10 Replies to “Sunday On Turtle Island”

  1. Does anyone see the danger posed by democrat, liberal, communists yet? Don’t wait too long.

    1. Contrary to popular religious belief Jesus was no pacifist, otherwise the Roman cabal would not have conspired with the Pharisees to crucify him.

      When Jesus exhorted his followers to “Turn the other cheek” he meant it as an act of defiance, not submission or pacifism.

  2. Maurice strong is at the top of the Terrible Ten list because he was the scum of the earth, A phoney, a liar, a back stabber and one of the last to be arrested by the RCMP for being a chicom asset.

    That is some list of true pond scum.

    We have gone down hill so far and so fast.

    For those that stand with “The down hill gang” they cannot be saved and we must carry on without them.

  3. I expect PM Blackie to condemn the violence of yesterday.
    Then the touting/tooting/tweeting/Xing of Liberal gun confiscation.
    Not long after he’ll finally re-claim how cold and cruel the Cons are and how “populists” are anti-democratic.

  4. ABC News this morning is in full-throated BLAMING of the victim, Trump. Recounting J6 … recounting “fine people on both sides” … recounting Trump promising to become a fascist on day one of his new Admin. …

    The legacy media are pigs. Predictable as pigs rolling in the mud, and just as filthy.

      1. The world is reaching a tipping point, far too many idiots on the left side of the political spectrum.
