20 Replies to “Moving To The Front Of The Bus”

  1. The rest of the world is hitting STOP or PAUSE, but no, not Manitoba. Stop voting for people with names like Uzoma Asagwara.

    1. That would be mutilation and sterilization program.

      Mutilation, sterilization and child abuse program if that includes underage kids, which I assume it does.

  2. Obviously he/she/it did not get the memo. There is no such thing as Health Care in Manitoba anymore and wait times for diagnostic procedures and surgeries are abysmal. Unless you identify as the flavor of the week, it appears. The so-called Health Minister’s claim to fame is she/he/it is non-binary & his/her/its achievements include, founding, The “Queer people of Color Winnipeg” and her/he/its crowing achievement in the MB Legislature was the passing of a bill marking Somali Heritage week.

  3. No surprise, from an NDP government.

    I wonder how the natives feel about their Premier now. I know he’s one of them, but are they onboard with all of this ‘transgender’ BS?

    1. They say they have, but we’ll see. I suspect that they are just going to expend more effort to hide it: no electronic devices in training sessions; total surveillance of email and internet traffic at work; inspection of any electronic device entering or leaving the office or plant; whistleblowers and leakers will not make it home at the end of the day.

      Meanwhile, overheard at the parts desk: “That tractor you sold me, I can’t repair it. It just sits around, not running. You sold me… a queer tractor.

  4. “Saves lives”
    Was that supposed to be a serious statement because studies have shown no improvement in the suicide rates between “before” and “after” transitioning.

  5. As long as they leave the kids alone, Liberals sterilizing themselves seems like win-win.

  6. How much is Manitoba receiving in Transfer Payments? Gas tax holiday and now this. How many of the 2 million Canadians going to food banks are from Manitoba?

  7. I hope Manitobans have deep pockets. When the lawsuits hit, as they’re starting to in England and Europe for the victims of this Mengelian quackery, they’re going to be paying out big time.

    1. I have some hemp rope laying around, which I would be happy to contribute. Maybe a pitch fork and some stones, also.
