In Government Incompetence Today…

Blacklocks- ‘No Records’ On $8B Blunder

The Canada Revenue Agency says it has “no records” divulging who made an $8 billion mistake in mismanaging a pandemic relief program, according to Access To Information files.

“Let me be clear, we are not perfect,” testified Hamilton. The Revenue Commissioner said an unidentified government official told the Revenue Agency to process claims, no questions asked.

Blacklocks- “Equality Fund” Lost Millions

The Equality Fund was to correct “the funding shortfall for women’s rights and feminist organizations in developing countries,” wrote auditors. “It was meant to provide a sustainable, predictable and flexible source of funding that would enable women’s rights and feminist organizations to advance gender equality and empower women and girls.”

29 Replies to “In Government Incompetence Today…”

  1. So that’s an excuse we can use when CRA comes banging on our door? Sorry, I have no records.

    1. good thing this aint jolly old angland *their* billion is a million million
      the claim is its been updated to US std ie thousand million but these days, merely
      *claiming* a thing MAKES it true, so who knows what the progressive leftoid billion is

    2. A Billion here, a Billion there … and pretty soon you’re talking real Loonies!!

  2. Equity fund pushing feminism in the 3rd world.. Im sure they will open a PO box and get their cousin to print off some flyers for free.. All for 300 million dollars.. You go girl..

  3. And yet they have the Gal to go after Saskatchewan for not changing the crazy carbon tax on heating! The CRA should keep their eye on their real issues!!!! Like losing track of 8,000,000,000 dollars on pandemic relief!!

    1. But our esteemed Prime Minister arrogantly stated that the Canada Revenue Agency was “very, very good at what they do” or some nonsense to that effect. It appears that bullying a province into collecting and remitting a completely useless and unfairly applied tax is much easier than keeping track of a few billion missing dollars. What an absolute clown show! Every day seems to bring up a new boondoggle or scandal and the NDP allows this to continue. Why? That’s a good question for Saskatchewanians to ask their NDP candidate when it slithers up to your door in October.

  4. Money Laundering by government bureaucrats. It all goes to a number of “worthy” worthless causes.

  5. There is a difference between “losing” money and not being able to find it. Money is rarely lost; there are always people who know where it is, in which bank accounts.

  6. Malfeasance.

    Those imbeciles in Ottawa would NEVER accept a citizen not paying tax and then saying “I have no records”

    People should be locked up until the answers are given, not just a few underlings, the entirety of those who are qualified to sign checks. They can be released then with the federal government’s best and most sincere, “sorry”

    1. My best guess is that the carbon reduction and globull warmin’ “problem” would be completely and entirely solved should the Liberal/NDP freaks in Ottawa cease and desist their burning of all their financial records.

      There, problem solved.

    2. My “brother from another mother” has been audited 5 times by CRA. Each time he has proven that he has paid the tax, but he says the whole process is stressful. He told the person the last time, that if he received another audit, he will be jumping off of the 27th floor balcony of his apartment. The CRA is useless!

      1. happened to me 4 times.
        my fav afte l moved fromst cathaines to bulington 1990.
        they disputed self employed i/c and then COPIED the i/c figue into the wages box.
        and demanded immediate payment taxes l didnt owe.
        and l pointed out thei erro so they teatened to sieze mya ssets.
        so l said go ahead the old cavelie showing its age and ty and find my tools now.

        then afte being told ‘deal with the st cathaines office’ l went to the downtown hamilton office, laid it all out on the counte after 2 friggin years of the nonsense and told them my nxt stop was the Spectato newspape which had just done a scandal about unwritten quotas

        they caved. it was the piles of documents did it.

      2. I’ve been audited ONCE … the ultimate reason? We had three young children, and so my wife was doing Daycare in our home … because it made no economical sense to put THREE of our kids in SF Bay Area $$$$ Daycare. The IRS was cracking down on people who lied about saying they were doing Daycare … and hence were able to write off 100% of their home expenses during Daycare hours.

        It was an awful ordeal … even though our records were immaculate. But I wasn’t worried about the Daycare math … but I was more worried about something else that the IRS Auditor should have easily discovered … but frankly she was too dull witted to figure it out … Phew! I dodged a bullet. Why? Because her “mission” was to catch us as “Daycare Liars and cheats” … we weren’t. Case closed. The IRS … not the brightest or the best.

        1. Kenji – doing daycare expenses up here in Canada is a beotch. Typically, the area used for daycare is also used by the family after hours, so there’s this funky and not-so-fun calculation as to the percentage of use which – as I recall – was the daycare hours per week/total hours per week times the number of weeks daycare was in operation (holidays happen). It was not a fun calculation. But – in the days I was working for a tax firm – I made sure we had all the t’s dotted and the i’s crossed, so to speak, so CRA would find nothing.

          1. Did something similar when I had my office in my home. Fortunately I had an accountant doing my taxes in those days.

  7. What’s with these 8sshol3s always saying “Let me be clear” and then lying. JT does it, Chrystia the N8zi does it…it annoying – we know you’re clearly lying.

  8. Liberal pockets. The money is now in the pockets of Liberal party members and supporters.

    Media supporters know this of course, but their own pockets are stuffed with your cash too.

  9. These are the same vampires that will hound poor people to cough up every last red cent they “owe” the government so they can pay their “fair share”.

    “The Revenue Commissioner said an unidentified government official told the Revenue Agency to process claims, no questions asked.” So this dude does whatever an unindentified government official tell him to do?

    1. Make the Revenue commissioner liable for all claims, and suddenly the “unidentified government official” will become identified.

  10. The person who made the “mistake” of mismanaging the funds is obviously the minister at that time, though $8,000,000,000 is probably way beyond her signing authority, so it would be turdeau.

    Like most turdeau ministers, she is supremely unqualified for any actual job-Minister Lebouthillier earned her Bachelor of Social Work from the Université de Moncton,.
