64 Replies to “No Matter How Much You Hate The Media”

  1. …andrew, you’re an idiot…no..an evil idiot. To be shunned. I hope they spit in your food at the restaurant.

  2. “As if any of them had ever called for violence.” How about Biden saying time to put a bulls eye on Trump. Why would he say that? It clearly is a violent metaphor.
    Trump would have been pilloried for using such an expression.

    1. ” “As if any of them had ever called for violence.” ”

      Yeah, that was the first thing that jumped out at me, too. You would have to be living in a cave with no access to news to believe that.

      “Trump would have been pilloried for using such an expression.”

      As he has been for things he did not even say, like the Charlottesville LIE which Joe Biden still repeats to this very day despite it being debunked years ago.

    2. Yup, coyne is a demonic jackass!.
      Who is talking of killing someone, all democrats.
      Think about that, so who has the cult coyne?

    3. “As if any of them had ever called for violence.”

      How about Kathy Griffin holding a likeness of Trumps decapitated head? Anyone? Hmm?

      I hope it’s a Trump landslide, just to watch the lefties eat each other, or be thrown to the wolves.. None of these idiots deserve any quarter!

  3. Coyne is an ass.

    The Democrats and the press have been screaming that Trump is Hitler and that his election will mark the end to Democracy.

    Is it surprising that some misguided soul brainwashed by the press tries to assassinate Hitler out of patriotic duty to save the nation?

    1. P J
      The guy was 20, so he registered fairly recently as a GOP voter. He made a small contribution to act blue, which is not GOP. So best guess, he was groomed for the “job”, over a couple of years. Yup, they have been planning against Trump since 2015, to stop him one way or another.

  4. Ah, like clockwork! Canadians of a certain political stripe – a ridiculous, ressentiment-addled little people – are ALWAYS true to form!

    What an a**hole

    1. Addendum: The World – i.e., power-brokers, key players, thought leaders, movers & shakers, captains of science and industry, globe-straddling colossi of every hue and stripe – all wait in hushed reverence for Kim Campbell opine on this event.

  5. No Kate, I beg to differ. It is a physical impossibility for them hate me more than I hate them.
    Kind of like going faster than the speed of light.

    1. But you don’t hate them enough. You might think you do, but trust me, you don’t.

  6. Coyne and Kinsella are completely lost in their hatred of Trump.
    They are too stupid to understand what they are part of.
    Canada’s stupidest journalists.

    1. I wouldn’t give them the trophy just yet, we still haven’t heard from Diane Francis or Michael Harris.
      The theme among progressives right now is, “too bad he wasn’t a better shot”.

      It’s astounding, to me, how the propaganda machine can turn half the public into vile hate-ridden lunatics in a short time.

      I hope Trump survives to win in a landslide. We’ll just have to brace ourselves for the flood of celebrities rushing to Canada.

  7. Coyne is nothing more than a globalist mouthpiece so no one should be surprised by his sick utterances . He and his fellow travellers are no doubt disappointed the attempt failed .

    1. I have seen Andrew Coyne presented as the alleged token conservative on Canadian TV political panels, usually with Chantal Hebert as the centrist. The rest are proudly LEFT.

  8. Trump got impeached for telling his supporters to protest peacefully.

    Joe Biden on 8 July, 2024, “… it’s time to put Donald Trump in a bullseye.”

  9. ‘Political violence is always wrong’ but reciprocal political violence is okay. I knew Coyne was a douche but I didn’t take him for a complete piece of shit until now.

    1. I beat you there. He’s auditioning for a senate seat.

  10. This “cultist” rests in the comfort of knowing TDS is incurable, and chronically painful to the sufferer.

    1. When people tell you WHO THEY ARE … believe them. This woman is a malignant tumor and should be excised and irradiated.

  11. that last part, ‘bent on revenge’ well l bloody (pun intended) hope so lm seriously looking forward to it. lve NEVER been so certain of an election as the one going to be on us in the wink of an eye.
    l hope The Donald rains a holy hell on his enemies. he’s going to have IMMENSE support from the fence sitters and ho hum crowd who nevertheless abhor such an attempt on his life. bent on revenge is it andy? well lm bent on WATCHING HIM DO IT.

