40 Replies to “Face Plant For The Ages”

    1. just clicked on T Sun web site and reported a ‘problem’ with the web site the ‘problem’ being kinsella’s spew and he needs to be fired.
      l alos eluded tot he fact if he isnt, there are those out here who might engage in a retaliatory program of dumping fake blood all over their newspapers at the depot until the do sack the squishy little man.
      jist sayin’ . . . .

  1. Let’s see… 3 coup attempts, 2 controversial election processes and one shooting in under 8 years. Yup, we Yanks are banana republic now.

  2. Staged? Trump must have nerves of steel to have the top of his ear shot off, less than an inch from his brain at over 400 yards. If he hadn’t have turned his head at the last second he would have been flopping like a Kennedy.

    1. Actually only 150 yards, but anyone who could shoot that accurately would know it’s too possible for something to go wrong and you just wouldn’t try it. Never mind trusting some guys who approached you with such a scheme. “You pull this off and we’ll make sure you are taken care of.”

    1. Ms Unhinged’s words are now out there FOREVER. otoh Ms Karma has a way of MAKING SURE for instance a gem of a suitor enters her life and is presented with the clip . . .

    2. The unhinged Libs of TikToc?

      Her reaction is the SAME reaction that took place inside the Deep State Biden operation … “he missed”. We will find out the shooter was a highly trained ex military shooter who was highly skilled. The Biden Admin. sent their best … but the crowd got in the way. That damn dead man got in the way! Now … the Biden Admin. cabal have got to deploy Plan-C

  3. Forthcoming implications: The period of time that the FBI sits on the identity of the shooter will be directly reflective of how damaging it is to the Left. Some examples.

    1. Worst case scenario (Illegal Immigrant arriving in the US in the last 3 years)
    2. Chinese National (my guess btw). China is not ready to take Taiwan just yet and will require another 4 years from Biden to do so. China has a rather sophisticated resource apparatus in the US (and just about every country)…and has the ability to recruit residents based on threats to relatives on the Mainland. Most of their spies are operated this way.
    3. ANTIFA/ BLM brigade. While not unexpected, it does limit their ability to stir things up as the election gets closer. So it would be an unhinged lone wolf and not an organized and planned effort. Those who use ANTIFA and BLM would prefer a low profile until useful and timely.
    4. Garden variety unhinged leftist (this is what those in high positions on the Left are hoping for….it is the least damaging. It will, also, expedite the reveal of the shooter’s name.
    5. And, I would remiss if I didn’t include the intelligence community and their subcontractors associated with the defense contractors. At the very least they would lose quite a few financial opportunities and structured laundered applications (such as Ukraine) were Trump to be re-elected.

    I suspect this will be like the Trans school shooter case, and acquiring information will be like pulling teeth….unless it’s #4 above.

    1. I’m voting for #5. Not necessarily the (lack of) intelligence community, but maybe someone from the deep state. I’ll even go so far as to speculate that the perp was sponsored by the feds. In other words, I will suggest this early that the government itself had something to do with it. There’s been cries from the left for Biden to use his new-found immunity to actually put out the kill order. Maybe that’s just rhetoric, but I still remember the noise when Sarah Palin’s campaign, using their twitter feed, put targets on Democrats during the 2008 election cycle.
      I shouldn’t have to say that the rhetoric (if it was simply rhetoric) involving Trump is far, FAR WORSE, but nobody wants to talk about that angle. Not even from the right!

    2. According to Larry Johnson the shooter was a Chinese National. Hired gun? Who hired him.

      1. I hadn’t heard anything reliable just yet. I assumed a China connection based on (not only) Taiwan, but also the condition of China at present. Some say they are less than 10 years away from total collapse. And when Trump was in office, he really stuck it to them (not just tariffs, but publicly courting their biggest trading partners and restructuring the Eastern Rim trade). Biden is firmly in China’s pocket. They’ll want to keep it that way.

