“It’s all out war, now”

Who wants popcorn?

“The PMO is throwing their own DPM under the bus,” said one former senior Liberal. “Invoking Katie’s [Telford] name in doing it. Freeland has fought more battles for this government than anyone—she does not deserve this treatment.”

In a tweet, author Stephen Maher tweeted a page from his new book The Prince that suggested that leaks about Morneau were likely the reason why Carney never joined the Trudeau team.

“Seeing Morneau being treated so shabbily seems to have given Carney pause, and he did not allow himself to be seduced,” wrote Maher. “They spooked him by putting the shiv in Morneau.”

On social media, political insiders and pundits blasted the PMO for making anonymous negative comments, and suggested that Freeland should step down before she’s shuffled out of the portfolio.

39 Replies to ““It’s all out war, now””

  1. Just like the mafia. You never know when you’ll fall out of favor and get disposed of, especially when times get tough.

  2. I don’t care who wins, I just want both teams to have fun.
    Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.

  3. I keep saying, arm them to the teeth, and they’ll be goin’ all OK Corral on each other right out in the middle of Wellington inside of a week.

    1. They’ll be throwing pride napkins and painted marshmallows.

      We’re talking gutless nutless eunuchs.

      1. Nice one!!!

        Trudeau père once suggested that MPs were “nobodies 50 yards from Parliament Hill”, so as meaningless as this all is – high-school student council politics with larger budgets and egos (and who really gives a monkey’s internationally what Canada does or thinks – we’ve made ourselves (proudly, in the opinion of many) into an irrelevant, prissy little sewing circle of useless virtual-signalers and idle undergraduate moralizers) – I will stick to the old adage that you should never lift a finger when your enemy is in the process of destroying herself (I will use the feminine gender to refer to the Liberal Party for obvious reasons).

        And does anyone remember – link below pulled up from the Memory Hole (I don’t have the paywall) – those heady days when Justin (PBUH) went over the heads of the local riding association* (but remember, right-wingers are a threat to democracy!) to anoint Christina Freeland** as his “star” candidate?? I guess The Son giveth and the Son taketh away.


        *and the riding – which I used to live in – and which is filled with a haute public-sector types, bored AWFLs, tenured radicals, champagne socialists, cocaine socialists, and high-salaried stewards of our much-vaunted “National Champions” – i.e., industries totally dependant on government protection and/or largesse – duly elected her to parliament. Like trained seals.

        ** Yes, I realize that I’ve spelled Freeland’s name wrong. During the Gulf War, George H.W. Bush used to intentionally mispronounce Saddam Hussein’s name because it apparently infuriated Hussein and I’m hoping for a similar effect here.

      1. Also, no sleepovers where they do each other’s hair, giggle about the boys they have crushes on – Seamus, dreamy Seamus! – and discuss the respective merits of different brands of tampons. Their BFF status will be sorely missed

  4. They don’t give a damn about the country or its people, just the power to rule.
    Not a one of them thinks they’re responsible for the destruction and they believe they can bring about reparations.
    They can all go to hell.
    Every single one of them is a POS.

    1. Well, ya coulda suggested what treatment she does deserve, Jamie…

      …but nicely done. You’ve freed our imaginations to soar.

  5. I have this mental picture of Freeland with the Turd in a deathlock between her perogie thighs shrieking about betrayal as she squeezes the life out of that effete little POS. Hell, I might even vote for her if she did.

  6. National socialists in Ottawa’s NDP/Liberal party are not only nasty but also corrupt and incompetent.

    Idiot voters don’t care however, they gave the national socialists over 50% of the vote in that recent by-election in Toronto.

    If Justin can figure out how to fold the communists in the NDP into his progressive pigpen then it’s all over for canada, he’ll be the absolute ruler until the end.

  7. So…Blacksock’s sees that the LPC is getting set to heave ho him over the cliff and he’s now trying to pull as many would-be survivors down with him? There’s no way this turns out good for him but I think his PMO is calling out the coup before it happens. Is it “Sunny Ways Ahead, Soon” or is it a “Mid-Summer Night’s Dream of a Fall Election”? Either way without ‘Socks there’s no NDP alliance, especially if there’s a massive new push back to center.

  8. Oh well she can get another job acting the role of the mean witch in Oz. I had my liberal MP show up last night, I told him I would not vote for him-when he asked why I told him “Your party had a chance to rid it of Trudy you chose not to, so you can sink with his ship”.

    1. lve noticed that for ages. a central tenet of leftism is to immediately liquidate ALL the rabble that got you in powah.

      my street smart grade 4 dad said that when l was a young teen 60s.

      still true. see above.

  9. The Carney is allegedly smart, so why would he want to join the SS Trudeau to play second fiddle to the narcissist in charge?

  10. Things are heating up as the deputy perogy jumps from the frying pan into the fire.

  11. Deckchairs on the Titanic…
    arguing who is better placed to do this or that as if it actually plays any role in their next election chances? It seems to allow them to have another year of playing with Canadians as a cat does with a mouse.
    It certainly isn’t for “our benefit”.

