Steven Guilbeault says so, so it must be true

He even has an economist agreeing with him!

Federal Minister of Environment and Climate Change Steven Guilbeault takes to X to explain how pricing on carbon dioxide emissions fixes everything from global warming to health to your pocketbook.

He seems to think there’s a lot of “misinformation about carbon pricing.”

And on that carbon front:

It looks like something’s up. Hearing cancelled for Saskatchewan’s bid to stop federal collection of carbon money


Frontier Centre for Public Policy: Is hydrogen really the solution?

32 Replies to “Steven Guilbeault says so, so it must be true”

  1. Welfare scheme.. You take 5 and give me back 2.. So you can play with universal income under a different name..
    Have I not paid enough taxes already?.. Do we need another green level of government over our heads?..

    1. if Moe backs down he loses the election.

      As for hydrogen, well – if you don’t mind things blowing up a random (such as cars, trucks, homes, pipelines, etc) at a significantly higher rate than with natural gas then sure, go with it. It is a nasty little molecule that like to escape, fuks with metal and needs really high pressure to store any usable amount.

  2. The punchline to a joke about 3 PhDs on a desert island with one can of beans trying to decide how to open the can and survive. The last PhD is an economist who writes equations on the beach for 3 hours and then comes back and says: “Imagine a can opener…” That is how I feel about a large percentage of economists, particularly those of the Keynesian persuasion who have no touch with reality – “Imagine if quantitative easing actually worked… how great would that economy be without any manufacturing and no power” Stephan Guilbeault is a dangerous, stupid, WEF, Club of Rome, Malthusian leaning, communist ideologue with an agenda that has no basis in reality, end of line.

    Listen to me, Stephan and I will tell you a truth: CO2 is not pollution and it sucks as a greenhouse gas, following, not leading the temperature curve as discovered by a German scientist in 1916 during the First World War.

    1. “Stephan Guilbeault is a dangerous, stupid, WEF, Club of Rome, Malthusian leaning, communist ideologue with an agenda that has no basis in reality” — totally correct. What a creep and a deceiver.

  3. What was it Shakespeare said?

    Two arseholes
    Completely void of dignity
    In putrid Ottawa
    Where they fleece us sheep

  4. Stevie is another short guy, eh? Figures.

    There ought to be a minimum height requirement for men in politics. The little short-kings have attitude problems out the wazoo.

      1. Same syndrome. It’s not caused so much by the lack of height, but rather, by having tiny little things.

  5. It’s utterly irrelevant whatever CP writes about carbon taxes. CP is nothing more than the current Canadian version of Pravda. It will always skip or alter inconvenient facts.

    What’s the difference between CP and a drug dealer? The drug dealer is sometimes honest.

  6. Guilbeault is a dangerous arseh*le with the IQ of a lemming, the personality of Adolf H. and the looks of Quasimodo. The sooner he’s gone, the better. And I don’t really care how he goes. If it’s feet first, I’ll gladly line up for a few hours just to piss on his grave. The amount of loathing I feel for this subhuman POS is off the charts.

    1. Wrong. He’s actually rather clever. That’s what makes him dangerous and even more urgent that he be removed as Minister from such an important role.

  7. So 300 credentialed prostitutes who say and do what ever it takes to get their greedy fingers on part of that carbon tax largess. As an economist with a great understanding of the economy one would presume, why aren’t they out in the market place and build large successful companies? Instead 300 of them work in academia bagging for grant money from the government. The irony.

  8. Video warning: You will be dumber after watching it as at least a couple of your brain cells will implode.

  9. CO2 is not pollution. It’s literally good for the environment. They are demonizing carbon (human beings are carbon based lifeforms – keep that in mind) and using it to usher in a new tax. A new source of revenue. The tax and rebate is just a scheme to employ people in Ottawa and solidify their power base. The only course of action is to scrap the idea of “putting a price on carbon”. Because it’s nonsense.

  10. Ignoring the fact that most economists are prostitutes in a cheap suit, at least they show a sliver of honesty in the carbon tax debate. They preface their support by saying “if global warming can be solved by taxes” … then the Federal government’s carbon tax is the best way to solve global warming because it picks the most pockets.

    There is no need for the government to collect taxes and then reimburse Canadians “for most of it”. If they had their way they would deduct it directly from our pay cheques.

    1. I disagree. Prostitutes provide a service to earn money. These people are parasites who spend all their time coming up with ways to confiscate working people’s money. They do however screw you , but there is no service involved.

  11. Former Prime Minister Harper is an economist and was a politician. Here’s what he has to say about carbon taxes ( from 2:20 – 5:00) in an interview. “It’s not an environmental policy, it’s a revenue policy,”

    What is also worth noting is that Haper not only answers the journalist’s question directly, without a word salad, redirections or evasions, he is articulate and intelligent. Contrast that with our current Prime Minister and his cabinet ministers. Harper’s answers about immigration, the UN, NATO and the role of the US in other parts of the interview are also worth watching.

    1. Here’s Harper with a more blunt analysis of the carbon tax:

      “”It is like the national energy program in the sense that the national energy program was designed to screw the West and really damage the energy sector — and this will do those things,” Harper said. “This is different in that this will actually screw everybody across the country.”

      He wasn’t wrong. The carbon tax is a “tax on everything” that hurts everyone but especially targets the energy industries in Alberta and Saskatchewan.

  12. I don’t have an income problem, I have a taxation problem.
    The government doesn’t have an income problem, they have a spending problem.

    Most Canadians are idiots and the Hirsute Hitler knows that.

  13. I thought pride month was over. Why does this post feature a same sex wedding photo?

      1. Want to be happy in life? Find someone who looks at you and holds your hand the way those two do.

  14. One more time, let’s remind ourselves what the fuss is all about.

    According to the IPCC, “For every 1000 GtCO2 emitted by human activity, global surface temperature rises by 0.45°C (best estimate, with a likely range from 0.27°C to 0.63°C).”

    Translated to more commonly used metrics, this is a very broad “likely” range of 0.00000027°C to 0.00000063°C temperature impact per megatonne (Mt) CO₂ emitted. The science is not settled. Canada’s total emissions in 2022 were 548 Mt. This means that we warmed the globe by 0.000148°C to 0.000345°C, or 1°C per 2897 to 6759 years. IPCC’s “best estimate” (0.00000045°C) gives Canada’s impact at 0.000247°C or 1°C in 4055 years.

    Canada’s initial carbon tax was forecast to reduce emissions by 90 Mt in 2022. If this was actually achieved, global warming was deferred by 0.000041°C or 1°C per 24691 years.

    No wonder the goverm,emt wants to talk about tonnes, rather than degrees!
