13 Replies to “Let That Sink In”

  1. Someone texted me Trump was shot and shortly after I got in the car and drove for 45 minutes listening to 680 AM radio in Toronto “NEWS” ( that’s all they do) in the car and they never said Trump had been shot, at all.
    “ shooting , gunman killed” “incident” “secret service took Trump off stage” 45 minutes of WTF happened? The dinosaur “ News” was like the shooter himself giving testimony without incriminating himself.
    I couldn’t hate them more.

    1. 680 and my local 570 would wait for the AP democrat spin and broadcast that. There’s nobody at any Canadian news outlet capable of doing anything but parrot the spin of AP or ABC/NBC/CBS

  2. We demand truth … and The Deep State try to convince us that the roof was too damned slopey. Yeah nobody in government is credible. And their media lapdogs just bark out the same old yap, yap, yap …

    My best friend, who is on X constantly … texted me while I was outside working in the yard that President Trump has been shot … i rushed into the house to see the shocking video … thanks X! Thanks, Clay

  3. People in the audience were yelling, there’s a gunman on the roof., how come they never take trump off the stage at that point?
    But no they waite untill the gunman fires his rifle.
    Why do they waite for the gunmen to fire first.?
    Hopeing trump was hit first maybe?
    This was all set up in my opinion.
    Then they take out the gunman, now no witnesses.
    Mighty convenient don’t you think?

  4. It’s not you or I who can’t handle the truth.

    It’s Amalek who can’t handle the truth.

    That God has marked Amalek for annihilation, and that God’s will WILL be done.

    And that only by the destruction of Amalek will the world be healed.

    Amalek wants unity? No. Amalek wants impunity. There will be unity when the last of the Amalekim is tossed into an unmarked grave, and his name finally blotted out forever.

    Until then, God’s command is clear. Remember what Amalek has done into you, and how Amalek has made the mothers of innocents bereaved among women with impunity since time immemorial. Do not forget!

  5. Now reports are coming out the USSS received intel that Iran was going to make an attempt on Trump so they INCREASED USSS detail to Trump. This isn’t making it any better, again you can’t believe anything.

    1. I guess Bibi is flagging support and needs to gin up support for hitting Iran.

  6. oh lOOk X stock just jumped. waiting for the leftoids to accuse Elon setting it up.
