However Much You Hate The Media

It’s not enough:

An unnamed photo editor at a major news outlet believes it is “dangerous” for the media to highlight the historic photo of former President Trump standing tall after the assassination attempt Saturday, calling it “free PR” for the Trump campaign, according to a report.

An Axios media trend assessment on Tuesday argued that the “overuse” of the iconic image can “pose risks,” citing unnamed photographers who reportedly told the outlet that promoting the viral photos could be a form of “photoganda” because the Trump campaign will use them to “further their agenda, despite the photographers’ intent of capturing a news event.” […]

Axios cited a photo editor and photographer “from a major news outlet” who suggested the media refrain from using the photo “despite how good it is” to avoid casting the former president in a positive light.

“The amount that publications have been using Evan’s photo is kind of free PR for Trump in a way, and it’s dangerous for media organizations to keep sharing that photo despite how good it is,” the editor told the outlet.

36 Replies to “However Much You Hate The Media”

  1. I remember when the great saviour Obama was being portrayed with that picture of him with what looked like a halo around him. You are right….you can’t hate the media enough.

  2. “Ask yourself why?”
    Because they hate us. Because we don’t accept their lies as truth.

  3. In 1937 Hitler was “Man of the Year” for Time magazine as well. 🙂
    Time an elite owned plantation rag.
    C in C
    1st St Nicolaas Army
    Army Group True North

    1. It doesn’t because a lot of the media is backed by the CIA and they have very deep pockets of taxpayer dollars.

      1. Codder
        You spelt Blackrock, State Street, and Vanguard wrong
        Those three control 88% of major USA corps, so they control the life blood, advertising, of the news outlets.

  4. It should also be noted that while the New York Times did use *The Photograph* (work in Critical Drinker voice if desired) in its first report on the shooting it also carefully cropped out the American Flag. Because, well, it IS the Times.

    1. I recall years ago seeing a picture in the Mope and Wail showing a “demonstration” in South Africa which carefully cropped out the hammer and sickle flags in the group.

    2. No, the Times chose to use a *different* photograph from a slightly different angle that didn’t show the flag. Better than cropping the image to remove the flag, but only by comparison.

  5. Just change the flag in the photo to a yellow stained bed sheet and we are good to go!

  6. Also at the convention as Fox’s camera zoomed in on Trump as he was talking past Byron Donald’s to Tucker, Fox quickly cropped the view so Tucker could not be seen.
    “The Median is the Message”

    For lieberals history starts ever morning.

    1. God took that picture, and a week later they finally realized they were used as tools.

  7. The one thing that’s become alarming to me as the days go on is the whole ‘business as usual’ attitude of the MSM. Someone tried to kill a presidential candidate 2 days before their party’s convention and less than 4 months before the election and we get ‘ too bad he missed ‘ – ‘ a bullet didn’t hit Trump’s ear ‘ etc.
    The Director of the now under scrutiny USSS was at the RNC convention yesterday. Why?
    I mean JFC, what the hell is going on?

    1. The Deep State attempted to assassinate Trump. That’s what’s going on. That no one will say it out loud tells us everything we need to know about “journalism”.

  8. “That Joe Rosenthal photo on top of Mt. Suribachi just glorified war mongering Marines and is offensive to Japanese.”
    Iwo Jima
    Feb. 23, 2014

  9. You mean the “mostly peaceful protests” gaslighters are at it again? I don’t believe it!
    I remember something really odd about the Russia Russia Russia investigation that just didn’t sit right with me. It was all the action shots of Robert Mueller anytime he was photographed or seen on TV.
    Google “Robert Mueller walking” and you will see the *exact* images the media used for him. Notice the camera angles that emphasize motion. Notice the forward pep in his step. Notice the halo on several of the photos. All of that was by design, to make the public believe there was urgent work being done on a grave matter, when there was actually nothing there at all.

  10. My friends … the inverted symbolism of the two photos on the TIME cover is FAR WORSE than simply not wanting the heroic Trump image. What is the dominant subject matter of the “new” TIME cover image? Answer: Trash. The subject matter of the photo is TRASH littering the green lawns of the Trump Rally.

    So TIME has gone from a HEROIC image of Trump and his cheering supporters … to … well … TRASH. That’s it. That’s the takeaway … that Trump = TRASH. Oh! You think I am just spewing hyperbole? Wake up … that’s EXACTLY what the photo editors wanted. To leave the country with an image that Trump and his supporters are TRASH.

    And of course the new image is in black and white. Like an oldy-fashioned black and white TV … like only Trump supporters remember.

    Symbolism is important. And the TIME editors knew exactly what they wanted.

    1. To anybody with a brain, what the trash actually symbolizes is the content of the magazine.
      The MSM, the Biden admin and the establishment in general have lost any hint of credibility they may have once had. Every stunt like this just drives more of the “undecided” to our side. That is what few “undecided” are left after they elevated Trump to God King level.
      The only people who take them seriously now are the unhinged woketards, and they were never gonna vote for Trump in the first place.

      1. The only credibility they’ve ever had is with the mentally ill members of the cult.

        The best National MSM ratings of 7 figures or less is pretty sad with a population over 340 million.

    2. kenji: the old say ‘picture worth 1000 words’?
      they got the math wrong. they left the exponent off.
      Time knows what the exponent is having dealt with photos since their inception.
      thats why it had to be swapped out for another one expressing at least equal words
      also, from what you say, please leave soon before anything untoward shd happen

  11. I think it’s great the photo also features the failure of DEI. The too short agent is failing to protect the president, but is enabling a great pic, fortunately not another bullet .

  12. dont fergit when Cdn content regs kicked in, instead of letting existing Cdn subscriptions run out, Communistime magazine CANCELLED THEM.

  13. Too bad.The original is also a very good visual. Basically they have really cheapened their magazine by not striving for excellence. The original would also have made a fine collector edition.

  14. Is Time still around? I haven’t seen a copy anywhere in years! There always used to be a current copy at the Dr’s and the barber’s.

    1. “Is Time still around?”

      I’m guessing you probably have to go online to find it and subscribe or something, if you cared to. I couldn’t imagine what they would charge for worthless content though. Maybe free if you give them your mailing details for India call centres or something akin?

  15. Don’t kid yourself – the Democrats are so desperate to keep Trump out of office they’d start a nuclear war to do it.
    And so “Dead Soon” will include millions.
