Transgender Is A Stalking Horse For The Normalization Of Pedophilia

The @SaskTeachersFed can’t stop obsessing about your kid’s sexuality. There used to be a word for that.

Bumped with more from @SheilaGunnReid;

Trudeau funds Fae Johnstone's hustle to attack Sask parents. Wisdom2Action has a rebrand and more money. $400K more. Queer Momentum is hiring a Sask organizer with that money to go after Scott Moe's Parent's Bill of Rights.

“Fae” Johnstone is a guy, of course.

19 Replies to “Transgender Is A Stalking Horse For The Normalization Of Pedophilia”

  1. I think so poorly of teachers. I’m sure there are good people in the profession but they are cowards who have allowed the bullies and the unionistas to define education. The only reason any of them get into teaching is the multitude of days off, the government benefits and the solid pension. Schools are industrial environments, not places of learning.

  2. So teachers Unions did not learn the lessons the Catholic Church made so obvious: Pedos go where the kids are, but covering up for pedos is really what destroys your organization and credibility. The Church’s influence has waned, but sexual abuse of kids will forever tar its image. And the school unions just decided to take that fork in the road.

  3. Wrapped up pretty tight in a fight they will not win.. All teachers who are members of the union need to be fired ASAP.. Enough is enough..

  4. Christian groups need to step up and take over school boards, they’re the only organized group with a sense of morality. Too many Christians have been brow beaten by the national socialists.

    Even I would support them despite me being a heathen in the Christian tradition.

  5. Fae-Leigh-ur needs to be taken out behind the woodshed and F(l)a(y)e(d). Weird freak.

  6. l have a special contempt for elementary teachers having been beaten by one for, well,
    l wasnt yelling, running around hitting things or people. no swearing. what else. no pouting, didnt steal anything.

    but l still got hit. grade 1, it started early with these thugs.

    delightfully THEY are on the receiving end of the blows now.
    boy are the EVER

    1. I recall getting the Strap in Gr 1
      I always thought that teacher took a special delight in doing so…as did others.
      65 yrs later, have not changed my mind on that.

  7. There used to be more appropriate consequences for messing around with other people’s kids…

    There needs to be more Leon Plauchés.

  8. Lies from these people start with their own branding “Queer Momentum” has no momentum, it’s only being pushed along by government money in a sea of government funded media to cater to the government schools and government teachers.

  9. Congratulations Hershey’s, still haven’t purchased one single product of yours since some morons at your company decided to make this GUY your Woman of the Year for International Women’s Day over a year ago.

    1. Haven’t bought a Hershey’s product since they closed the Smiths Falls plant and moved to Mexico.

  10. Parents need to step up and take back the School Boards. It is the only way to get rid of this nonsense. If you want change stand up to the “all” the “Bullies” you will have lots of support.

    Until the whole issue of “inclusion” and the basics of education in classrooms is thououghly discussed things won’t change. That is what has caused the chaos.

    Time to amalgamate a whole bunch of things in this Province, Kate!

    1. Parents need to step up and take back the School Boards.

      This. In spades. Library boards, as well. Take a page from Take Back Alberta.
