But The Bike Lanes And Rainbow Crosswalks Are Fab-U-Less

Globe And Mail- The pressing need to fix water pipes

As bad as it looks, a recent Globe and Mail analysis found that greater problems lie waiting. In the country’s biggest cities, nearly one-quarter of the pipes are in poor or very poor condition. And it could be even worse than it seems: condition assessments don’t always involve inspecting a pipe and can rely instead on educated guesswork.

21 Replies to “But The Bike Lanes And Rainbow Crosswalks Are Fab-U-Less”

  1. The old “educated guesswork” method of infrastructure maintenance. AKA making shit up. And when the pipes burst they will need to raise taxes to fix the problem.

  2. Comedian Ben Bankas’ Instagram account has a solid-gold Olivia Chow parody re her response to the Toronto flooding. Readers should check it out

  3. you are paying for the infrastructure that has to be improved due to mass immigration. Insult and impoverishment added to injury.

  4. Dear Canada; Consider this a massive political opportunity to LOOT mor $$$$ from your nation. That’s what the Communist Democrats have done in America by launching a series of seemingly never ending $$$$ multi-Trillion “Infrastructure” Bills. Why multiple “infrastructure” Bills? Because the money never goes to actual infrastructure repair. See how that works? You can CLAIM to be fixing the infrastructure… and just lining the pockets of your LGBTQueer and “Green” friends … with taxpayer money.

  5. Toronto has spend $1.9 billion since they created their Wet weather Flow Master Plan in 2003, and if you see the pictures from the last few days, it doesn’t seem to make any sort of difference…

    1. they seemed to get a lot of wet weather flow. notice some of the flooded roads had dry ditches beside them . clogged drains. maintenance ignored. there is a consequence to paying people to lean on shovels for decades

  6. The rain we had was spectacular. I’d much rather have the damage and inconvenience of the Don River flooding onto it’s natural floodplain every 5 years over the cost, 8 year traffic closures to build a concrete, rock , chain link fenced, graffiti coated, shit filled, bum encampment horror shows for ever, where there is now green natural river banks.

  7. BTW the DVP (Don Valley Parkway) pretty much closes itself twice a day and
    like the cicada cycle I look forward to seeing BMW “drivers” sitting on their floating cars.

  8. There is nothing that can be said about the “peoples” desire to destroy themselves.

  9. Our municipal politicians are wrapping themselves in the glory of today’s topical issues rather than thinking about the tubes that do stuff underground. Our travel-mad Regina mayor elected herself to represent the troops at the DDay anniversary; she flew to Dubai for COP28; and she visited Poland on a trade mission. This is a mayor from R E G I N A. Hardly the world player she thinks she is. Fix the damn potholes, Sandra.

  10. seems to be ‘pandemic’ Cdn cities. my papa worked as a labourer in this town back in late 60s. he told us how the engineers kept warning city hall the pipes gonna bust.
    sho ’nuff one of them did.
    albeit 35 years in the making, but it very well could have been 35 days or weeks, thats hard to pinpoint. *which is why the ignoramous pencil neck bean counters delay delay delay and delay* just sayin’ . . . . .

  11. Pipes are not sexy, maintenance on pipes is less sexy. Fresh asphalt, inlaid crosswalks, new parks, rec centers, anything with a plaque that requires a ribbon cutting is sexy. Which do you think makes the budget?