    1. Eric Ham (A real ass-clown pretending to be an objective political analyst) on CTV “News” tried to use the Lie-beral equivalent to the olive branch. In one of his reports on the attempt at Trump’s life, he expressed the desire that even Trump would “join the chorus to denounce political violence.”

      You know… much like the world governments are demanding an Israel cease fire immediately after the Hamas attack on October 7th.

      To put it succinctly, Trump was attacked, but they don’t want him, or his supporters, to respond appropriately to the attack, because you know what they’re going to say if Trump doesn’t see fit to play their game.

      To Eric Ham, and all of his other “peace-loving” blowhards now trying to de-escalate the schism that is currently driving U.S. politics, I would say “WAY TOO LITTLE, and WAY TOO LATE! This is a war, and you guys started this war! Whatever happens next is ON YOUR HANDS!

      1. The Liberal Party/Democrat Party and the North American Media own this big time!

        30+ years of demonizing Conservatives/Republicans.

        Non stop Hitlerization of Trump.

        Co-Conspirators in assassination.

        The guilty complex is everywhere.

        They know.
        But do they care?
        Not likely.

  12. He chooses to drive the wedge in deeper, rather than make an attempt to bring people together. Not sure what to say anymore about people like this that feel this is ok to share for everyone to see. In the end all we have is each other. I’m feeling much more comfortable being a nobody today!

  13. Cometh the hour, Cometh the man

    “Nothing in life is so exhilarating as to be shot at without result.” —1898 Winston Churchill

    The picture of Trump, a minute after the assassination attempt, pumping his fist in the air with flag in the background, will be the iconic shot of this election. The definition of courage and defiance. And an enormous F*CK YOU to the scum that tried to kill him and all their supporters.


    1. l wonder if he had an epiphany right there in that moment on the stage. will he talk about it or just act on it? pumping his fist and THE CROWD SAW AND CHEERED HIM ON.

      the patriarch has been a target. what are we going to do like minded? between now and november we’re going to do precisely what the whiners claim, we’re going to ride this bullet to VICTORY and THEN WATCH ANOTHER ‘BLOODBATH’.
      he’s going to go after the root. dig up and pull out the root. leftism is like a stubborn weed, just a fragment and it festers again. dig it up burn and crush. do THAT Mr President and you will have ‘cleaned house’ sufficient normal events wil WILL restore the nation and MAGA MAGA MAGA

    2. “The picture of Trump, a minute after the assassination attempt, pumping his fist in the air with flag in the background, will be the iconic shot of this election. The definition of courage and defiance. And an enormous F*CK YOU to the scum that tried to kill him and all their supporters.”

      It will be on T-shirts all across the country in the next few days. Like a gift from God.

  14. “How am I sorry murder didn’t work.”
    “Let me count the ways….”

  15. Ya gotta love the political left in Canada, they always parrot the US lefties? The media expect the right to take their abuse sans any push back, that’s why they blame us for the violence of the left, it’s battered wife syndrome at it’s finest. We simply need to push back against the MSM and it’s non-stop bullying and lies-push back using words only.

  16. There was a time when Coyne’s writing was pretty good. It was intelligent and interesting even when I disagreed with his perspective. That was a very long time ago. Every year for at least a decade or so his work has gotten less intelligent and less interesting, more bitter and more unhinged. His hatred of reform type conservatives, working and middle class families and, especially, conservative people in Alberta and Saskatchewan is unhinged. His comments yesterday and today after the attempted assassination of Trump are just appalling.

    I think the Andrew Coyne of 25 years ago would disown the Andrew Coyne of 2024 because the current man has lost both his principles and any remaining journalistic professionalism. He is almost maniacally obsessed with hating on Trump and Canadian conservatives.

  17. The leftists among us are insane. That being the case we can expect nothing less from the likes of Coyne. On a side note. Has anyone looked at the picture of the ‘shooters’ head? Look at the blood. Ask yourself how long was it between him being shot and the picture being taken. Look at the blood again.

  18. Coyne is just a low ranking soldier for the Globalist crowd, if Trump becomes president a lot of Andy’s friends and people he admires are going to jail. In light of what’s happened, I can see Gen Flynn being picked as VP.

