How It Started

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How it’s going.

A former senior official of the White House National Security Council who also once worked as an analyst for the CIA has been indicted on criminal charges accusing her of working as an agent for the government of South Korea allegedly in exchange for luxury gifts including designer handbags.

Sue Mi Terry, the wife of Washington Post columnist Max Boot, was charged with failing to register as a foreign agent and conspiracy to violate the Foreign Agents Registration Act…

15 Replies to “How It Started”

  1. So, Max Boot’s wife is being prosecuted for serving as a Korean intelligence “ asset.

    Watch this @sshole say it’s no big deal, after claiming falsely that Trump was a Russian asset. Max Boot is a POS swamp creature. Why hasn’t the Washington Post fired him yet?

  2. The Foreign Agents Registration Act is a nonsense “law” that is both vague and selectively applied for political reasons. Max Boot is a jackass. But, FARA application is ridiculous.

    Example: Paul Manafort (convicted)
    John Podesta (not even charged)

    1. They probably wanted to charge her with something else, but that might have resulted in having to give up sources and methods.

      The better question is what did she do to offend the regime such that she got charged?

  3. They always accuse their enemies of what they themselves are doing.

    It’s almost like they admit everything they do, when they accuse Trump.
