36 Replies to ““…we were expected to execute the basics or we would be fired.””

  1. As Steyn wrote yesterday: “Given what we know about the FBI, the DoJ, CIA, DHS, the Bureau of Prisons, etc, you would have to be extremely naïve to believe the Secret Service is a uniquely uncorrupted and unpoliticised agency. ”

    It was a hit job gone wrong. You’re a child if you believe otherwise. I lost all faith in any fed or agency after that Draw Mo FBI thingie.

    1. And it should be job #1 for Congress and those few remaining SANE bureaucrats in our alphabet Agencies to expose the worms responsible for this PLANNED execution of our TRUE POTUS.

  2. From your post, ErikDPrince, to God’s ears … and the (hopefully) remaining 51% of sane American voters ears.

    1. Thanks Dan

      Here’s the closing sentence; “Good luck throwing Trump in jail now, Justice Merchan.”

      Don’t underestimate the depravity of the Democrats. Instructions have already been issued to Merchan to jail Trump.

      1. Here’s a new theory, the delay in sentencing was to get Trump assassinated first. So now it’s plan B. Maximum sentence for each count.
        To keep Merchan quiet, expect him to be found dead. The “evidence” leads to MAGA supporters. Martial law will be declared.

  3. I’m thinking that a red carpet to the ladder to the top of the building, and a neon arrow that said shoot from here would be a little too obvious./s

  4. “Unserious and unworthy people in positions of authority got us to this near disaster.”
    Or extremely serious and about Not Doing Their Job and unworthy of continued freedom.
    FFS this isn’t something you “lose your job” over.
    You go to jail for it. Or worse.
    Its a fcking coup detat or the closet thing to it and thats fcking treason.

  5. They won’t even admit to incompetence, let alone what it actually is: the insurrection of public institutions.

  6. Hopefully the Democratic National Committee does not seek inspiration from this tragic incident.

  7. Is it just me or is anyone else wondering where the ladder came from and how he knew where to position himself? He lived a fair distance away so how would he be that familiar with the site?

    1. My understanding is that it is a permanent access ladder attached to the building. All the more egregious that it was not secured. They weld manhole covers shut on parade routes. How can you not secure access to the absolute best spot to set up a shot at the stage?

  8. No doubt.. Trump was supposed to be dead on Saturday.. Its kind of hard to buy the lone wolf angle when so many have a blood lust for that guy.. Deeply deeply divided..

  9. One small correction, I don’t think the shooter missed. I believe that Trump actually moved during the time the bullet was in flight, saved by his high energy antics and showmanship as he leaned over to point out the graphic on the screen.

    1. If it was a 5.56 NATO round, say 55 grain bullet, it would only take about a tenth of a second to travel 130 yds. Couldn’t move your head fast enough once the round was fired,imo. Maybe some military types can answer exactly?

      1. The muzzle velocity is about 3000 fps. It varies depending on brand, etc, but that’s the ball park. So about 0.2 seconds (as the bullet slows down in flight). Another factor is that it takes time to pull the trigger from the moment you decide to take the shot until the bullet fires. Wind can certainly move the bullet just enough, as buddy said.

          1. 2800 – 3200 fps. 3400 is pretty hot.
            Oh, its a .223, not a 225, whatever that is.

          2. It’s .223 or 5.56mm, not 225. And I read it off the box. 3240 for one and 2920 for another. We wanna split hairs here?

      2. If trump moved his head 5 inches 0.2 seconds, that is less than 1.5 mph, easily do-able for a man who is speaking in an animated fashion.

      3. Trump was not reacting to the shot itself. It was just a fluke that he turned his head almost at the same instant the trigger was pulled.

        1. Yes, almost immediately after he was shot he said that he had reached the point in his speech where he was about to discuss inflation. There were informational graphs to be projected on the view screens, and as he prepared to speak he looked over at a screen to see if the graphs had come up yet. As he turned his head he felt the sting of the bullet. He hadn’t heard (or at least didn’t mention hearing) anything.

  10. I don’t know. . .
    Where the buffalo go.

    I really don’t know what to think or believe from all the accounts and opinions presented on this topic.

    Only the buffalo know. . .
    Where the buffalo go.

    (I should write a song)

    1. He had that written and queued up, and produced pretty damn fast.
      Makes you wonder, now, don’t it?

  11. c’mon all you retired arm chair warriors. step up to the plate SOMEBODY
    start a *separate independent drive* to muster up some bodyguards for the guy.

    embarrass the ‘official’ body guards even.

  12. l got it!!! l GOT IT!!!
    ’twas a miscommunication; execute ‘the basics’ was misheard as execute ‘the bastards’

  13. I don’t think it was the wind, thought that may have played a small part. The major factor as I see it was that a local LEO, searching for a reported suspicious person, climbed up a ladder (or was boosted by a partner, reports vary) and was spotted by the shooter, who trained his rifle on the LEO. The LEO removed himself from the line of fire (climbed down the ladder, or released his grip on the roof edge. Again, reports differ), and the shooter then immediately began firing on Trump.

    With even a few undisturbed seconds to set up that shot, it would have been far too easy for even a mediocre marksman. The disturbance by the LEO and the rushed shots may well have saved Trump’s life.

    1. I’d be nice to know if the shooter had a scope. But yes the distraction most certainly helped. Plus, between you and me, the shooter was probably a tad nervous.

  14. Half an hour! The “police” knew this guy was there for half an hour!

    Cops even took a frickin’ picture of him 26 minutes before shots fired!

    Fire. Them. All.

  15. Still waiting, but there seems to be quite some time between the guy being spotted on the roof and when shots were fired. Why weren’t the SS that were positioned on stage with Trump immediately smothering him and pulling him off the stage?

    1. Red
      My question is why there was NO wearable communication head sets being worn, in constant contact. You can buy them at many electronic outlets, even walmart.

  16. Someone mentioned something of note: That many, many people think the government was in on it, that they are covering it up , etc. True or not, after the way they hounded Trump with lawfare, with ridiculous accusations and judgments, with full weaponization of the justice dept, FBI, etc (and unconstitutional special council, it turns out) who can blame them? The Democrats and their allies are taking this to a dangerous place.

  17. This was no case of incompetence, IMHO. They were out to kill Trump. They missed him by an ear. G-d intervened and saved him. They are not done yet,

  18. The minimum charge should be criminal negligence causing death.
    The actual charges should be conspiracy to commit murder and 2nd degree murder.

    There is precedent, like cases where cops shoot at suspect, bullet hits bystander and kills him, suspect gets convicted of his murder, or cop has heart attack while suspect is resisting, suspect again gets charged with murder.