    When’s the election? The vast majority of Canadians simply want to let the #Libranos know how they’ve fared during their past gov’t. Are they so removed from reality that they have no clue of how poorly Canada is run?
    Their talking points during MSM coverage seems to have no connection to the real world.

    Give them all whiskey and pointy objects. Let them have their way with it..

  12. “At this point, wouldn’t you resign rather than wait to be shoved aside, while the PMO talks anonymous cow poo about you to the press,” tweeted Andrew Coyne, a Globe and Mail columnist and a regular panelist on the CBC’s At Issue.

    Ah yes, the tall foreheads of the TeleTubby Council of Aristocrats hath spoken.

  13. I could see Carney sitting back and watching Trudeau blow up the Liberal Party at the next election only to swoop in as the savior from Pierre who will take a very needed chainsaw to government spending. Pierre does the heavy lifting and voters fall back into the waiting arms of the Liberals, saved by Chili Con Carney. Mark my words.

  14. Steve from Rockwood: given the timidity, stupidity, gullibility, passivity, pusillanimity, etc., of a significant chunk of the Canadian electorate – who are essentially a bunch of skirt-clinging, teat-suckling little mama’s boys/supplicants vis-à-vis Big Government and the Nanny State – such a scenario sounds all-too-depressingly likely.

    Because I like to quote myself, I will reiterate what I posted on SDA some days ago:

    “Of course, the REAL problem is not Trudeau or Freeland or Carney, it’s THE LIBERAL PARTY ITSELF, and even more “meta” than that – it’s the whole coterie of “government as an interest group” constituencies that the Liberals – who are only the most notorious exemplars in this regard – have made a career in pandering too, all on Joe Public’s dime and to the collective impoverishment (national suicide?) of the country.

    And I will go even further…it is, at root, the fault of a SIGNIFICANT plurality of Canadians – conventional, trusting, complacent – who still, despite all evidence to the contrary, believe that Big Government is their friend and that the Liberals are the best party to put that philosophy into action.”

    My God, this country is horrendously mis-led, mis-governed, mis-administered, and perhaps most importantly – because it speaks to both (i) a dearth of real leadership from the top-down and (ii) a grassroots national vitality from the bottom-up – MIS-IMAGINED.

    Sometimes I swear that the Canadian Dream is to win a penmanship contest.

    1. its like a bug in a software routine, called an infinite loop.
      oooooh you can very easily ‘step into’ the loop and NEVER get out for infinity.
      because you set yourself up. did the electorati KNOW what they were doing?
      most likely not.
      if they knew what would they do? deny it and vote liberal for the freebies

      this then is the ‘state’ of our ‘post national state’. we cannot get out of the infinite loop

  15. This rumour is the latest brain fart coming from the collective intelligence of the current PMO.
    They need some financial street cred right now, and nobody in the cabinet or caucus has any. Carney does, albeit he’s got cred among those that want to continue the agenda currently underway. But Carney doesn’t want to be another fixer that allows Trudeau to take credit.
    So Freeland isn’t going anywhere and until Justin agrees to leave before the next election (and by before meaning before parliament resumes in September) Carney won’t commit.
    The big factor for Carney is age.
    He knows if he takes over after the next election he’ll be at best OLO stick having to fix the party just in time for a younger more photogenic leader to reap the benefit.
    He isn’t interested unless he can be PM on winning a leadership contest.
    So time is not on Trudeau’s side.
    He doesn’t want to step down, but he doesn’t want to face Poilievre in the next election so the big effort is to try and get Carney into cabinet by offering him a quick route vis a safe liberal riding.
    They wanted him to run in St Paul’s but when they couldn’t get him to bite they parachuted in one of Freeland’s staff.
    Here’s a means test.
    Why the hesitation to call the by election in LaSalle Emard?
    It’s supposed to be a liberal safe seat isn’t it?
    Carney is fluent in both languages.
    He could cake walk to a seat in Parliament and then be part of a fall renewal cabinet shuffle that put him in place just in time for the fall fiscal update.
    Wonder why they just can’t seem to get him on the team?
    Rhetorical question actually
    A year out from the next election is far too late for the liberals to change leadership.
    February 2024 was the drop dead date.
    They are stuck with Trudeau
    They are starting to see the poll numbers solidify to a third place finish.
    Freeland isn’t getting fired and they have had no luck getting Carney to run in a by election (he’s a liberal he’s not stupid).
    By the time comes when they have run out the clock on calling that by election and the can’t get Carney they will parachute in another staffer to run over the wishes of the local riding association.
    Right now they are happy all the attention is on the US election


    There are some liberal pundits that see a Trump presidency as an advantage for Trudeau. But to retain this cognitive dissonance they have to believe a bad faith actor that likes to disrespect Trump behind his back can work better with the Trump administration than someone that expresses common values and speaks plainly (plus knows how to handle hostile media).
    They also might want to read up on the dynamics between Regan and Mulroney.

  16. If Thunder thighs is tossed…

    ANY Bets she will spill the Container load of BEANS on the Rest..??
    I have zero doubts that she will in fact do so…after being Finance Minister for 9 yrs, and then turfed to the Back Benches..?? or out of the party altogether..??

    I smell RETRIBUTION from that Ukro NAZI PIG.
    And by God that would be AWESOME to see…!!!
