New Rules

They were warned they wouldn’t like them.

There’s some controversy about this because it’s unpleasant. But here’s the thing. We’re betraying our own powerless people if we don’t use the power we have to protect them by making the side that imposed these new rules feel the costs.

We have tried reason. We have tried appeals to simple justice. They have failed. Now we need to apply punishment. They need to know there is a cost to this. If we fail to impose a cost on them for doing this because doing so is unpleasant, we have betrayed our own people and left them exposed. The left will not stop unless it has reason to. This is reason to.

Sometimes you have to be stern.

30 Replies to “New Rules”

    1. soooooo in this case ‘firm but gentle’ morphed into WHAP!!!
      lol !!! swift justice. ‘short sharp’ sentence was the common phrase times past.
      heh heh heh put THAT on you resume you hateful violent byatch

  1. Funny thing. She isn’t the reason I am shopping anywhere OTHER than The Home Depot these days … it’s because I cannot get to or from my car at the local Home Depot, Concord, CA without crossing a literal SEA of hundreds of illegals begging for work. As-IF I would bring a single one of these unvetted criminals into my neighborhood!? Who do you think I am? Director of Biden’s Homeland Security?

    And once I finally make it back to my car … I am accosted by multiple cart-pushers selling oranges, strawberries and God-knows what else. And they don’t take my first “no thank you” for an answer … it takes my second “NO!” to make them get out of my face.

    Home Depot has become my last resort

    I didn’t make the rules, but I choose NOT to live in a 3rd-world country.

    1. I found that the only way to deal with aggressive vendors while in Latin American countries is to imagine an empty hole where the vendor is. When they approach, give them NOTHING, not even eye contact. ‘No’ is seen by them as engagement and an opportunity.

      1. I know, I know … I’m just too reflexively polite. Yes, I actually walked around my car and opened the door for my HS girlfriend. Who knew that the early 1970’s were such a bygone era … I’m officially a dinosaur

  2. “we have to get in their faces and tell them they are not welcomed here” OK Maxime, let’s do it.

  3. I do not believe for an instant that Home Depot “does not share” this woman’s values.

    Both Home Depots in Saskatoon have pride flags in the windows and, last time I was there, pride flags at the checkouts. The employee bulletin board — visible to the public by the washrooms — is covered with pride and DEI messaging.

    You know what their values are. They’re just pissed off that someone noticed.

    1. I contacted my local HomeDepot and let them know I would no longer stink up their establishment with my Whiteness.

  4. Trump has smote & smited them with one repeated word, “Fight, Fight, Fight”, an echo of his breath that thundered around the World and brought them all to their knees.

  5. I thought we judged people on performance-based merit? We judged them on how well they do their jobs? Wasn’t that the standard?

    Why should anyone (except, perhaps, an “influencer”) be fired from their job based on what they say on social media? What has their private opinions to do with their job performance?

    Sure, the employer has a right to employ whoever he wants. Fine. But that rule means the employer should be able to fire on skin color, religious affiliation, pregnancy, eye color, hair color, or any other blessed thing he wants to fire someone for.

    I don’t care which rule you choose, just PICK ONE. Either its “job performance” or its “any damned thing the employer wants”. Quit vacillating. Stop choosing whichever rule is most convenient for the next five minutes.

    1. The point is that its THEIR rules.
      (Advocating for anyone’s assassination is illegal.)

  6. So would we apply the same logic to Colonialista?

    You can clearly see where this all ends.

    Life was actually way better before the internet.

    1. “So would we apply the same logic to Colonialista?”

      If Colonista actually had a job (possibly one that allows him to troll SDA 24/7 with zero company productivity) then I assure you 100% that he does not let his employer hear the grotesque views that we read regularly.

      I doubt they have employee access to computers at the Bottle Depot.

    2. “Life was actually way better before the internet.”

      No, life was exactly the same. People have not changed their behavior at all. What’s changed is that now you can -see- their behavior.

      Karen at Home Depot has always been a Nazi Camp Guard in waiting. But now you KNOW, and it is quite disturbing. The Secret Service have always been a bunch of sub-competent Keystone Kops, but now you KNOW they can’t find their @$$ with both hands and a flashlight, and it is quite disturbing.

      Ignorance is bliss, eh?

      1. Life was better before TV and the internet. I know I was there. We did things like living. I spend way too much time on the trivialities like this, Why, I think because I am old and getting lazy. The computer di not improve life.

  7. “What has their private opinions to do with their job performance?”

    Private opinions are supposed to stay private.

    I’m pretty sure that if she espoused those same opinions during her initial job interview she wouldn’t have gotten the job to begin with.

  8. The question I would raise is this – If you post something stupid on X or Facebook, should it ruin your life? What she posted was abhorrent, but should she be fired from her job?
    Everybody says stupid things from time to time. Cancel culture works both ways.

    Our world is already getting smaller for free expression.

    As Mark Steyn said “If you don’t believe in free speech for people you find repellent, you don’t believe in free speech at all.”

    1. “Everybody says stupid things from time to time.”

      Really? “Everybody” calls for the assassination of their party’s political opponents? No, they really don’t.

      Yes, she should lose her job. If it was my company, I would fire her in a heartbeat if only to avoid the bad press, but also because who else does she think should die? Hmm?

      1. verily agreed. to take the evil thoughts in that brain and articulate such bile breaches something. thee are 50 like her except the hate give one of them that job

    2. “…..should it ruin your life?”

      Do you think it’s ok to rant publicly about killing people and suffer no consequences?

      I’m almost certain that most conservatives can distinguishes the difference between alternative ideas & condemnations to publicly calling for violence against those you disagree with.

      I think that losing your job for saying seriously stupid things and tarnishing your employers image is not the same thing as ruining your life.

      Obviously the employer has decided that they should not be penalized.

      1. “I’m almost certain that most conservatives can distinguishes the difference between alternative ideas & condemnations to publicly calling for violence against those you disagree with.”

        Absolutely, Paul. Free speech is free speech and I am all for it. Hate speech is something else again.

        And no, ‘misgendering’ someone, being disgusted by people at Pride Parades simulating sex acts in front of children or at ‘drag queen story hour’, pointing out that Hamas wants all Jews dead, stating that their are only two genders, explaining that there are some jobs that women just can’t do as effectively as men, etc are NOT hate speech…they are opinions. Demanding that those people all be killed, that WOULD be hate speech.

        (except for Hamas, of course…all terrorists should be killed ASAP…)

  9. The deterent of nuclear assured destruction only works if the first victim isn’t a self loathing pussy.

  10. @richfisher

    “The deterent of nuclear assured destruction only works if the first victim isn’t a self loathing pussy.”

    That translates as the modern Western World is doomed.

  11. A lot of slagging going on from the left saying the poor woman is just a senior minimum wage employee and to that I say Eff’ em. Cry me a river.
    The full court press they did on the Covington Catholic kids and the tyke who wore Washington Redskins colours on his face convinced me these people are straight up evil and don’t like it much when the tables are turned.
    Besides, I’ve never subscribed to the “We’re better than that” and the “That’s not who we are” tropes.

  12. I’ve seen this pop up on a couple of sites, but I still don’t know what “this person” said. I get that she was upset that Trump is alive, but I would like to see the actual tweet.
