When they determine he’s an employee for the FBI, they will say the gunman got away.

        1. I’m breaking my rule…for Trump and his presidential campaign, it doesn’t matter because Trump survived. Not just survived an attempt on his life but the man managed to look like a defiant warrior after just being shot in the head. Any complaints or attacks by the Democrats, prosecutors and the media will look petty and unpatriotic after what happened today.

          If Trump and his speech writers craft a great speech right now then in my opinion it’s game, set, match for Trump and Republicans. If there was ever a time for a grand, unifying, patriotic speech from president Trump, this is the moment.

  11. Who is in charge of security? Who is the shooter? What are his connections to the left?

    Congressional Republicans should be on TV, right now, demanding COMPLETE control of the investigation, with FBI HANDS OFF!
    Who were the Secret Service Agents involved?

    Congress must subpoena every leftist who has suggested violence against Trump or Republicans to testify before Congress. If they refuse, lock them up until we have complete understanding of this. Any refused subpoenas should be met with instant arrest. Replace the Speaker with a proven strong man. In fact, vote out any Republican who has voted for an accomodationist stance towards illegality on the left.

      1. Unfortunately not easy to dismiss this one. I believe most political assassinations involve FBI/CIA.

      2. Skweeker
        Trumps right ear appears to have been grazed, JFK took 2 bullets to the right side of his head. Odd coincident?

    1. Prime suspects for sure. Or maybe someone from the projection crowd with the “Hate Has No Home Here” lawn signs.

        1. You should be glad that you’ve made me think deeper about just how corrupt our Deep State is …

    2. Like the KGB, and the GRU, or the SS and the Gestapo, the FBI and the Massachusetts State Police, they hate each other.

  12. Thankfully Trump has survived, I’m keeping my fingers crossed for him but from the picture it appears the bullet could have gone through the soft tissue in his jaw and exited just above his right ear. I’ll leave speculation about that for the medical report, but this throws a whole new aspect at the American election.

  13. Thank you God for looking over DJT!

    I know it might feel tempting among some MAGA patriots to exact some revenge, but we need everybody to instead get out your credit card and donate to Donny Two Scoops’s campaign.


    1. I was just thinking that. The opening shots of Civil War II, Electric Boogaloo?

      Certainly hope not. That could get ugly.

      1. That’s the last thing we need, an American Civil War because then there’ll be millions of certain groups of American people clamoring to get across the border into Canada. Kind of people who would vote for “gibs me dat’ free stuff”

    1. I don’t think so. They arrested a guy. Trump had blood coming out his ear after the sound of shots being fired. It’s quacking like a duck. But no duck so far. Trump seems fine, which is great. Good luck running against him.

      1. Say hello to POTUS #47 … now … there isn’t a living Democrat who will want to run against ‘balls to the wall’ TOUGH Donald J Trump.

      1. Kate
        Did SS kill the shooter, or was there an insurance guy up there with the shooter, to make sure he never talks?

        1. There are photos that indicate SS snipers targeting him. I’d assume security breakdown. OTOH, lucky break for the shooter, eh? Nobody stationed on that rooftop…

          Who is responsible for that is going to get interesting in the congressional hearings.

          1. “We can’t comment on an ongoing investigation…”
            And that’s where it will end, as far as that goes.

  14. ” It is also important to remember that , if this proves to be a shooting, both Democrats and Republicans will be appalled and will pray for Trump’s safety and recovery…”

    After more than 2 weeks of overheated rhetoric from democrats calling for Biden to send in SEAL team 6, to take care of Trump, I doubt there will be much in the way of “appalled” from democrats

  15. It may have been firecrackers. I am thinking if those were all bullets some else should have hit. Hard to say exactly what is happening. Coud just be an incident to build the story a Trump supporter offs Biden. Joe is refusing to go and it is a problem. However, everyone should be prepared for tumultuous times.

    1. Early reports say 2 people in the crowd were hit. So probably no firecrackers.

    2. So the county Attorney General is reporting two dead including the shooter, those were some really dangerous firecrackers! Most left wing outlets are reporting “loud noises” and “trump falls” so you can easily figure out who the “enemies of the people” are. I think this is a watershed event, all those on the “View” who called for his assassination should be run through the wringer, check all their financial records, phone calls, emails, texts, subpoena everything from anyone who even joked about it. Yes we are looking at you Whoopi….

  16. Frickin’ go Donald! You magnificent son of a bitch!

    They got him in the ear, I can’t believe it. That guy has a horseshoe stuck in him somewhere.

    1. God knows just how many lives hang in the balance of Trump becoming POTUS #47 … America is hanging by a thread. God knows how important a Trump second term is to human Freedom and Liberty throughout the planet. God is clearly looking after MY President. Thank you Lord.

