18 Replies to “The Sound Of Settled Science”

  1. Global warming causes droughts and floods and … ice ages? It’s so hard to keep track, easier to keep a list of the things it doesn’t cause.

    1. The cat threw up on the rug (again). Thanks to climate alarmists, at least now I know the cause.

    1. That’s worth at least a ‘Doubleplusgood’. If you recognize the reference, the perversion of English into a tool of deception is clear.

  2. To solve a large, complex problem you first break it up into a series of smaller problems. Solve the small problems individually and the large problem is solved.

    Climate change is the opposite. All the small problems (polar bear extinction, hungry penguins, wildfires, coastal water damage) are caused by one big problem – the burning of fossil fuels (essentially energy consumption). This makes climate change an unsolvable problem. You can’t break it down. And they want it like that. An unsolvable problem that is always of great concern is the ultimate control scenario.

    And that makes climate change a scam, regardless of changes in weather patterns.

    1. Actually, burning fossil fuels, particularly coal, prevents climate change. Burning coal releases sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere. That, as Bill Gates can tell you, reflects sunlight back into space thus reducing the planet’s temperature. It’s no coincidence that as we transitioned away from coal in the 70’s and 80’s that we stopped worrying about an ice age and started worrying about the planet burning.


      1. Burning coal – like most options – has its downside. In densely populated London the air pollution was blamed for increased mortality during cold snaps.
        I have never understood how one can have ‘settled science’ when collection of data for things which have not happened is an obvious impossibility; let alone making comparisons to speculative outcomes arrived at by averaging sparse records which are then represented as valid bases for calculation. Making concurrent errors does not validate guesstimates.

        1. The biggest problems with burning coal are the particulates and the dioxins. Both contribute to poor health outcomes. Ontario under Mike Harris put scrubbers on all of the old coal burning power plants to reduce (actual) pollution before they were eventually decommissioned.

  3. “Our research suggests …. ”

    My experience suggests this is just another of those uncountable research projects where CLIMATE CHANGE CRISIS (CCC) was the predominate feature of the application for tax-payer funding.

    The outcome is pre-ordained: raise sufficient concern that our present CCC may be causing similar dire consequences to justify more funding.

  4. and to keep this from happening all you need to do is send us all your money, give your house to us, sell your cars and move into a 500 sq foot cubicle in a crime and drug infested city.

    1. Do we want to keep this from happening? If the problem is “global warming” an ice age a solution sounds like a solution.

  5. The blurb after the article at the bottom says the authors are university types with deep expertise who explain things to the little people for democracy.

    Oh how kind of them!

    Arrogant pricks.

    If they were all scientific-methodee perhaps they would not simply accept the catch all phrase of “climate change” as a premise?

    Modern ‘science’ is run by grifter clowns. Fire. Them. All.

  6. How long have we been hearing future predictions by supposed “experts” in regards to Climate.??
    Pretty much for flippin ever…And what has changed..??

    Not a Goddamned thing.
    Ocean levels have remained constant
    Wild fires come & go
    We have colds days & we have hot days
    We get clear skies & cloudy skies, Rain/Snow/Sun, Winter, Spring, Summer & Fall.

    The only thing that has changed is the Growing & Continuing Onslaught of complete & Utter BS emanating from all these supposed “EXPERTEN” (Fascist Govts & Media).

    1. Billionaires have blossomed and everyone else has stagnated. It’s all going swell.

  7. That’s at least the fourth time since the late 1980s that the Gulf Stream has threatened to shut down due to Global Warming(TM). Amazingly, the dire readings of impending slowdown and catastrophe only last a season or two, until the news cycle finds something else to fixate upon. Climate Change: rinse, lather, repeat.
