15 Replies to “Great Success!”

  1. “……already out on bail”.

    Imagine a fully licensed firearm owner with no criminal record stopped in traffic and found that they had forgotten to secure their legally purchased “duck hunting” shotgun with a trigger lock.

    1. They’d arrest him, seize the gun, tell him to call a lawyer and let him go. They might roll by the house on a fishing expedition to see if they can take more stuff. After 10s of thousands of legal fees and 3 or 4 appearances, charges will be dropped and he can get his guns back except they were deemed forfeit just minutes before the charges were dropped and the cops gleefully made the paperwork look like the evidence was destroyed. Was it? Thanks for playing patriot.

  2. Yes, as usual, all of them are already out, either one bail or their own recognizance, with orders to appear at some point in the future, maybe a year from now.

    Even the guy that had a weapon prohibition order, and was previously deported, while caught with at least 6 firearms…

    At least 6 charges for that guy could be tried right away, but instead they will be dealt with in the future.

  3. Thinking on putting cameras up around my house for security.. What’s the point when both the police and the criminals don’t care.. Better off getting a dog.. They don’t do politics..

    1. Get both. Dog and cameras. And a dash cam if you drive. I dont see a downside- to the cameras at least.
      My dog is just an expensive but unreliable alarm system.

      1. My bet is that if Rover bites an invader in your house, the cops will likely charge YOU instead…that po’ boy stealing wifey’s jewelry, he’s just a victim, trying to turn his Life around in a land with not enough basketball courts…

  4. L – In a “free and democratic society” with a Constitutional Right to Free Speech and Freedom of the Press,
    the citizenry, the press and politicians(municipal, provincial and federal) would be engaged in open debate/discussion: 1. The difference between a Justice Industry and a Justice system.

    2. How the former guiding Common-law principles(Blackstone’s Commentaries) acknowledged, served and protected the Rights of the people.

    3. Versus the Cultural Marxist ideology, where a almost handful of appointed Oligarchs of Law issue
    commandments, like a Pantheon of Supreme Beings, threatening bolts of lightening to any who
    ask “If the fruit of the tree is poisonous? Aren’t we, barking up the wrong tree?”

    Without free speech on all aspects of crime and punishment, with relevant facts, the process of electing
    political eunuchs is sterile. Without a self-respecting citizenry believing in and exercising power, as a self-governing people. Canada’s political scene is no more that a version of The Truman Show.

    Our founding archetype is that, it was the Logos that brought order out of chaos.

  5. The state’s justice system produces lawlessness which leads to more state repression.
    Of the law-abiding citizens.
    Juthtin the Phag and the Liberal Party of Corruption excel at it.

  6. And in case anybody is interested, every last one of them that was arrested looks exactly like the vast majority of gun shooters in the GTA over the last 45 years. Prior to those 45 years literally nobody look like those arrested ,for two reasons.
    The first and main reason is that prior to 45 years ago there were no people in the GTA that look like the gun toting perps arrested yesterday. And prior to those 45 years nobody shot anybody with a gun in the GTA except for the occasional bank robber.

  7. The names are not being released to protect the guilty and to protect the government’s immigration policy!
