33 Replies to “Lowering The Bar”

  1. So, you will soon have ambulance chasers advertising “I passed the bar exam” to differentiate themselves from those who got licensed via other methods.

    I’m also not opposed to this, since lawyer licensing is a scam to keep prices high to begin with.

    1. The first question I would ask if I was looking for a lawyer in Washington is “show me proof you passed the bar “. You don’t have to have a law degree to write the bar exam in some US states but you do in Canada. On the other hand, Doctors are in school until their thirties and we still get ones that are not up to spec. I think medicine does a better job of keeping out competitors to keep their rates high.

  2. Had to check the date on this. No, it wasn’t April 1. What’s next, doctors?

  3. Awesome. They should do the same for doctors, engineers and well…f*ck it…let OTWP hang whatever shingle they like. What could possibly go wrong?

    1. Well … apparently … WA State has allowed Boeing to hire the incapable and the incompetent … based on the genitalia … or mutilated genitalia … or skin color … or country of origin … or ANYTHING other than whiteness … ANYTHING other than demonstrated competence.

  4. On the plus side, you no longer have to be able to dunk to be drafted by the NBA.

    I just signed a $3.4M deal with the Raptors, and I’m a 5’7″ 55 year-old pudgy white Canadian guy.

    Diversity rocks!

  5. I graduated law school in the States. They are going about this backwards. It isn’t the bar exam they should get rid of, it’s the law school requirement. A new lawyer trained in a law office for three years would have actual experience and know how things worked in his jurisdiction. He passes the bar exam, he should be a lawyer.

    This move allows the law schools to veer further left and fill their students with ever larger and smellier pasture patties, loosing “lawyers” on the public who have no practical knowledge whatsoever. They really are trying to destroy our society.

    1. except now it aint lawyers getting it in the heck, just wannabes.
      l dont see that as an improvement.
      ps he was right about quite a bit of stuff high on my list ‘the truth will out’

    2. Yes, Shakespeare was right (in Henry VI, Part II) that if one wants to establish a tyranny, the first thing one does is remove the means to effective legal representation.

  6. Make no mistake … wokist California will immediately grant blanket reciprocity to all NO BARRED WA State attorneys.

    Oh well … we might as well have incompetent lawyers to go along with our incompetent Judges and JOKE courts. And they’ll match-up perfectly with all the Soros-funded DA’s

  7. Oh! The Irony! We have just suffered this Spring a series of idiotic judgements coming from the criminal just-us system in America that would have strained the imagination of Lewis Carrol and George Orwell and now we’re about to toss it all into the proverbial dustbin of history in the name of diversity, inclusion and equity! Why stop there. Let’s eliminate the need for all standards, no medical boards or licences, no driver’s licences, no citizenship requirements, no building codes, let’s get rid of everything that has taken 5,000 + years to develop. It would be funny if it wasn’t so ironically tragic!

  8. Thanks for admitting there’s an identifiable group of people that are too stupid to pass the tests.
    You’re making it worse, idiots.

        1. Sweet! Jane Says got a little stale for me after my kids played it for the 900th time. But never with the steel drums mon … with de island flavor

          You have to admit that the Porno for Pyros techno guitar interludes are simply the best!! Geeze there were still REAL musicians in the 90’s

  9. ya know, this is exactly what should be happening if The End Times are coming. and soon.

    1. and why did the 1st part vanish when the 2nd part showed up?

      too bad there SDA looks like the infamous AI took over you too

  10. I think we’ve already seen a number of lawyers of this calibre already in recent court cases.

  11. Another profession where those with more than two brain cells to rub together will avoid the black practitioners, seeing as how they’ll all be suspected of lacking the brains and ability to succeed on their own.

  12. ok. the rule should be: no bar exam? you are only allowed to represent the government, politicians and government employees. you cannot represent anyone else.

  13. Alberta and likely other provinces did away with bar exams. Canada doesn’t have shithole private law schools. The only law schools in Alberta are world class provincial universities the U of Alberta and the U of Calgary and admission is extremely difficult if you are white or Asian.