  17. If you listen carefully, one of the agents reports that they got the shooter – “The shooter is down”. So don’t be surprised if the shooter doesn’t survive. Three can keep a secret if two are dead.

    1. There is a lot of that surfacing. If you look at the film, Trump touched his ear at the sound of gun shots, he looked around probably looking to the person telling him to get down. He got down and they covered him. Then they made the command to move out and when Trump stood up he had blood on his ear and trickling down his face. Hard to make that up in real time on video. Another inch and a possible civil war.

      1. Timing of his reaction and the first shot… he was grazed, not injured taking cover.

  18. Half of the USA and many in the rest of the world have been fervently praying for his safety. Seems to have paid off.

  19. One person in the crowd is dead and the shooter is probably dead too – unconfirmed reports.

  20. Amir Tsarfati reporting it was an ANTIFA member who was shot dead. Of course too soon to know. Eight others injured, one critically and one dead.

      1. Quien es mas loco? “Insurrection” without a single weapon … or … assassination?

  21. Early reports yet but amazingly the shooter appears to have been killed!!!!! Imagine that. Also there appears to be another fatality in the crowd. Eight, nine shots would dictate that there may be other victims.

  22. The shooter, even if an opposition operative, spent too much time watching the View and other assorted MSM whackjobs.

    1. Should be required watching by every american.
      The guy was literally pointing out the shooter to police and secret service.
      Witness was shocked they had no security on the roof tops.

      1. Check out aerial of this event.
        So few roof tops to cover. F*cking barney would have been
        smart enough to cover them.

  23. I’ve been on Kos and the DU.

    A lot of people think this gives Trump the election.

    Many more claim this was staged.

      1. Yeah … reading the Kos is like taking a life-threatening bullet with every post. Thank you for your service,

  24. Whether the Dems are behind it, or they just see something to be exploited….wait for the lockdowns and full mail-in balloting.
    No need for a virus this time – and it worked so well last time!

  25. ” Never let a crisis, go to waste! ”
    This is the moment needed, to destroy the Leftwing Media, and return balance to journalism.
    NBCABCCBSCNNMSNBC have been calling FPOTUS Hitler, an existential threat, the “end of democracy “,,, what did they think would happen,,, what did they want to happen.
    The Media needs to be held accountable for this!
    If they frame this as an Repub Never Trumper, bet your last dollar it was an alphabet agency.
    As far as the Mafia run Democrat Party, they tried everything else to stop President Trump, why wouldn’t they do this.

  26. Anyone know if that bleeding fist pump photo is a shirt yet?

  27. Funny how this time MSM don’t want to jump to conclusions as to the motivation of the shooter.

  28. The would be assassin was on a rooftop within easy range of Trump, with a rifle?

    We need a Congressional hearing on Sunday: Why wasn’t the Secret Service on every rooftop within rifle or mortar range of Donald Trump? Fire everyone responsible, starting with the SS director.

    Tomorrow, the Republicans must vote unlimited government funds to Donald Trump to fund his own security ( perhaps Erik Prince’s firm ).

    And they should back it up with this truthful sound bite: any Congressman who votes against it wants Trump murdered, and will be complicit, if they refuse.

      1. Drone operators aren’t in the budget. Sorry. A $34T deficit cannot possibly fund such luxuries.

  29. Apparently his secret service have been begging for extra resources for several weeks. The Biden DHS continually refused.

  30. BREAKING: A source familiar with Trump’s security detail tells @FDRLST that the former and future president’s detail has been asking for beefed up protection and resources for weeks, but has been rebuffed time and again by Biden’s DHS.

    DHS, which oversees Secret Service protective detail “wasn’t responsive to those requests” for more resources, the source said.

    Was Biden’s regime behind the attack, or did it deliberately do everything it could to allow it to happen?

  31. CBC calls it a “security incident” no mention of an assassination attempt. I despise CBC beyond what I thought is possible.

    1. An hour later it’s “gunfire erupts at campaign rally”. As if it’s Trump’s fault. CBC is unable to utter the words attempted assassination. Those people are deranged. Even the BBC manages to say it.

  32. 150 yards with a 223 is pretty close range. Good thing the guy was a poor shot. Also it seems that should have been well within the security perimeter and not outside of it.

  33. God looks after fools, drunks, America and Donald Trump. Trump just won the election. Democrats are as stupid as they are evil and they’re terrible marksmen. F the Democrats and their lying media minions. They’ve been encouraging this for eight years.

  34. I want to become an American to vote for Trump now. I can’t be alone here. Seriously the guy takes a bullet stands up.amd fist pumps the crowd. That’s bad ass. That’s amazing.
