Trump Shooter Identified: Thomas Matthew Crooks


20 year old Thomas Matthew Crooks from Bethel Park, PA has been identified as the shooter.

An Instagram page belonging to a Thomas Matthew Crooks shows someone with similar facial features who identifies as Antifa.

24 hour rule still applies. New York Post has the scoop.

Update: The photo being shared may not that of the shooter.
Update 2: FBI Confirms.

46 Replies to “Trump Shooter Identified: Thomas Matthew Crooks”

  1. But, but National Post headline says it was fake!
    Trump says he felt ‘bullet ripping’ through skin in statement after apparent assassination attempt
    Fake assassination attempt on Trump
    •National Post / by The Associated Press / Jul 13, 2024 at 6:29 PM

  2. 24 hours…

    In one of the photos of Trump on the stage, he has what looks to be a dark round area, a bullet hole? in his suit jacket, and he only recently started to wear a protective vest.

    The social media photos of the shooter appear to be a fail.

    1. False flag or to blend in with crowd.

      Makes no sense for a real gun rights supporter.

  3. He must be the assassin, he has 3 names. John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, John David Stutts.

    1. stevie
      LHO was a fall guy who never fired a shot. LHO was CIA asset who fled to USSR as a spy.

      1. I mean, I always took it for granted Jerry Lee Lewis assassinated people, but David Lee Roth?

  4. No need to fuss gentlemen, the investigation has been handed to the FBI and Merrick Garlands DoJ. You just know that the correct Democrat-friendly conclusion will be reached, maybe even before 2030.

    1. the bank accounts of the shooter’s family have to be monitored to see how much the democrats paid for this attempt

  5. The first act of the second Trump administration will be to get rid of Hamas.

    The second act of the second Trump administration will be to get rid of the mullahs.

    The third act of the second Trump administration will be to see to it that the bloodsucking, child-raping, Jew-hating monsters who’ve lorded it over America long enough finally face real consequences for their crimes. The lucky ones will die in American prisons. The unlucky ones will be shipped off to Israel, to stand trial for crimes against humanity before a jury that knows the meaning of the term, and when (not if) convicted, will be sent to follow Eichmann on the same gallows.

    “Lone wolf” my grandmother. The Elders of Amalek put this little schmuck, an antifa thug nobody had ever heard of, up to killing Donald Trump to ensure plausible deniability. He missed. The order came down to put Crooks down before he gave the game away, and this was done.

    They’re afraid.

  6. I like a good conspiracy theory as much as the next guy, but, c’mon. The shooter was approximately as far away from the police sniper as he was from Trump. The video shows only a momentary lapse as the sniper assesses the situation before taking his shot. The post game quarterbacking isn’t helpful.
    All the criticism concerning how the shooter was able to find an unprotected rooftop seems totally justified however. If the Secret service didn’t have the manpower to adequately secure the site then they needed to seek outside assistance.

    1. Dan
      This guy was registered GOP, and antifa, he was 20, so he was groomed for a couple of years, just for this time. This is not the CIA’s first dance. I’ll give you a heads up Abe, Orban, Fico, and now Trump, all of them problematic for the Globalists.
      Now quit feeding yer BULL, as it’s arse appears to be in overdrive!

      1. I wouldn’t read too much into the “registered GOP”.

        PA is one of the states where you can’t cross over and vote in the other party’s primary, so it is a tactic of some Dem activists to register GOP so they can vote in the GOP primary and help them get bad nominees for the election (Oz, for example).

  7. The press just can’t help themselves; building a narrative out of the Mersey wisps of information:

    “…was a registered Republican…”
    “…an AR15 was found nearby…”

  8. Leftists in the US and Canada are enraged. Not because an assassin shot President Trump and failed to kill him, (though sone are angry at that), but because he reacted in a such an indomitable and iconic way.

    They wish that he had reacted like a lesser man; that he would have cowered or remained prostrate and helpless. Instead, he rose to his feet the moment the shooting stopped – bloody but unbowed, raising his fist in triumph and shouting “Fight! Fight!”. This is not the reaction of a weak man, or even an ordinary man. We have witnessed what will Forever be an iconic moment in American history, and this drives leftists insane with rage and envy.

    They wanted Trump to show the world that he was just a weak, old man, and instead he is even more of an indestructible monster than they imagined. They will never be able to Erase this moment. And that drives them nuts.

