Manitoba wind, Alberta taxes, Lloydminster heavy oil

It turns out developing more wind in Manitoba is a big deal for Manitoba Hydro – CEO sacking sorta big deal.

Alberta to relax rule on buying oil, gas wells if municipal taxes unpaid

The Lloydminster Heavy Oil Show is coming up in just under two months. I’ll be there if anyone would like to say hello. I’m identifiable by the fat guy with all the cameras sitting at the front.

And since everyone is talking about the Trump assimilation attempt, I have to say, Peter Zeihan’s video about it this morning is the worst I’ve ever seen from him – and I’m generally a huge fan of his work. His disappointment that it wasn’t successful shows through. Maybe it’s because he’s been saying Biden in a landslide – well, that’s not going to happen now.

10 Replies to “Manitoba wind, Alberta taxes, Lloydminster heavy oil”

  1. Manitoba wind? They just plow ahead wasting taxpayers money. Build power plants or f off.

  2. “We know we need to do that. And we want to do that in a way that maximizes energy affordability, while ensuring we do everything we can to deliver on that net-zero target going forward.”

    Sorry, Manitoba. Net zero results in the exact opposite of affordability. And after a host of places around the world including Canada have demonstrated, wind power is not a useful electricity source. This is the silliness of politicians pretending to be engineers.

    1. They aren’t politicians pretending to be engineers. They are intellectual infants who follow ideological fantasies instead of reality.

  3. Well, now that Manitoba is again run by NDiPpers, all of whom believe in ideological fantasies over reality, what could possibly go wrong???

  4. Wind in general is horse poo but. In Manitoba, which has primarily hydroelectricity, wind makes some sense. Hydro dams store energy, so the energy provided by wind, if predictable enough, can be offset by a reduction in hydro power which can be used later. In Alberta wind power is a total duplication.

  5. I usually watch Peter Z videos, but he clearly has the TDS. Sad given that he usually has a clear view of things.

  6. Only liars, grifters or mental midgets think wind power is good for anything, so the newbie is a fabulous hire.

  7. I like Peter as well and thought he had a realistic mostly appraisal of us politics. But recently he seems to have lost it.
    Commenting is one thing his attitude and almost palpable desire for the attempt to have been successful is something else.
