26 Replies to “Let That Sink In”

  1. A least America still has options, for now.. 50 States to keep the other 49 inline.. Canada has no such thing unless you are French..

  2. The precedent having been set for Oblahblah, Africa-born Musk should be president one day (after he has ushered in the space age).

    1. Musk is the most successful African ever maybe after Ramses II. and he is Sub-Saharan

      1. Perhaps Jan Smuts?
        He was a successful general in resisting Britain in the Boer War. Still as general he drove the Germans out of East Africa in First World War. As a national leader he was the central figure in forming the new nation of South Africa in 1909.

  3. Whoah! Pretty bold considering the hatred the left has for anything remotely family or traditional. Kudos.

  4. Apropos of EVERYTHING … I recalled an obscure old Cat Stevens tune today (Ghost Town) … which gave me pause to recall yet another probably unknown Cat Stevens tune … except to hardcore fans who actually LOVE the lp Foreigner. But this tune 100 I Dream … speaks so accurately about the world we have become … as we have allowed the so called elites to feed us dead snakes and poisoned wisdoms …


    They brang us up with horns and hollywooden songs
    Dead snakes and poisoned wisdoms between our teeth
    The evil that’s been done still is carrying on
    And on this night there’ll be no peace
    The old leaders’ bones still beat on our homes
    They built our life before us, we had no choice
    The evil that’s been done still is carring on
    And when they’re done we will be the voice
    Blue bird on a rock, slow wind blowing soft
    Across the bare face of the sleeping lake
    Rise up and be free, voice whispered to me
    And in this way you will awake
    Go climb up a hill, stand perfectly still
    And silently soak up the day
    Don’t rush and don’t you roam, don’t feel so alone
    And in this way you will awake
    And in this way you will awake
    And this way you will awake
    Pick up the pieces you see before you
    Don’t let your weaknesses destroy you
    You know wherever you go the world will follow
    So let your reasons be true to you
    Stay close to your friends up until the end
    And when they know that you feel the same way
    Rise up and be free and die happily
    And in this way you will awake
    And in this way you will awake
    And this way you will awake

    Rise up and be Free! And in this way, you will Awake

    1. Not to worry … Mayor London Breed will replace ‘X’ with a pop-up gourmet donut shop. Such a vibrant city … facepalm

  5. Musk has now become my 2nd favorite American. With DJT being Numero Uno of course. Tom Sowell number 3.

      1. l must say Elon Musk has not disappointed as a businessman and humanitarian.
        plus he certainly proved we autistics deserve to say our piece.

        some of the stuff he has done so readily. almost on a whim, poof there it all is.

    1. If Americans (and the rest of us) had paid more attention to Thomas Sowell, we may not be in this bloody mess.

      No EVs, no rockets, no billions, but a crap load more common sense than billions of dollars can buy. I’ll take Sowell over Elon any day.

      1. meh. Elon is at the very least an indulgence as long as those rockets keep going up

  6. Elon Musk was born a South African and a Canadian. His mom was a Saskabusher from Regina.

  7. Elon like to troll too. He said next he will buy McDonald’s and fix all the ice cream machines. Or he will buy Coke and put the cocaine back in. Elon Musk is an entrepreneur and industrialist that goes where the money is to be made. California is over. What he has done with Space X is unbelievable.

    1. 3 launches flopped, but they learned things.
      the 4th was make or break it time with the NASA contracts.
      see what happens when one remains level headed everything on the line

      1. There was a time when the aerospace industry was not so risk averse as NASA. Elon’s approach of parallel development and testing reminds me of the early days of rocketry in the US with Schriver. They push and push expecting failures along the way and correct them. Musk doesn’t see failure in an experimental flight as the end of the program. He can afford a few hiccups, NASA has nowhere to go, over budget and years late.

  8. I like Musk.
    I like SpaceX.
    I like his Neuralink project.
    I like Tesla, too.
    Tesla’s business model is selling over-priced junk to virtue-signaling greentards. That’s not a bad thing.

  9. Many say, with thoroughly reasonable justification, that Musk’s Twitter acquisition probably saved free speech in America.

    Unfortunately, the jury is still out.
