Administrative Bloat

Blacklocks- More Staffers For Fewer Vets

The departmental payroll since 2015 has grown from 2,907 employees to 3,676, an increase of 769 staff or 26 percent.

“The 2021 Census counted 461,240 Canadian veterans,” said the note. “This is lower than the department’s estimate of 617,800 veterans published in the department’s yearly Facts And Figures.”

The department in a 2009 report New Veterans Charter Evaluation acknowledged it had more employees managing fewer programs than either the United Kingdom or Australia. Canada’s payroll of 3,676 employees compared to 2,100 each in the U.K. and Australia.

Critics have complained other federal agencies are also overstaffed.

14 Replies to “Administrative Bloat”

  1. Assured Income program for those special Canadians who can’t or won’t work in regular jobs in Canada for a variety of probably demographic reasons.

  2. I bet some of those 400k vets could use a job, and they’d probably be better at it than all of the useless parasitic bureaucrats, sucking up all the benefits now.

    1. but THAT would NOT result in Liberal votes. sooooooo skill testing Q:
      why isnt this done? only 1 chance to aqnswer. oops times up.

  3. The government used to need X many assholes to perform their duties – whatever those wore.
    With Juthtin Backstabber in charge, the government now needs X+ many assholes because a large portion of the turd cutters are getting drunk at home, shopping, practising onanism and smoking Mary Jane.

  4. And the worst of it is, have you ever tried getting any service out of these people. Maybe 1/10 actually know what they are doing. It’s such a pleasure when one of them actually solves your problem after getting the run around for umpteen times, assuming you even get one of them to answer a telephone.

  5. “Other agencies are overstaffed”??? No…ALL are overstaffed as is the entire Federal government. The feds need to be scaled back BIG TIME…..the feds are the greatest threat to confederation of all time. The federal government tax take must be cut by about 30% and the tax room turned over to the provinces.

  6. And the entire VAC budget and payroll is counted as part of Canada’s 2% NATO commitment.

    1. So is Trudeau’s Jet Setting, because the government declared that the Prime Minister cannot fly commercial because of “risks”

  7. Veterans asked for this during the Harper years, and are now mad that Trudeau delivered?

    1. precisely. could it ACTUALLY BE this is the necessary staffing level given # vets and size and number of programs theyre entitled to? hmmm? where does one look for such a number?? from gubbamint that must ADMIT the shortfall?
      do l believe this is the case or just pointing out a possibility?
      put yer hand up if you did think the TURDeau is the greatest pm ever.
      leaveit up if you now think the total opposite . . . . . .

  8. 3,676 staff for 617,800 veterans. Let’s do the math. That is 168 veterans each. At 461,240 it’s 125 veterans each. By veterans we used to mean war veterans. I know perfectly healthy old people who were 3 year peacetime soldiers in the cold war who are sucking some benefits. I suspect the 617,800 number might even include me, a peacetime reservist. If it does, that would be a joke because all I wanted to do was camp and shoot things. As the old war horses died off they just kept expanding the pool so the bureaucratic empire kept growing. It was all horse shit.
