Big fat zero from Alberta’s giant fans on Tuesday

Alberta’s 1568 wind turbines didn’t power a single lightbulb Tuesday morning, producing a big fat zero megawatts

And, as promised yesterday, more on those Clean Electricity Regulations that mean even MORE wind and solar, and no more coal or natural gas without carbon capture.

Clean Electricity Regulations: Cenovus Energy (Detailed, with recommendations)

And maybe Wilkinson thinks aforementioned wind turbines will power all those electric heat pumps, when it’s cold, and when it’s hot. What am I saying? Of course he does.

Liberal energy minister promises ban on oil furnaces for new builds as soon as 2028


TC Energy’s US$15B Keystone XL claim thrown out by trade tribunal

11 Replies to “Big fat zero from Alberta’s giant fans on Tuesday”

  1. What a waste of coal, oil and gas. Metal statues standing idle on the plain. Idiots. You do know what I am saying right? People have to stop being stupid.

    1. Especially Cenovus Energy which has swallowed the whole CO2-is-bad scam. And of course, adding, Ottawa, pretty please, give us more money because your stupid policies (which we support, but not so fast please) may hurt us.

      “Provide generators with additional financial support to address the high upfront cost of decarbonization and new generation capacity that is proportionate to the required levels of grid decarbonization for each province:”

  2. But think of the zero fuel cost! And no emissions, except graft. Working as intended!

  3. “Ottawa intends to ban the installation of oil furnaces in new construction as soon as 2028,”

    Silly Willy can say what he likes. The useless POS will be out of office before the end of 2025.

    And this only affects Atlantic Canada, as they are the only ones to have oil furnaces. This ban will not help Justatwit with the Irvings.

    1. Doing It because they can. No one is fighting tooth and nail against the madness.

  4. As cgh states, Liberals are dead men talking.
    They need to be reminded of it daily.

    1. Agreed, Buddy. The issue is how much damage can the MOFOs do before they are tossed out of office. It’s clear by now that Justatwit and Telford will sacrifice anything and everything to avert the oncoming train. Because he has no political future either, Jughead will support them.

  5. How are these things ever going to produce enough electricity to have “excess” to be stored away in these batteries everyone is building?

    1. Shawn, I repeat this constantly. Wind turbines and solar panels cannot be built without coal, oil and gas. More energy is required to build, and install, and maintain them than they will ever produce. It is just plain nuts.
