19 Replies to “Gates Of Vienna”

  1. Probably not, you can’t help people who won’t help themselves.

    The entire EU seems to be in love with Muslim immigrants/invaders, so let them live with the consequences. One day in the not too distant future, Muslims will hold the reins of power in much of the EU,should be very exciting times when they have control of nuclear weapon equipped nations, like Frawnce and Britain.

  2. Don’t be silly, Kate … Christians are the true Evil that must be vanquished by the Socialists, Marxists, Stalinists, and Maoists who control the EU. Christians who refuse to bow a knee to the LGBTQueers. Refuse to bow a knee to The State.

    1. Ken Gee
      Kristians ain’t as evil as they are STUPID, and yer post just accents that fact.

      1. The sarcasm in Kenji’s post is so thick I can’t understand how you missed it. You need (sarc) tags to recognize it?

        1. I can’t detect an accent on Kenji’s post, because it doesn’t have an audio function.

          1. I believe the obvious (sarc) derives from my complete body of work as a confessing and practicing Christian. I would never call Christians Evil, or call for Christianity to be eliminated. That’s the job … evidently … for the EU politicians and bureaucrats (and countless NGO’s with money to burn) … aided and abetted by the Muslim hoards they are importing

    2. And GYM is here for ‘balance’, with screeds that sometimes need interpretation, which I would require if I wanted to thoroughly understand them, because of poor grammer, syntax, and lack of cogent thought. He/she seems to be the diversity hire, taking a swipe at Christians whenever possible.

  3. Left wing progressive commies (liberals/democrats) love totalitarianism, and that’s why they love Islam. Both share a profound love for it, and the leftists think their form of totalitarianism will prevail in the end. They should talk to the liberal students who started the Arab Spring.

  4. Islamic invasion is inexorable because – despite what the Papineau Putz says – if you don’t kill them, they win.
    Fanatics never stop.
    If you don’t believe me, just ask a Moderate Muslim.

    1. Buddy…..you are correct. The world wide caliphate is the goal and all unbelievers must be eliminated.

      1. furthermore, give it very roughly 50-100 years l can foresee a serious bloodbath between shiites and sunnis for final top spot.
        it started out, IS and always forever will be a religion of hate violence and death where there are adherents.

  5. As I have commented here years past, islam will take us over if they are not stopped. Also, unfortunately, asking politely will not work!

    Western elites, and leaders of the west, are working hard and deliberately, to bring islamic barbarians to the west to take over by outbreeding us, does anyone even wonder why?

    Will ever collectively wake up to this extreme threat to the future of all western nations!

    (Sarcasm has been avoided in this post, as there are some here that are unable to comprehend it)
