It’s JD Vance

Ben Shapiro weighs in: a bold pick, a whole new generation… you cannot doubt his IQ, you cannot doubt he’s a bulldog.

Glenn Reynolds;

With Trump feeling — literally — the wind of mortality on his neck, he’s going to want a backup who’ll carry the MAGA flame, not some milquetoast who might “balance the ticket” but who wouldn’t be worth it if he/she stepped into Trump’s shoes. Plus at best Trump can only serve one term; he wants someone who might follow him in office and carry the MAGA vision forward.


Earlier today, Trump called for RFK to get Secret Service protection, and a friend messaged me: “Haha, when they do that, our crazy orange former president official becomes shadow chief executive. Making the common sense calls the Biden admin can’t quite manage.”

And later today, they did that, with Sec. Mayorkas announcing that RFK will get Secret Service protection. To which my friend comments: “Prediction: Here through Jan 20 will be the first six months of the second Trump admin.”

The dynamism is all on one side here.

61 Replies to “It’s JD Vance”

    1. He is just fine. He will shred Kamala Harris (assuming she is still in the VP position). But the truth is, VP’s have little power while the President is alive. The cabinet, on the other hand, is where the action is. And Trump has a full bench to fill those positions.

      1. Way better than Pence.
        His book is great. I still remember a part when his relatives attended a funeral and afterward couldn’t find JD. Fearing abduction, they passed out guns and searched every car leaving, without waiting for the cops.
        BTW, JD was asleep in the church somewhere.

        1. All I know is that he grew up POOR like me … but wasn’t a loser (nor was I) … and was raised by a strong, if not overbearing grandmother who kept him inspired to make something of his life. Literally … just like me. Except I didn’t grow up in the boonies … I grew up POOR in an upper-upper middle class community where a quarter of my graduating class went to the Ivy League. Except me.

          1. That’s a stellar endorsement, Kenji.
            We finally get a VP Candidate with a genuine working-class/working-poor upbringing, who struggled, worked hard and succeeded, and witnessed his family struggling and working to achieve success.

            No more entitled Bush family insiders; no more super-entitled Romney family narcissism.

  1. Definitely supports President Trump’s policies. He will be the anti-Pence I think.

  2. You mean Trump actually picked someone by qualifications and experience instead of skin colour? Wow.

      1. Agreed. He will definitely bring energy, objectivity and analytic skills to the 47 administration.

        1. “Agreed. He will definitely bring energy, objectivity and analytic skills to the 47 administration.”

          He is far too talented to pass up, for sure. I’m hoping he will somehow be involved in the 2020 election fraud investigations.

  3. Seems to me to be a good choice.
    The right people have targeted him for some time, seems pretty well-spoken. Not an insanely rich elitist. Fair bit of private sector work.
    No complaints here.

      1. “Very smart man. Good choice.”

        Really good choice. I’ve watched a few videos of him destroying Trump-hating ‘journalists’.

      1. DCH:
        Good article but I’d be a lot more impressed had he argued against the US having anything to do with Ulraine — that the US started the proxy war against Russia with the ultimate objective of conquering it (LOL) and stealing its resources.

        Good choice. But he had been a never-Trumper and had apparently even opined that Trump could be a Hitler. I’d be even more impressed had he made this argument but perhaps he depends on BIG GUN for donations.

    1. Excellent point…and Democrats are sufficiently narcissistic to bury themselves with their arrogance.

    1. “The notion that we should prolong a bloody and gruesome war because it’s been good for American business is grotesque. We can and should rebuild our industrial base without shipping its products to a foreign conflict.”

      Doesn’t sound very deep-state to me.

      1. “Doesn’t sound very deep-state to me.”

        Agreed. I’ve heard the same thing said about Ron DeSantis, and my response is the same: then why is everything he says and everything he does ANTI Deep-State? Is he just playing possum until he gets elected? If so, nominate both of those men for an Academy Award right now.

        1. Well, it’s worth noting that Desantis wouldn’t give a straight answer regarding Ukraine during the primary debates.

          1. Why he would he commit himself on any issue if he didn’t have to? Shouldn’t he want to enter office with the widest possible range of options?