  19. When failure becomes a license to do even crazier things?.. You might be a democrat..

  20. Cenk Uygur also said that he thought Trump was shot in the ear with a BB gun.
    I guess the person killed and those seriously wounded were also shot with a BB gun?

    If the MSM ignore the person killed and the two seriously wounded then they can convince their viewers that this wasn’t a big deal and maybe was even a setup.
    Vicki Campbell already tweeted that she thinks it was ketchup.

    1. “Cenk Uygur also said that he thought Trump was shot in the ear with a BB gun.”

      He’s a known moron, though.

      “I guess the person killed and those seriously wounded were also shot with a BB gun?”

      Looking at a picture of the shooter offered by the New York Post (while the FBI was still strangely unable to identify him) the first thought that crossed my mind was ‘tranny’….this guy thinks he is ‘transsexual’.

      1. “Uygur is a-ok with political violence as long as it targets his perceived enemies.”

        I loved the way that Douglas Murray took him apart…:)

  21. any bets this attempted assassination will be investigated as thoroughly as that “russian” laptop?

    1. Yeah, the FBI is “investigating’… so … the FBI who purge their ranks of patriots or Trump supporters.
      That FBI.
      For sure theyll get to the bottom of this. The FBI will have to move some resources away from “investigating” patriotic Grandmothers who walked into the Capital building to protest a stolen and fraudulent election, but …
      its best when the Deep State investigates itself.

      Coyne knows all about Cults, he belongs to many. Peeair the Turdhole is Coynes most favorite PM, thats one cult.
      He’s an invited Bilderburger attendee, thats two.
      Hes a Globalist POS, thats three.
      He works for corrupt Corporate and State Media, that four.

      Coyne is not only a fraud as a “journalist”, hes a spiteful desperate bitter and deranged man of little consequence.
      He once wrote of the perils of ordering a $16 orange juice in a London Hotel and how it spelt the end of Canada as we know it.
      In other words, he’s an imbecile of record.

  22. Coyne is the poster boy for Everything that is wrong with the Canadian “establishment”.
    He’s as sickening as the CBC, corrupted as the RCMP, perverted as the SCOC, and as anti-democratic as the Federal bureaucracy.
    He’s a Liberal and he’s a turd.

  23. Coyne is right about the effect though, both for the election and as a rightist triumphalist talking point
    e.g. Milei blames the “international left”.
    Let me be the first: It’s TRUMP 47; by an ear!

  24. “…as if any of them ever called for violence…”

    Yeah. Dear Mr. Coyne, when you label a man “an existential threat to American democracy” and claim he’s going to recreate Nazi Germany if elected, you don’t have to tell all your loyal, brain-dead, propagandized minions to get out there and do some violence. They are stupid enough to decide that on their own.

    So, frankly, I would say that you, Mr. Coyne, bear considerable responsibility for the fact that one 20 year old Thomas Matthew Crooks from Bethel Park, PA is dead today. You and the rest of the media convinced him that he had no choice but to try and destroy the evil #OrangeManBad, the existential threat, the Nazi.

    Think about that while shaving tomorrow morning, when you look yourself in the eye. If you still can.

    1. // You and the rest of the media convinced him that he had no choice but to try and destroy the evil #OrangeManBad, the existential threat, the Nazi. //

      Your causal chain is made entirely of weak links.
      Trump knows Who to credit:
      “it was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening.”
      I’m not sure about the “unthinkable” part.

  25. Andrew Coyne detests populists, especially conservative populists. During the start if the Freedom Convoy takeover of downtown Ot, he likened the protestors to a “virus”. The China Flu virus was still around — and Mr. Coyne thought it would a brilliant idea to tie the two concepts together: a viral pandemic was going on, and protestors were in Ottawa, so why not say that the protestors are a virus? This is the mental and moral thinking that Coyne has to offer.

    I recall rwo decades ago, that then Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinrjad held a conference to discuss supposed exaggerations to the Jewish Holocaust. One speaker referred to Jews a “vermin”, or like “microbes”. One writer, covering this event, recalled that Adolph Hitler and other senior Nazi higher-ups referred to Jews using the exact same language.

    Andrew Coyne is a silver-spoon elitist, the son of a famous father in Ottawa, someone who went to the best universities. He detests working people. His language is violent.
