13 Replies to “Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me”

  1. Washington Examiner Poll:
    “Do you believe former President Barack Obama is secretly working to undermine President Joe Biden’s campaign?”

    Barak’s legacy.

    1. Poll says 74% agree. Biden’s strings were most likely got cut a long time ago. Wittingly or unwittingly, and it doesn’t matter which, he is working for the Trump campaign. I keep saying, we’re watching a movie folks, and to have a great movie you need a great cast. Joe should be nominated for best supporting actor.

  2. Sorry … it’s less a “comeback” … than a “restoration” of Trump’s WIN in 2020. There has been NOTHING like this in American history. Never before has a bloated Deep State government bureaucracy, in concert with mass media and social media conspired to LIE and CHEAT their way to a stolen election.

    And that Deep State has completely bastardized our election DAY into an election MONTH because of another LIE … COVID FEAR. Now we have drop boxes, vote harvesting, and mail-out ballots to every address in America. EVERY election under these NEW rules will be a STOLEN election. In order for Trump (us) to WIN … the landslide vote for Trump will have to be so overwhelming that the Dem’s cheating and 14th-hour Biden vote surge … will be exposed as a total mathematical FRAUD.

    1. Well stated. I totally agree. Worrisome that it might happen again. I wonder if the election steal will ever be acknowledged.

    2. cdnt agree more kenji. u are SO right, nothing like it ever.
      l just took a university course ‘american presidents’ in spring 2019 so l know.
      l keep citing Trump’s experience to encourage a dear lady friend challenged by running a rooming house (the stories she tells me) as an example to never give up.

      well president Trump, America, never give up.

  3. Mental illness is no joke.

    Pearl clutching chattering class liberal journalists have been sniffing their own farts and enjoying it immensely for eight years now, de-programming them from this cult-like behaviour may be impossible without an extreme intervention, radical leftists did mention re-education camps so they might find the idea of mental institutions acceptable if it’s called a ‘wellness center’ or ‘health retreat’ or some other BS moniker.

    MAiD from His Majesty Justin Trudeau is another option should these journalists wish to flee to our national-socialist utopia…

  4. Hey Geff!

    A woman who you’ve never met, has just claimed you raped her in a boutique shop dressing room … uh … sometime … can’t remember the year or month … about 30 years ago. No, the rape was never reported to anyone, and there is no evidence it ever happened.

    But thankfully, leftist wokesters have eliminated all statutes of limitations for sex crimes. Evidently, because women go to psychologists who help them “recover memories” of traumas and rapes. Unh huh … riiiiiiiight. And thankfully … leftists demand you BELIEVE all women! No matter what they “say” happened … even when there is no evidence it ever happened.

    Best you get used to our new “rapey” POTUS. Hahahahaha ha ha ha ha

  5. Being a convicted felon, convicted of fraud, sexual assault, and whichever charges are next on the left’s agenda, is more of a statement on the left’s judicial standards than on DJT’s character.

    There’s a long, long list of people convicted of this sort of “justice” and to place your faith or quality of goodness amongst them is just sloppy.

    a couple of small examples…
    MLK wrote “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” not from a Democrat’s field office, but from an actual jail.
    The folks who murdered Anne Frank were following the law, as was the City of Amsterdam who after the war, seized the house she had lived in for non payment of taxes.

  6. All that and he’s still clobbering Biden. It’s good to be Trump. He can’t be stumped.

    1. “Remember Democrats will be counting the ballots in November.”

      Yes, but under very close scrutiny from Republican volunteers.