    Case in point, from Canadian journalist Andrew Coyne:

    1. “Case in point, from Canadian journalist Andrew Coyne”
      The shot whirled around the herd.

    2. “They wanted Trump to show the world that he was just a weak, old man, and instead he is even more of an indestructible monster than they imagined. They will never be able to Erase this moment. And that drives them nuts.”

      Just try to imagine Joe Biden in the same situation.

    1. The general perception among many LIV is that Trump attracts chaos. Nixon was elected in Nov 1968 in part because he represented stability.

      1. Stability isn’t all it’s cracked up to be when conservative-minded folks have to give up their long-held beliefs and have to give in to the radical Left’s agenda–just so there’s “stability” in society. Case in point, “stability” has brought men who pretend to be women going into women’s change rooms and exposing themselves to your sisters, mothers, daughters and grand-daughters. “Stability” has brought the ability for any woman in a marriage to turn her ex-husband into an indentured servant without a house, bereft of any material luxuries and not be able to see his children at the whim of his ex-wife. “Stability” has allowed today’s western woman, who by the time she graduates from high school has the “thousand c*ck stare” as she walks across the stage for her diploma. Stability ain’t all it’s cracked up to be.

      2. What? Incumbent VP Hubert Humphrey didn’t represent “stability”? Puhleeze … what an absurd statement. Nixon was STILL perceived as that sweaty LOSER of the 1960 election.

      1. There must be at least 100,000 hunters in America who could easily hit a target the size of an orange at 150 yds. with a rifle chambered in 30.06, powerful enough to be fatal if the head or critical parts of the abdomen were hit.

        This reminds me of some dark snark made when comparing Timothy McVeigh, the OKC bomber, to Bill Ayers, domestic bombing terrorist member of the Weather Underground and political mentor to Barack Obama, that noted that McVeigh payed attention in shop class and Ayers payed attention in social studies.

        Any odds being offered on whether the shooter was a tranny or not?

  9. Loser parents.

    Gammy and Gramypy must be proud.

    Losers liberal trailer trash.

    Envious of goodness.

    So miserable.

  10. “Registered Republican?” Wouldn’t that be necessary cover if one planned chaos at a Republican event? It’s not like they vet Republicans.

    1. These events are open to the public. Registered means nothing. ‘Registered’ can simply mean a person voted in that party’s primary. Trump himself was a “registered democrat” as recently as 2008.

    2. As I mentioned above, PA is a closed primary state so some Dems register as Republicans to help them get bad candidates (like one who couldn’t beat a guy who just had a stroke).

    3. Remember that James Comey … the originiator and facilitator of the Russia “collusion” frame up of Trump was/is still(?) a registered Republican. It matters not when your entire world view is that of a lunatic leftist.

  11. With dementia Joe in freefall.. I suspect they wanted to clear the ticket entirely.. Who really controls anything these days?.. Lone Wolf doing the bidding of his masters?.. Antifa, anarchist for the win, or the spin.. Two seconds after the shots were fired..

    No getting to the bottom of a cesspool.. A great many on the left want Trump gone.. Dead will do just fine.. They are your darling Antifa brownshirts after all.. The militant arm of the lib-left.. BLMs deranged little brother..

    They can do no wrong?.. Well they just did.. A terrorist organization that needs to be banned..

  12. Let’s hope the Palestinian Authority gives Thomas Matthew Crooks’ family a lifetime pension for his attempt cleanse the USA of the the biggest threat to the world.

    1. “Let’s hope the Palestinian Authority gives Thomas Matthew Crooks’ family a lifetime pension for his attempt cleanse the USA of the the biggest threat to the world.”

      Yes, and then Donald Trump, once elected, proceeds to again cut off Iran’s money and influence while providing Israel with the large amounts of money and the latest high-tech weaponry necessary to eliminate Hamas once and for all….followed by the hasty disbanding of Hezbollah (who can see the writing on the wall). That would be great, for sure.

    2. I always laugh when I see “Palestinian Authority”. You really mean Hamas, a terrorist organization. When the guy who almost got killed gets into power he’s going to put an end to a lot of killing. Ironic isn’t it? War’s over.

      1. “I always laugh when I see “Palestinian Authority”. You really mean Hamas, a terrorist organization.”

        I always laugh when they claim that “innocent civilians” were killed. Which ones are those, exactly?
