11 Replies to “Up Your Nose With A Rubber Hose”

  1. Won’t make a difference… no public “officer” of health will pay any price for their “unlawful requirements”

  2. By the universal code of journalists, “up your nose with a rubber hose” must be contractually followed by “and up your hickey with a hayrake.” I don’t wish to be considered a scold, but the law is the law.

  3. … and when will the monsters that imposed this useless test that more resembles a lobotomy be held accountable for their lawlessness?
    This is how you know psychopathic criminals rule over us, because even when they try to murder you, they get away with it.

    1. They have no grounds to appeal. See my comment below. The Act under which she was being charged specifically makes using a nasal swab (an instrument or foreign body) an unlawful act.

  4. It was unlawful because the Quarantine Act under which she was being charged specifically makes it unlawful. The nasal swab involves “the entry into the travellers body of an[y] instrument or foreign body.” Next time, the authors of the legislation won’t be so careless.

    14 (1) Any qualified person authorized by the Minister may, to determine whether a traveller has a communicable disease or symptoms of one, use any screening technology authorized by the Minister that does not involve the entry into the traveller’s body of any instrument or other foreign body.

  5. They knew it was illegal when they did it. They didn’t care because they knew there are no consequences. They will do it again because they know it will take four years to get through the courts and there will be no consequences.

  6. Whenever a bureaucrat rants at me, I respond with the fact that he would be in jail if he were expected to follow the rules imposed on the subjects. Only in the civil service can one destroy lives and say, “Oh shucky darn. Oh well, no one’s perfect.”

  7. They will pull the same stunt they did with the jab and the mask. You don’t have to submit but if you choose not to, your choice will have consequences. You won’t get on the airplane, keep your job, be able to go into the doctor’s office, enter a public place, or get health care. That will be the consequences of having a fair and free choice of whether or not to comply.