        The other facet to this is that whomever took the shots (I’ve heard there were 5) was not a very good shot. And, as I stated above, China has a habit of using ex-pat nationals for their dirty work….who happen to be inexperienced but controllable through threat to family members on the mainland.

  4. well here it is former seals, decorated and very experienced vets, concerned citizens, retired target shooting champions, all ye of such mindset,

    1. this is you cue to get together and put a wall around Donald Trump 6 ways till Sunday.

      1. dont wait secret servcie fbi or even HIS people

        do it now now now, put it together, step up to the plate he needs you, your country needs you because your country needs him. do it. DO IT

  5. Kinsella should know all there is to know about staged, considering the ‘staged’ concentration camp number that was ‘staged’ years ago by our hostess. Why this poofter thinks he has any credibility in Canadian news cycles is an indication of how moronic the Canadian public is.

    1. a level of hate so deep she risks serious personal reprimand.
      lets see if she gets it.

    2. I’m am ever thankful that I am not her patient, and at the same time, pray for the well-being of people who are.

  6. Warren Wee-wee must have fallen off his little red wagon and be back on the Bud Light.

  7. According to Dan Bongino Trump does not have the full presidential security detail.
    Have been checking out the media take and the main message seems to be no retaliation and duly noting Trump hasn’t given that message. As well we are to believe Republican senators and Congress representatives should not be angry nor upset.
    In spite of the canned platitudes from the press and other leaders ,the level of commitment to their narrative indicates to me they are actually disappointed at the failure.
    It will be a mistake to underestimate the level of commitment the Democrats
    cabal have to retaining power. I think most people here understand there isn’t a Rubicon they won’t cross. Unfortunately, I am finding that for far to many this is just a collective yawn. I have been saying for quite some time ,they will not allow Trump to be President. Even if he wins he faces massive resistance from the establishment institutions, democrats and not an insignificant number of Republicans. Judging by France, we are not so different in Canada.God help us.

    1. There were Democrats in both Senate and House saying that President Donald J. Trump’s Secret Service protection should be rescinded after the Democrat’s Dept. of Justice found him guilty of felonies.

      And they’ve denied similar protection to Robert Kennedy. In light of his personal history this seems to be a fail.

      So it’s not looking very cool in some circles to be a Democrat. A number of folks I follow on various social medias are saying this seals the election win for Trump, and they can’t see someone taking the nomination from Biden now, so they’re stuck with the brain damaged current office holder.

      I think it was sealed previous to this event, but “even more so” now I guess…

      Warren Kinsalla despises the current PM of Canada, but I don’t share any other opinions with him.
      Staged? from +81 million voters, they had to pay someone to stage this? er, no, there’s enough lunatics to go around…

  8. Dr. Karen Pinder of UBC is disappointed that the shooter missed, seems like she needs some invasive “social media training”

    She won’t be the only leftist useful idiot to self identify today.

  9. Biden could not find a way to say (about the assassination attempt) that …” this is not who we are as a people” … he saves that phrase for Pride month, and other critical times.

  10. Actual Nat Po headline:

    Trump says he felt ‘bullet ripping’ through skin in statement after apparent assassination attempt
    Fake assassination attempt on Trump
    •National Post / by The Associated Press / Jul 13, 2024 at 6:29 PM

  11. Here’s a shoutout to all you philanderers out there – If you’re playing the big shot and buying your mistress new furniture for her apartment make sure your wife isn’t on the delivery contact list that was left on from a previous purchase.
    Seriously, you’re so dense light bends around you.

  12. ass·hole
    vulgar slang•North American
    1. a person’s anus.
    2. a stupid, irritating, or contemptible person.
    See also: Warren Kinsella

  13. So. That’s it, eh Warren? All you got left in the toolbag is some shit-posting? Buy a new fishing rod and retire from the bullshit business. Far away where we can’t smell you.

  14. After a brief moment after October 7th when he actually said the truth, maybe for the first time in his whole career, the Liberal dog returns to his vomit.
