8 Replies to “Entitled To Their Entitlements”

  1. $6.6 Million eh..?? USD I am going to assume…

    It should be painfully obvious, this financially Irresponsible Fascist Govt continues to emulate French Aristocracy of the 1700’s. No surprise given the French influence in Ottawa.
    Smug Arrogant Thieving Mofo’s the lot.

    Sadly, most Canadians don’t have the cojones to do anything about it…
    My Fervent wish is to See Alberta/Saskatchewan leave this disgusting Nose Drip Country to form our own REPUBLIC…..In My lifetime.

  2. Catherine Tait is going to love living there.

    (Days or at most a couple weeks before the election, when it is apparent that the Liberals won’t be returned to government and thus the CBC will no longer be able to pay for her to live in NYC, Trudeau will reward her with that consular post.)

  3. Sadly, Canada had to reno-vict it’s consul to protect Canadian taxpayers from needless expense.

  4. “You vill eat zee New York cockroaches and you will enjoy them.”

    — Klaus “Sexual Harrassment” Schwab

  5. Why not drive around until they find the blackest street in Harlem for the consulate and enjoy the diversity.
