The Sound Of Settled Science

Intelligent Design: Michael Levin on Consciousness, Cognition, Biology, Emergence

…what she had discovered was that if you look at the nascent ectoderm that later will regionalize to become face and mouth, you know, eyes and mouth and all of that, that, um, uh, that, uh, early, early on before all the genes turn on that, um, uh, determine where all those things will go.

The bioelectric pattern within that ectoderm looks like the face. It, it shows you where all this stuff is going to go.

Fascinating stuff.

One Reply to “The Sound Of Settled Science”

  1. Kate – interesting. If I ever get time I’ll watch the whole thing.
    The level of data required to facilitate the intelligent design of a human being comprised of three trillion cells is inconceivable.
    It takes hundreds of engineers and technologists, from the major disciplines, of process, mechanical, electrical, instrumentation etc., several years to design and source material and components. And when complete the facility’s design will remain fixed until debottlenecking or upgrading is required.
    Am infinitely more complex human is “designed” in am instant. And that design is dynamic. It has already predetermined in that instance how tall you will be at age 12, the exact length of your left index finger at age 17. We know this because identical twins stay pretty much identicsl their whole lives and they have no way of aligning their design after conception. Their life cycle design was laid out and locked in, almost instantly. And all of this magical data is contained in a sperm and an egg. The larger ovum is the width of a human hair. We know nothing yet.
