Just Tweeted by Robert F. Kennedy’s Running Mate

27 Replies to “Just Tweeted by Robert F. Kennedy’s Running Mate”

  1. just msg’ed a dear friend whom l keep up to date on world affairs. (very busy running a rooming house in trudeau’ housing hell), to whit, ‘l dont remember them celebrating on november 23 1963″.
    l dont. not a single time even 1 person on the news celebrating the bullet that blew jfk’s head completely open. not even the russians ‘mortal enemies’.
    but Trump, 2024 . . . . the response IS VERY BAD FOR THE NATION

    1. the destruction of the USA started with the Kenyan and will continue if democrats get re-elected

      1. I only hope:
        1) there is an election in november
        2)trump is alive, and
        3) he wins it by so much that the demoncrat cheating fails

    1. I’m concerned about the brain eating parasite he acquired around the time he was posing with roasted dog. And the 15 years of heroin use.

      America needs to stop with the family dynasty crap. Being the wife or child of a politician does not qualify a person to lead the country

      1. But in this case, he is experienced, knowledgeable and intelligent. I have been very impressed, listening to his interviews. Dems have been foolish to shun him.

        1. He’s still a climate nutter though, notwithstanding his circumspection of vaccines and the deep state.

          1. Yes, I did say I agree with SOME of his ideas.
            The Democrats were nuts to push him out of the mainstream party, and his vaccination / deep state ideas I mostly do agree with, not so much his environmental advocacy.

            I’ve yet to hear of a single word which any of the Biden’s have ever said which I’ve agreed with.

    2. RFK Jr represents his uncle’s Democrat party… you know… When the democrats were still sane.

  2. I think Trump is the only man who can prevent WW3.
    The majority of politicians in Europe and North American seem eager to race into it.

    1. Nam Korea wwll ww l civil prussia etc way back lots of it.
      some of them didnt know it.

  3. I have NO USE for this womyn whatsoever … but I agree with every word she said. And if the Biden puppet Admin. weren’t the actual SHOOTERS … they’d come out with just as brilliant a statement. But since they arranged the assassination in the same way Boeing has arranged their demise … via incompetent people elevated to positions that blew thru their Peter Principle. This was a PLANNED event accommodated by the SS.

    1. It seems the SS snipers shot only after the gunman shot. Is that the orders the Trump SS has been given?

      1. The SS response to the shooter AFTER THE FACT … was utterly amazing. The SS went from clueless about a shooter (despite being told about him by witnesses fully 3 minutes before the shooting) … to killing him from 450ft away. In literally less than 2 seconds.

        Why does this feel like a Jack Ruby elimination of Oswald ? Dead shooters tell no tales.

        1. EXACTLY.
          My thoughts too.
          They aimed on the shooter and then waited for him to fire before killing him.
          Deep state.

          1. The SS killed him too fast to have been unplanned. Period. I have an open mind … so go ahead … give me some facts to change it. Until then … this is a Peter Strozk “insurance policy” to “protect our Democracy”

        2. That the building closest to the rally podium was not properly secured is outrageous. Our dysfunctional nation, led by a man who has no idea where he is, or what he is doing.

  4. Why do I get the feeling that the “timetable” just shortened significantly?

    Someone(s) in too much of a hurry to achieve convergent disasters?

    Anyone running a “book” on whether any “suspects” turn up alive?

    As always:

    Once is happenstance,
    Twice is coincidence,
    Three times is enemy action.

  5. Trump says he felt ‘bullet ripping’ through skin in statement after apparent assassination attempt
    Fake assassination attempt on Trump
    •National Post / by The Associated Press / Jul 13, 2024 at 6:29 PM

    Nat Po headline

  6. Trump should consider dumping the SS, and hiring his own private security. TBH, I don’t trust the SS to protect Trump. What we’ve seen today was either utter incompetence in securing the site, or a deliberate, malevolent act by the deep state to “protect American democracy!”

    I’m leaning towards the latter. I cannot believe that the SS with their years of experience could achieve that level of incompetence.

  7. True words.. As if affordable energy and a somewhat secure border was worth what they have done to us the last 7 years.. Liberals signed off on the Marxist politics in our Colleges and Universities.. Mainstreaming the revolution..

    A war footing level of propaganda.. Such things will go to your head.. One side will SNAP.. As planned..
