87 Replies to “July 16, 2024: Reader Tips”

    1. She didn’t want to talk to the puppet of the people who tried to murder the rightful president of the United States, and succeeded only in murdering her husband.

      The Deep State made Mrs. Comperatore and her daughters bereaved among women. Only one thing will truly comfort her—seeing her husband’s murderers’ lives answer for his, and making their ugly harlots bereaved among women.

      1. “ She didn’t want to talk to the puppet of the people who tried to murder the rightful president of the United States, and succeeded only in murdering her husband.”


      2. And when she finds that NOBODY is FIRED for this SHOCKING breach of security, nay PLANNED assassination… she will want to speak to Biden, err Obama and HER. And the FBI, CIA, USSS, DOJ …

    1. I have met Dallas. He is now a country singer. A no BS kind of guy for sure.. Some of his songs are about his sniper and army life. He was “sent home” when he refused to get jabbed.

  1. An anecdote, the dog was walking me this morning and we met a lady we both know who works for the public service. While she was feeding the dog treats she mentioned that there was a chance that the Conservatives _may_ win next election and several people in her office were worried that they would lose their jobs. I pointed out that the Chretien Liberals were the ones who did the 10% cut. The Harper Conservatives cut by 5% and most of that was by cancelling open positions, followed by buyouts, then by a very few layoffs. She completely forgot that it was the Liberals who took the knife to the civil service, not the Conservatives.

    Why am I pointing this out? Because it shows that people will eventually believe the lies they are told even when they lived through the actual events.

    It gave the dog and I something to think about.

        1. absolutely. and notice its a $500 chandelier, not an off the shelf $30 unit.

    1. what l want to know is how did so many of the populace reach the conclusion millions of illegals was the cats meow? was it PROPAGANDA for 8+ years????

  2. Germany: Moroccan migrant pushes 55-year-old passenger to his death at famed train station, had just been released by police for assault and pickpocketing

    Meanwhile in France…
    French soldier stabbed by Congolese migrant in Paris

    1. I invite anyone who claims the assassination attempt was staged to demonstrate how it was done. I’ll even help.

      We’ll just all visit the site. The claimant can stand on any ol’ makeshift platform that puts them at the height and distance from where Crooks was to where Trump was standing.

      I’ll take an identical rifle and ammunition up to Crooks’ position and fire a shot that will prove that any ol’ shooter can just clip their ear.

      Anyone who claims that the attempt was staged will have to prove it to me… using live ammo.

  3. I invite anyone who claims the assassination attempt was staged to demonstrate how it was done. I’ll even help.

    We’ll just all visit the site. The claimant can stand on any ol’ makeshift platform that puts them at the height and distance from where Crooks was to where Trump was standing.

    I’ll take an identical rifle and ammunition up to Crooks’ position and fire a shot that will prove that any ol’ shooter can just clip their ear.

    Anyone who claims that the attempt was staged will have to prove it to me… using live ammo.

    1. Huh… posted twice.

      Oh well. In that case I double-dog dare anyone who claims the attempt was staged to demonstrate, with live ammo, how it was staged.

      I’m open minded. I’m sure they will be too after the demonstration.
