Wednesday On Turtle Island

Dementia Joe’s America:  Can we really talk about unity?  Is Jill Biden forcing Joe to run?  Biden’s buddies in Iran plot to assassinate Trump.

Blackie’s Canada:  J.D. Vance a Freedom Convoy supporter.  Building a Somali Muslim centre on city parkland (CBC).

Woke Europe:  Paul Joseph Watson on free speech in Germany.

Today In Islam:  Iran is funding the protests.  Moderate Muslims in NYC.  Moderate Muslims in Germany.

Your morning meme.  Another meme.   A cartoon.

15 Replies to “Wednesday On Turtle Island”

  1. “NEW YORK (Reuters) -U.S. Senator Bob Menendez was convicted on Tuesday on all 16 criminal counts…

    …which also included illegally acting as an agent of the Egyptian government, obstruction of justice, wire fraud and extortion.”

    How many others in the USSA, Inc. management structure are acting as an agent of some someone else?

  2. How’s Ukraine 2.0 doing?

    “On Monday, the IDF informed the Israeli high court that many of its tanks were damaged during operations in Gaza. The Israeli military added it was facing a shortage of tank shells.

    The case was started by female IDF tank soldiers who engaged in operations in southern Israel on October 7, who have been denied requests to deploy to Gaza. “The number of operational tanks in the corps is insufficient for the needs of the war and for conducting experiments of the deployment of women,” the IDF wrote in its response to the court.”

  3. The German stereotype was suppressed for a few decades, just waiting for its chance to awaken.

  4. Lady MacJill soliloquy…

    The raven himself is hoarse
    That croaks the fatal entrance of Biden
    Under my battlements. Come, you spirits
    That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here,
    And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full
    Of direst cruelty! make thick my blood

  5. Somali center? Well that can be done cheaply. A couple of shot up rusted Toyota pickup trucks with discarded Soviet 23mm gun in the back, a bunch of burning tires, all in a picturesque gravel pit.

    1. Hahaha ha ha ha … you just described the typical International Award Winning Modern Art installation. I believe that is the current display at MOMA SF

      You forgot the Blackhawk helicopter on its side … oh wait … Nevermind, that’s for the Detroit Somali Center

  6. Will the community centre have a boat launch? Plenty of ships on Lake Ontario for Somali pirates to seize.
