Poking Holes in the Lone Wolf Narrative

This is a few days old but still highly relevant: The Duran Interviews Larry Johnson

3 days before the assassination attempt, the Warmonger Queen, Victoria Nuland, predicted an “Unhappy Surprise” for Donald Trump.

Related: Who was involved in short selling of Truth Social in the days before the attempted assassination?

Added by Kate:

A company called Austin Private Wealth LLC shorted 12,000,000 shares of $DJT via a put option. The filing date is July 12th, the day before the assassination attempt.

They have around $1 Billion in assets under management and this is by far the largest put placed. According to a source the trade represents 6% of total shares and over 16%! of the float of the stock given the fact that Trump owns 60% of the company.

28 Replies to “Poking Holes in the Lone Wolf Narrative”

  1. Clarification: Nuland predicted a nasty surprise for Putin if he though Trump was going to win the election.

  2. Jim Rickards has been a regular for +1 year on Bannon’s show, tweeted the same this am…

    James O’Keefe has said in the past day that he’s gotten some insider info from USSS members who have reached out with stories to tell. He hasn’t given any info on the behind the scenes story, and it seems to be only from the protection side of this still evolving story.

    There’s a lot more to tell.

  3. Members of the USSS group involved will be sent off to separate destinations where they will proceed to commit sui*ide, die in weird accidents or just die suddenly

    1. I’m also predicting mysterious deaths to soon start occurring.


  4. The evidence is going to point to one lone nutjob with a poor plan who lucked into a spot on the roof.
    The recently released photo of the garage door opener…. “just some crazy kid with a half baked plan he learned on the internet.”

    You couldn’t pick a better “lone wolf” if you tried.

  5. It is super-funny how stupid these evil honchos are: let’s say they planned&schemed the whole thing. But really, no one asked: wait a minute, what if this young guy with no combat experience and bad aim misses? 🙂

    1. DanC
      He was groomed and trained, then put on the shelf until needed, and Pennsylvanian was when he was needed. cheatle is a DEI pick by jilldo, and some one needs to check for communications between jilldo and her buddy cheatle, after the WH meeting theasse bidets held the weekend before this happened.
      JFK thing was similar in that there was prep work done for a couple of months before the event. They had a plan to kill JFK in shitcago at the stadium were the army and navy were to play a ball game, but Kennedy cancelled. Dallas was the back up plan. There was a quick plan effort in Miami that never geld. LHO was a CIA asset, the Penn geek was a blackrock asset.

      1. My initial reaction is to scoff at such JFK-inspired grassy knoll thinking … and then … I remembered the picture of the vapor trailed bullet …


        Actually it does look to have enough of a downward trajectory to have come from the rooftop some 150yds away. I would expect the FBI … in their forthcoming oh-so-thorough-and-timely (yeah, riiiight?) investigation will extend the vector of the bullet track.

        1. It should be about 4″+/- per ft. drop for every 10ft traveled if my back-of-a-napkin calc. is correct?
          (Trump’s head was about 10′ above grade…he’s 6’3′, and the podium was about 5ft high. The roof ridge is no more than 25ft above grade, and the distance was around 450ft.)

  6. Viva Frei and Barnes had a very interesting discussion of this on his July 16 broadcast from the RNC in Milwaukee. Barnes pointed out that the bullet path appears far too close to horizontal to have been shot from the elevation of that roof. He thinks it came from the building.

    Trump apparently outmaneuvered McConnell and all to get Vance as his running mate, and in getting nominated on Monday, preventing any skulduggery.

    1. Small c; see my post above re the angle of the trajectory. In my humble opinion, Barnes was creating an issue where it doesn’t exist, the trajectory I mean.

  7. Don’t expect much from the alphabet agencies.
    These same investigators found the Steve Scalise shooting and attempted massacre of the entire Republican softball team to be motivated by “suicide by cop.” Not terrorism. And they weren’t targeted for any particular reason.
    And the massively out of whack put options placed against United and American the day prior to 911 (but no other airline companies, hmmm) was found to be “coincidental” by the eff bee eye and ess eee see.

  8. It’s either; 1) utter incompetence, or 2) a planned operation.

    Here’s how my LOGICAL brain, rooted in simple common sense tells me. OK … on the question of utter incompetence … I ask the LOGICAL question … When and where in history has this level of incompetence ever been witnessed? I cannot remember a single one … at least since JFK … or perhaps Squeaky Frome shooting at Gerald Ford. Hence, “utter incompetence” is a rare-to-never-occurring happenstance.

    My LOGICAL brain says … “planned operation” is still a highly viable option.

    Also … just as with COVID … the timing of the operation is just too perfect. The MOTIVE was just too perfect. When COVID hit … the US economy was SOARING … the Russian Investigation had just fizzled … and Trump’s popularity was soaring … so … another of the 6th ways to Sunday was urgently needed. With this assassination attempt … Biden had just fizzled like a dead man at the debate … the court cases against Trump are going nowhere and collapsing … the SCOTUS ruled in Trump’s favor … and the Republican convention was just about to begin. The MOTIVE is too strong.

    And given the fact that the FBI and all Deep State Agencies are filled with Peter Strozk clones …

    1. @Kenji: Yes. BTW, Cheatle’s asinine excuse (sloped roof/safety) is something like “we are THIS stupid and incompetent”. Which is actually a “look, squirell!” move, to get us all off the scent of planned/they’re all in on it.
      The incompetence means fired + nice/cozy pension. But plotting for assassination of former POTUS/GOP Candidate using gov depts means murder1+treason and this ends up in lethal injection + forever scorn of DNC.

      1. Look! There’s a Wookie on the roof! That does not make sense. If there’s a Wookie on the slippery roof, then you must not take the shot. Cause it does not make sense …see?

    2. “…either … or…”

      Given agencies filled with Peter Strozk clones, don’t rule out an utterly incompetently planned operation.

  9. This wouldn’t be the first tragic event to be caused by complacency and incompetence. Far from it. My best guess is that this kid was a bullied, depressed and angry nihilist in the same vein as the Columbine killers. You don’t have to explicitly read about Existentialism to absorb its main theme which is promoted endlessly in today’s popular culture: if the achievement of values is simply not possible, all that is left is for one to engage in outrageous acts. This kid’s choice of outrageous act was to try to kill the President.

    Sartre and his ilk’s preference for violent action would be participation in some Marxist-Leninist terror group, but there’s not too many of them in the US these days.

    1. The shooter was 12 when Trump was elected, just about the age when a kid starts to hear about politics. For the next 8 years, all he would ever have heard about Trump from mainstream media and school would be unending smears and hatred. Kids that age are easily brainwashed (Hitler Youth, Mao’s Red Guards) to commit atrocities.

      So either way, a dupe used by conspirators or lone wolf nutbar, he was a primed for action.

    2. Nonsense … the kid worked in an elder care facility … he had a strong moral purpose in life … he was caring for the sick and infirm. Pretty much following in “the family business” of “giving back to society” … Right?

      Yeah … “bullied”. Gawd, speaking of kneejerk dujour excuse making. Every misfit toy claims bullying. His classmates have even been preconditioned to give that hackneyed response. Yeah, we’ve cultivated a culture of weaklings who will use the excuse to act out violently.

      We need a return to … “Buck up!” And it will stop.