  4. I wouldn’t have minded if Trump had played an identity card and offered it to a black dude or a hot white chick, but only because I’d enjoy all the Leftist fckers’ contortions.
    I liked his book, but I don’t know much about him
    If Trump gets re-elected and the Lefty Dems have their way, JD will be Prez before Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

  5. It’s a better pick than many of the choices mentioned. My knee jerk reaction is that Vance will shore up the slim leads Trump has in blue wall rust belt states (Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, and maybe put Minnesota in play). I’m waiting to see how New Jersey and New Hampshire poll after this, too.
    On a deeper level I think there’s something about Vance that resonates with Trump, and it points to how he will govern if he wins.
    I like Youngkin but Virginia still very much needs him.

  6. Further to Buddy’s comment; Trump just selected his choice to the Presidency in 2028.
    No way will he, Trump, want to run again four years from now. The goal for him is to pave the way for the next R. President. Great choice. I was hoping for someone with a military background!

  7. Amalek tried to kill Trump. Amalek failed.

    Trump wisely decided to take out some insurance—to make a Righteous Gentile his vice-presidential candidate.

    The message could not be clearer. No matter what Amalek does to Trump, Amalek will not be spared annihilation.

    Hamas is doomed. So is the “Palestinian” Arab rebel movement in the Land of Israel. After January 20, any “Palestinian” who refuses to lay down arms has signed his own death warrant. I am confident that in Gaza, organized resistance will collapse soon after US election day and any and all hostages still in Hamas’s hands will be released on inauguration day.

    Israel’s troubles, and the threats to her existence, are finally well on their way to being brought to an end.

    From Gaza to Georgetown, from Tehran to Toronto, Amalek’s troubles are just beginning.

  8. Good choice. Trump just dodged another bullet and made his job a lot easier. Another choice like Pence (whom I supported 8 years ago to my embarrassment now) would have been lethal in every way.

  9. J. D. Vance – good choice. Personable with a statesman look. He’ll make a great candidate in 2028.

    1. Smart too — very smart. I think he is a good choice. I also like that he does not have a long history in Washington. New politicians have a lot to offer, but eventually become jaded. There is so much corruption.

    1. “If Ben Shapiro like him then it’s already over. Sigh.”

      Please explain.

      1. Little Ben Shapiro is a mouthpiece gatekeeper for anything but American interests.

  10. Does anyone here remember a book or movie that had a vice president Vance in it?

    I can’t remember anything about it other than I think there was a Vance in it, and he was a bad guy.
    Maybe early 90’s? …or that’s just when I read it.

    Impossible to search now without getting hillbilly elegy.

  11. Let’s just say he may be getting better with his picks. Pence, Sessions et al. may as well had “Swamp Critter” tattooed on their foreheads.

  12. To me, the Vance pick is a sign that Trump has learned nothing.

    You have the other side on the run, because their exaggerated and hateful rhetoric was followed by an assassination attempt.

    Then you just throw that advantage away by proclaiming that hateful rhetoric is no big deal, by picking a VP who has literally called you Hitler in the past.

    He just gave the Dems and media a complete pass for the awful political climate they have generated since 2016.

      1. It doesn’t matter. You can’t make big deal about all of the crap Dems have been saying about you for years when you pick a guy that called you Hitler.

        In fact, the pick might be the reason for Trump’s pivot to talking about “unity” today. He forfeited the right to use what was working yesterday.

  13. China won’t like this, JD Vance was raised by his grandmother because his mom was drugged out.

    China owns the drug trade, they’re killing thousands of Americans every year, and for Vance it’s personal.

    Hopefully that means it’s payback time.

  14. It’s a good start. I’m waiting for Mark Levin to be announced as the next Atorney General!

    1. Seems sarcasm is beyond you:

      “Ohio U.S. Senate candidate JD Vance joined Laura Ingraham on Fox News to the growing nationwide resistance to both government and corporate vaccine mandates.

      “I see the fact that so many workers are refusing these vaccine mandates as a good thing. It suggests there’s some fight in the American people – that they’re not willing to accept these vaccine mandates and they’re pushing back against it.””

    1. The senator has blasted Covid-era vaccine and mask requirements, writing in a 2021 editorial that Covid-19 vaccine mandates are an “invasion of medical privacy.”

      Last year, Vance introduced a bill that would prohibit mask mandates, calling them a failed policy of the pandemic.

      Children “need us to not be Chicken Little about every single respiratory pandemic and problem that confronts this country,” he said in remarks on the Senate floor about the legislation.
