10 Replies to ““Tony has resigned his position as a firefighter””

  1. Yes, resigned his position as a firefighter … and will begin collecting his spiked pension immediately … and within the month will be hired on to a new fire district at a raise in salary as he begins his double-dipping. This is how shit-lib “first-responders” respond to these stumbles. They make even MORE $$$

    1. Most of the firefighters I have known have been more conservative than most of the cops I have known.

      A squishy liberal who has the right connections can get a job with the police and rise through the ranks without even accumulating the minimum experience one would old expect from someone with a cop job (patrolling, dealing with actual crimes and situations that are totally unpredictable and dangerous). Just have to be good at playing office politics.

      Pretty nobody who has a firefighter job for a long time didn’t spend at least some time controlling a hose inside of a burning building.

      1. Well … here in N.CA … all the firefighters I knew were conservative … but that ship sailed 30 years ago. Now every firefighter I know is a leftist twit … and shitty firefighter … who caused the Oakland Hills Firestorm by FAILING to adequately extinguish a brush fire before they loaded up and went back to the station for brunch and the 10:00am NFL games.

        1. Fire departments were one of the first to cave to DEI. All the volunteer firefighters i know are conservative. Paid city positions are all politics. The testing process is rigged.

          I tested for a large suburban fire department 25 years ago. They were hiring 5 people.
          After the written and physical exams, I was number 3 out of 80 applicants. Factor in military service and I dropped to 7. .. understandable. Useful.
          Should have still gotten an interview though. Factor in minority status and I dropped off the list.

    1. Yup, it’s his lefty perogative to wish death on someone else (innocent) but be shocked when it comes around to him (clearly guilty).

  2. Wow, LoTT is on a tear, like shooting fish in a barrel. Screw them all, especially those who are putting on their own pity party.

  3. He should be disciplined and prevented from working as a fireman. Fvck him. He’s an @sshole and POS.
