35 Replies to “Incompetent or Corrupt?”

  1. The shitlib establishment is now so over-bloated, blind and incompetent that they can’t even pull off a half-baked setup without bumbling all over the place, stepping on each other’s toes, releasing information in the wrong order, etc. I don’t think anyone at all takes them seriously anymore. People may fear them, like they would fear a 3-year old with a grenade, or a rabid dog.
    We are now provably living in an idiocrasy dystopia.

  2. Almost like they knew about the troubled shooter, encouraged him to act, caused intentional mayhem to distract security. held the ladder to the best roof top and made damn sure to silence him right after his shots were taken. How desperate are the Dems? Given Russia Gate, the Ukrainian phone call ham sandwich and armed thugs dumping Melania’s underwear drawer looking for anything, real or more likely imagined, they’ve never stopped trying to put the orange man into a matching jumpsuit. Now maybe they want to do a lil more.

      1. And Democrats will immediately file articles of impeachment, because “You can’t handle the truth.”

        If the FBI is investigated, it will simply be concluded that the Fargo office is now incredibly diverse.

  3. Picnic goers.. Sunbathers notice.. But the police and the secret service got nothing.. To be so incompetent that your possible involvement in the crime becomes a thing.. What is your operating procedure for a lone gunman on the roof?.. Call it in?.. Absurd..

    1. And confront the lone gunman on the roof and retreat … to save your own life … and then do NOTHING. Why? Because the PO didn’t really like Trump anyway

      1. The Secret Service reports to DHS…the same people ultimately responsible for securing the border.

  4. The time stamped video is utterly DAMNING. I’m certain the Biden “investigation” will provide the timeline of the WARNINGS going unheeded … Unh huh … as if …

    This was a murder gone wrong

  5. Screw FBI – they have been Biden’s primary weapon against Trump. House committee under Republican control should investigate, with every witness under oath.

    1. It’s almost as if NO ONE on-site had ever done this job ever before. Was the A-team all on vacation? Was this “security” designed by sime random Temp. Agency?

      1. I wouldn’t be surprised if we are informed that the Secret Service was SO OVERWHELMED that security for this event was out-sourced.

        1. My best friend told me that Trump’s SS Detail was sent to protect Jill Biden … suddenly … and a new group brought in …

          1. That’s exactly what happened. And Dr. Jill gets a much larger SS detail than Trump. The whole thing seems meticulously planned.

          2. Yes. Presumably they were all temporary workers — replacements. Now that would be deliberate, I should think. Why exactly is Trump’s security sent to protect Jill Biden? The woman heading up security should resign, but I think she has already refused. No pressure, despite this level of incompetence. (Well, then again, maybe she was just following orders.)

    1. … a well-dressed, well-spoken … him

      She most likely … identifies … as a dude.

  6. If the FBI want their new building, they’ll need a Democrat to spend like mad for it…

    I did watch the entire Rep. Cory Mills interview. He asks some relevant questions which deserve answers.

    1. Grey
      Don’t fergit STUPIDITY! As the whole set up was a screw up, except for the silencing team, who preformed admirably.

  7. I’m not sure what to make of the woman at the end of this video. It did, indeed, look like a smirk when the shots started flying. She showed no concern, and immediately started videoing with her phone. Odd.

  8. 3 snipers were in building used by shooter
    CBS News learned three government snipers were stationed inside the building used by the shooter.

    Crooks took out a rangefinder and the sniper alerted commanders. Crooks walked away and came back with a backpack. The snipers called in that information and said he was walking toward the back of the building.

    Officers believe he might have used an air conditioning unit to get to the roof.

    By the time other officers came for backup, he was on the roof. State police started rushing in, but Crooks had been shot when they got there.


    I’ve tried to paste more text but the algorithm won’t accept it

    1. 3 on 1. Yeah, wait for backup; smoke ’em if you got ’em.
      Unbelievable in every regard except that these are exactly the kind of incompetent people Biden has added to every government bureaucracy.

  9. Too many questions.
    Who was behind Blackrock filming in the shooters high school, was it a film maker…or was it a recruiter?
    When did the shooter do the site evaluation at the fair grounds, how did he get there, what inspired his visit to Butler? The geolocation feature on his phone will tell us.
    How did he know that there would be a ladder to the roof with a direct line of sight to the podium?
    How did he know the firing location would not be occupied with LEO’s?
    Why did the LEO who confronted him on the roof retreat? The very least he could do was put out a radio call. Failing that he should have fired his service weapon to alert others.
    Why were the witness’ of the shooter on the roof ignored?
    Why did the snipers, who appear to be local, wait until shots were fired before engaging the target?
    When the shooter was seen on the roof by the LEO snipers, why wasn’t President Trump removed immediately?
    How did the shooter wander around with a long gun unnoticed?
    How did the FBI get this infected with depraved people….someone wanted this to happen.

    No lone gunman here.
    God bless Donald Trump

    1. “How did he know that there would be a ladder to the roof?” I want to know where that ladder came from. Who brought it there. I do not believe the shooter did. He had help.

  10. Another CIA assassination operation…. get ready for another one too.
    The Deep State will not stop until they kill President Trump.
