20 Replies to “Will California Be Left with Just Freaks & Geeks?”

  1. You don’t need to be a billionaire to realize Newsome and the rest are sociopaths.

  2. I think the idea.. Is to make it as awful as possible.. This way the beaners will pack up and go home on their own accord.. Willing to be ANYTHING but a racist.. They are NUTS and it scares me because most of it infects everywhere else..

    1. Yes. CA has just put Demonic Teacher’s UNIONISTA’s in charge of your children.

      In a related story … my wife just retired after 25 years of teaching CA elementary school children. She was the LAST teacher in her school who led her class in the Pledge of Allegiance … which her Principal and fellow teachers t-o-l-e-r-a-t-e-d … cause she’s old … and the BEST teacher in her school … and most requested teacher by the incoming parents.

      Who is replacing my wife? A 20-something womyn with multiple face piercings and a nose ring … the kind you see in a bulls nose hanging down on her lips … not some cute, dainty, feminine-looking hoop off to the side. And I’m not entirely certain what pronouns they’ll be using.

      Yes, CA schoolchildren are DOOMED.

    1. richfisher
      Lol Lol Lol!
      You just won the internet for today.
      I immediately could hear the song with your lyrics

  3. Anything to continue the tradition of turning the state of California into a festering sh-thole.

  4. Groomers will move right into California to replave the Space X people leaving.

  5. When does X leave?

    Why anyone would have their HQ in california is baffling after the demands that a certain percentage of the board is “diverse”

    1. He’s likely using the old Rockwell Aerospace property right near LAX. I used to live in Hawthorne and walked to work at a company right across the street from the Rockwell property. It’s pretty much readymade for aerospace projects.

      I’m not interested enough to check if Musk bought or leases the whole complex (yuuuge!) or just enough for SpaceX HQ and some R&D. It’s big enough for the whole program, though.

  6. A little surprised he signed this given his presidential ambitions. I assume it will be defeated in the courts. The 65% of the CA voters that want this stuff should get what they want. Let it burn!

  7. // I’m not interested enough to check if Musk bought or leases the whole complex //
    I don’t imagine he just bought it when the “last straw” was added.
    He was moving & has adopted the posture that it a matter of principle.
